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Bea's Bargains 16.11

Post 1


On Sunday, we visited a local Outlet Mall. It has recently opened a new super-sized Tesco, we reckon in an attempt to attract shoppers from The South.

There are quite a few empty units, but one of my favoruites, L K Bennett, is still going, and I was delighted to pick up a couple of heavily discounted items there.

A skirt, in black and white fine tweed, down from £145 to £20. It'll be lovely with black boots, jumper and a statement necklace.

A perspex cuff, in black with bling crystal detail. Also down from £145 to £20, and with an additional 20% discount applied bringing it down to £16. Would anyone really pay over £100 for a piece of plastack?

Bea's Bargains 16.11

Post 2

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

A perspex cuff?smiley - huh

Sometimes I think I have led a sheltered life smiley - winkeye

I have also been shopping for bargains today, in Grimsby, as the cleaner's round at Mum's so my presence is not required until this afternoon. I got two calendars with matching diaries, and frozen food from Iceland. Didn't see Peter Andre though smiley - sadface

Must run for the smiley - bus for Mum's nowsmiley - run

smiley - galaxysmiley - diva

Bea's Bargains 16.11

Post 3

Icy North

You'll never catch that bus if you run away from it.

Try smiley - spacesmiley - bussmiley - spacesmiley - nur

Bea's Bargains 16.11

Post 4


Acrylic, not perspex, but here it is.

Bea's Bargains 16.11

Post 5

pebblederook-The old guy wearing surfer beads- what does he think he looks like?

I enjoyed your journals last year and I am getting the same kick this year too. I am not sure why, I am a seventy year old male who lives alone (don't go aaaah, I love it) and usually wear a T-shirt and jeans with occasionally matching socks, for a whole week at a time.

Perhaps its the thrill of experiencing a totally alien existence?

Bea's Bargains 16.11

Post 6

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

[Amy P]

Bea's Bargains 16.11

Post 7

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

The new mall down the street used to have Au Bon Pain, which was my favorite French café. Unfortunately, they closed it and substituted a "Neiman Marcus Last Chance" store, which probably has prices that are *still* too high for most people.

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