This is the Message Centre for Serephina

Being nosey ;)

Post 21

fords - number 1 all over heaven

1) Yes, many many times!
2) P*******'s O*k, London
3) You were annoyed about something
4) We do!
5) Good friend smiley - hug

Being nosey ;)

Post 22

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

1) have we met?
No, never heard of this person.

2) if so when and where?
Never never, I swear my Lud, never met the accused.

3) the first thing you remember about me?
Nothing I were pished smiley - winkeye

4) do we keep in touch? would you like to see more of each other? (or have the chance to meet?)
Yes. yes. I mean No, never met this person before smiley - doh

5) would you consider me an internet aquaintance,internet friend, buddy,friend,good/close friend,best friend, family,lover or not a 'friend' at all?
yes, I mean no, I mean yes I mean no I mean, probably yesh, maybe no. something.


Two glasses and a small onion.

Being nosey ;)

Post 23

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Ah, 2legs, you haven't got a small onion. You have the 2legs onion. It is what it is. I know someone who's quite partial to the 2legs onion...

Being nosey ;)

Post 24

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

1) have we met?
2) if so when and where?
3) the first thing you remember about me?
4) do we keep in touch? would you like to see more of each other? (or have the chance to meet?)
5) would you consider me an internet aquaintance,internet friend, buddy,friend,good/close friend,best friend, family,lover or not a 'friend' at all?

1 nope not yet
2 well hopfully soon
3 errr
4 well yes smiley - biggrin on here
5 a mate
6 shoes size 9's
7 a nice big cuppa
8 champagne
9 pockets
smiley - biggrin

Being nosey ;)

Post 25

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Oi! R! leave my onions out of this smiley - winkeyesmiley - rofl

Being nosey ;)

Post 26

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

But I was lookong forward to involving your onions.smiley - biggrin

Being nosey ;)

Post 27

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

and...... prray tell.... just how do you intend to involve my onions....? smiley - biggrinsmiley - evilgrinsmiley - whistle

Being nosey ;)

Post 28

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Well, how would you like me to invlove your onions? I had tickling, pinching and clamping in mind.

Being nosey ;)

Post 29

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Not too sure about the clamping... but what the heck... smiley - evilgrin

Being nosey ;)

Post 30


'wondering quite what RF's 'blimey' was at but not sure she wants to know '

smiley - winkeye

no ive never met you either 2legs smiley - laugh

Being nosey ;)

Post 31


on h fords, i first met you outside hyde park , was prolly annoyed at having had to wait so long in the heat for you n jonothan smiley - tongueout the first thing i remember about you then is you had your hair red n was wearing sunglasses. smiley - tongueout tht mustve been summer 2003..

Being nosey ;)

Post 32

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

oi what about me (i feels quite left out)

smiley - biggrin

Being nosey ;)

Post 33

Skankyrich [?]

1. Yes
2. Bell Book and Candle, Christmas meet last year.
3. A big happy grin, though I was quite smiley - drunk
4. We do, vaguely, though I don't know you too well - I like your journals and it will be smiley - cool to see you again in January
5. Internet friend, at the moment. I'm sure if I said anything further down the line I'd be considered arrestable after about ten minutes of conversation smiley - smiley

Being nosey ;)

Post 34


smiley - bigeyes

Being nosey ;)

Post 35

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - boingsmiley - boing

Being nosey ;)

Post 36


Agggh theres a complete stranger smiley - boinging in my journal smiley - winkeye

Being nosey ;)

Post 37

You can call me TC

1) have we met?

Yes, but you won't remember.

2) if so when and where?

hootoo meet Jan this year at the Bell Book and Candle

3) the first thing you remember about me?

Actually, you knocked over a glass, and I think you fell down yourself. But later when you were sitting with Ged you were quite docile.

4) do we keep in touch? would you like to see more of each other? (or have the chance to meet?)

I feel rather the voyeurette as your journal is usually very revealing. Can't help throwing my smiley - 2cents in occasionally, though. And can't persuade myself to unsubscribe, either!!

5) would you consider me an internet aquaintance,internet friend, buddy,friend,good/close friend,best friend, family,lover or not a 'friend' at all?

As you probably still have no idea who I am, I can't even claim that you're an internet acquaintance. Will rectify that at the meet in Jan 2006.

*note to self - time to book flights, I promised B'Elana*

Being nosey ;)

Post 38


I do remember you Trillian, I have vague recollection of knocking something over but i dont remember falling over smiley - yikessmiley - blush

Damn that alcohol

Being nosey ;)

Post 39

Mol - on the new tablet

1. Yes
2. January meet 2005 and July meet 2005
3. I was dithering, wondering if I'd really done the right thing in turning up, and then suddenly a wide-eyed, smiling, friendly-looking face said "Hello! Who are you? I'm Seraphina ... I'm a white witch and this is sex on the beach". And I looked at her and thought cautiously, well, she doesn't *look* like the internet nutters my husband was worried about, despite what she's just said. And you looked after me and out for me and turned out to be a lovely caring person ... even when I had to help you walk from the loo without bumping into the walls smiley - winkeye
4. Well, sort of ... via journals ... I'm not terribly good at keeping in touch smiley - sigh
5. An internet friend that I've been lucky enough to meet in RL.

smiley - hug


Being nosey ;)

Post 40


smiley - blush

I remember you coming in looking lost but not saying anything weird ..but then if i was already on the cocktails smiley - drunksmiley - laugh

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