This is the Message Centre for Beatrice
MMF's Reims report.
MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship. Started conversation Jun 21, 2013
Beatrice, my Meet report for your perusal. Please correct or amend.
Great to meet up and hope to see you again soon.
MMF's Reims report.
Beatrice Posted Jun 22, 2013
Looks pretty good, very detailed!
I think there's a "Next" missing an N, and I would translate reve as "dream".
I'm so glad you found your purse - the feeling of being robbed is ghastly, even if it IS a Parisian tradition
I'd assumed you booked that hotel precisely because it WAS so close to the gare - bit of serendipity there
I'm off to Paris again next week - at least I now know my way round CDG and the train system, which is always useful.
Lovely to see you again and looking forward to seeing some of your photos!
MMF's Reims report.
MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship. Posted Jun 22, 2013
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MMF's Reims report.
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