Life of the Damned

Recently self banished from a world that I have been on the last two-hundred year. I the spun the banishing wheel and popped up in this world. Not that far from my home world in likeness, I like what I have seen so far and heard rumors of a group called S.T.U.M.P.E.D which sounds to be some fun.
While in the last world I was its savior first. A campaign that I lost all may friend to my own hand. It seem the great evil needed a replacement and chose me to take his place. While I was a human I was the strongest Magi in the world, It was when I drained the life, or should I say unlife, of the great Liches did I become something else.
I survived and took my role with pride. I killed some would-be hero,but that was a bore so I started a guild of magi to fight against the great Lich. Which they didn't know was me so it was fun to send my student to adventure and grow in strength only to play with them like mice till the end.
One time my anger got to me and I began to destroy everyone of them, luckily I stopped before they were all died. There were four still alive when I finally got control of myself. I decided that I would go to another world to find new fun to play with and here I am.


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Wrath the Fallen Drake

Researcher U191710


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