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Sizzling sockets batman!

Post 1


smiley - yikes

Was awoken from mysunday afternoon napbu jo shouting that the telly had gone seemed to be the circuit breaker so i told him to let it cool off for a bit . Woke up properly n remembered all the sockets in the house go to the one breaker switch smiley - dohsmiley - sleepy so wandered round turning off everythig one by one n trying the breaker again..all the time wondering what this funny noise was I could hear! smiley - erm eventually got to the socket in the wee alcove behind the sofa where i charge my was sizzling away (still with charger in!) like a pan of sausages! smiley - yikes

thankfully the charger still works ,no one got blown up etc..but im avoiding that socket for a while! josh ad drank a cartonof juice thenlobbed the supposedly empty carton over the sofa behind himso as not to have to get up to the bin! smiley - doh


Post 2


This post has been removed.

Sizzling sockets batman!

Post 3

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

smiley - erm?

Sizzling sockets batman!

Post 4

A Super Furry Animal

Tosscarton, shoorly?

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Sizzling sockets batman!

Post 5


Tosscarton then smiley - laugh

Sorry just had a fuse blow after reading the WJH thread!

Sizzling sockets batman!

Post 6

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

smiley - biggrin

We had a elecky scocket like the one you have.... but ours went BANG! and all the lights in the street went out smiley - laugh

Sizzling sockets batman!

Post 7


dodgy circuit breaker then? smiley - winkeye

Sizzling sockets batman!

Post 8

A Super Furry Animal

Oh, that tosspot.

Yes, absolutely. Oh well, he'll eventually get banned.

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Sizzling sockets batman!

Post 9


Hopefully sooner rather than later!smiley - grr

Sizzling sockets batman!

Post 10


hmmmm I wonder if I could think of a spell to get rid of him but avoid the hexing loophole smiley - evilgrin

Sizzling sockets batman!

Post 11

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

My missus has just walked in from shopping and shes sporting a shiner
smiley - rofl

Sizzling sockets batman!

Post 12


eh? why?

Sizzling sockets batman!

Post 13

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

walked into the door while leaving it smiley - biggrin

Sizzling sockets batman!

Post 14

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

just got a bad of frozen peas out of the fridge for her, not bad for a bloke eh! smiley - cool

Sizzling sockets batman!

Post 15


not bad for a trained monkey eithersmiley - tongueout

go make her a cup of tea..

Sizzling sockets batman!

Post 16

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

all under control, matey smiley - biggrin but you can't help sniggering, almost as bad as when she went to the beuty shop for a facial and came out with only one eyebrow smiley - laugh sorry but its funny

Sizzling sockets batman!

Post 17


That is funny smiley - laugh

Hope she got a refund!

Sizzling sockets batman!

Post 18

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

the kettle has boiled and the EG is in the pot, the frozen peas is applied and the hubby has stopped sniggering, the mother-in-law is being helpful.... apperntly it was her holding the door open and she let it go

smiley - blush

Sizzling sockets batman!

Post 19

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

she did get a refund and a eyebrow pencil of the wrong colour too

smiley - laughsmiley - roflsmiley - biggrinsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

Sizzling sockets batman!

Post 20


Oh dear.. smiley - rofl

I've had my eyebrows waxed've put me off going again!

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