This is the Message Centre for Beatrice
Beatrice's Create badge Nov 2012
Sol Started conversation Jan 3, 2013
Hi there!
Sorry for the delay – clearly I was exhausted from our efforts in November. Then, y’know, it was Christmas. And New Year. If it helps, I have some horrible fines in library books too.
But here is your November Create badge. We decided to give them to those who managed at least 15 days, which clearly you did! It’s below, but not in Pliny – you’ll have to get it from one of the other skins if you generally use that:
There is also a badge for those who did the whole thing. I am a bit awed by the fact that you both did it and did it in verse, but it's a hell of a thread so it looked like fun!
I wrote like the wind
in h2g2 NaJoPoMo 2012
We have a new challenge for January, which is here if you are interested: A87781585 I certainly hope you will take part in Create again in 2013 at some point.
Happy New Year!
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Beatrice's Create badge Nov 2012
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