This is the Message Centre for Serephina

Rant alert!

Post 41

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Were you online last night??

Someone came into msn asking if I was of mixed race.. smiley - erm

Rant alert!

Post 42


Dont remember when i was on here yesterday n when i wasnt..smiley - erm

eh? why were they asking you that?

Rant alert!

Post 43

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

My msn opened as I came online.. and your msn asked me who I was.. I misread it and thought is asked 'how' I was..

I replied and asked how you were .. calling you baby.. as I do.. and they just came back asking that.

I know you had been to an internet cafe.. so I just took it that someone managed to use your msn before it closed out properly.

Rant alert!

Post 44


I've not been at the net cafe since thursday or friday! and then i had to try n open a new msn cos id forgotton the password etc for the other one! smiley - erm yesterday i was out with josh at the cinema n buying him some clothes n was in bed not long after casulaty smiley - yawn

very strange!

Rant alert!

Post 45

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Not to worry, there was no harm done. If anyone bothers me in email, I can always junk it.. smiley - biggrin

Rant alert!

Post 46


Still strange though!

hows life otherwise?

Rant alert!

Post 47

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

This last week has been rough, in hootoo and in RL.. but hopefully things will settle down again now.. smiley - smiley

I know you have got a sticky eye smiley - hug

Rant alert!

Post 48


yeah its getting right on my tits !

Awwww smiley - hug things will get better..

Rant alert!

Post 49

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Sorry for ranting in your Journal last nigth.. only if you look in my PS.. I couldn't very well say too much there *sigh*

Rant alert!

Post 50


dont worry about it..i was ranting too smiley - biggrin

Idve named names if i were you.. i couldnt believe it when he went n joined in oblivious!

Rant alert!

Post 51


Here's the convo Lil was talking about on the willy thread!

<<<Here's an interesting side issue, as it were. Just been talking about MRI scans on MSN,since i am supposed to have one & really don't fancy being shoved in a little tube & left to fester.

Someone who shall remain nameless from on here said , aww hell, i will just copy & paste & wipe out L**'s namesmiley - winkeye

<<<they have had horses, turtles and gorillas in them
Terriandyoda says:
all at the same time ? "now keep still for the next hour or so, yu get back in yr shell, as for king kong, STOP biting Rum Runner!"
L** says:
.. you are crazy
Terriandyoda says:
L** says:

Terriandyoda says:
why would they have those 3 together? have they beeen doing menage a trois & all got locked together in passion?
Terriandyoda says:
i am trying to imagine who did what to who
L** says:
Terriandyoda says:
L** says:
you will have a fit of the giggles on Tues.. imagining all this with you eyes shut
Terriandyoda says:
hmm i think i sall start a post on the willy thread about this
L** says:
what our conversation??
Terriandyoda says:
the gorilla, horse & turtle combo, what positions would lead to a visit to the hospital for all concerned>>>

So, here you are dildo peeps, let your minds run free, meanwhile i will look at backlog which i gather involves Super Big Willy stuff.>>>


Rant alert!

Post 52

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

She's following me! smiley - yikessmiley - run

Rant alert!

Post 53

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Can we go back to that video? Cos I was gonna lift up my skirt and everything smiley - bigeyes

Rant alert!

Post 54

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

That isn't fair! smiley - cross

You've been home to change your underwear! smiley - whistle

Rant alert!

Post 55

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Who says I'm wearing underwear? smiley - whistle

Rant alert!

Post 56

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

FREEEEDDDDDIIEEEE!!! smiley - yikes

Rant alert!

Post 57

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Shouldn't you two be in bed?

Rant alert!

Post 58

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Hang on, that could be misinterpretd. I didn't mean in bed together!

Rant alert!

Post 59

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Oops.. smiley - blush

Rant alert!

Post 60

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

I bet you could sell tickets!smiley - evilgrin

Lordy, I sound like RF now.

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