This is the Message Centre for Serephina

Rant alert!

Post 161

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Pretty much. Felt a lot better this morning but EV (wisely) advised me to take today off too. Even managed to have something more substantial than Lucozade and ginger biscuits today smiley - smiley

Rant alert!

Post 162

A Super Furry Animal


Does this mean I can't harrass you at work tomorrow?

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Rant alert!

Post 163

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Nah, I'll be there. Better make an appearance because I've only been in one day this week.

Rant alert!

Post 164

A Super Furry Animal

Ha! I'm "working from home" tomorrow!

Tee hee!

I'll probably get as much work done tomorrow as I did today...

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Rant alert!

Post 165

aka Bel - A87832164

So did you manage to set up a network ? Bought a router and all that ?
Goodnight smiley - yawn
Oh, before I forget, what about the AHA concert next week ? The offer still stands smiley - biggrin

Rant alert!

Post 166

A Super Furry Animal

No, haven't bought a router, so I'll be switching the cable between 2 computers. Or not. I may brave the work servers and use h2g2 via their network, seeing as they don't "access denied" it generally.

smiley - sorry No to A-Ha. You'll just have to go and tell me all about it. They're quite good, apparently. But I'm sure they'll be playing London sometime soon.

RFsmiley - evilgrin

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