This is the Message Centre for Fizzymouse- no place like home

Hi Fizzy, it's Ivan...

Post 81

Ivan the Terribly Average

I have a mental picture of a smiley - mouse typing away while surrounded by squirrels and badgers and things who no doubt make critical comments from time to time.

Spiders can make life exciting at times. Mum got bitten by one on the day the undertaker was coming around to help us pick the right box to put my grandmother in. We asked if he did two-for-one deals. Mum wasn't all that impressed.

And now I'm off to do something perilous. I'm going to clean the kitchen. I may be gone some time.

smiley - run

Hi Fizzy, it's Ivan...

Post 82

Fizzymouse- no place like home

smiley - rofl

You are evil.smiley - evilgrin

Be careful out there.smiley - winkeye

smiley - mouse

Hi Fizzy, it's Ivan...

Post 83

Ivan the Terribly Average

The kitchen has been beaten into submission. Everything's so clean you could eat off it, which is probably just as well.

I shall shortly make a mess of it all again.

I should probably iron a shirt too, in honour of the first day in the new job. After the first day they can get to know the real me.

Hi Fizzy, it's Ivan...

Post 84

Fizzymouse- no place like home

smiley - applause

Well done ... I wish now that you could do mine.smiley - rolleyes

We live at the base of an ironing mountain ... which won't be deminishing any time soon ... the thing is we add to it every week and it never gets any smaler.smiley - erm

Now this time thing is getting me again do I say smiley - goodluck for today or tomorrow.smiley - erm

I'll just say smiley - goodluck with your new job and hope you have a flying start.smiley - ok

smiley - hug

smiley - mouse

Hi Fizzy, it's Ivan...

Post 85

Ivan the Terribly Average

It's today. Gosh. I have about an hour to fool about online, then I'll have to leave for a day of meeting 25 people and not remembering any of their names afterwards.

It's all rather nerve-wracking.

Hi Fizzy, it's Ivan...

Post 86

Fizzymouse- no place like home

smiley - wow

You must be a bundle of nerves ..... try to imagine them naked ... then type their names on their *bits* .... in your imagination of course.smiley - winkeye

smiley - goodlucksmiley - goodlucksmiley - goodlucksmiley - goodlucksmiley - goodlucksmiley - goodluck Tons of luck from me and you'll be fine.smiley - zen

smiley - mouse

Hi Fizzy, it's Ivan...

Post 87

Ivan the Terribly Average

smiley - zen I'll be OK smiley - zen I'll be OK smiley - zen I'll be OK...

*thinks* What the blazes am I letting myself in for?

Hi Fizzy, it's Ivan...

Post 88

Fizzymouse- no place like home

You are soooooo smiley - cool you'll be smiley - brr.

Take it easy there smiley - dontpanic you haven't let yourself in for anything you aren't capable of.smiley - winkeye

smiley - towel

smiley - mouse

Hi Fizzy, it's Ivan...

Post 89

Ivan the Terribly Average

Well, I survived Day One but I'm in no shape to say anything lucid about it. smiley - flustered The first day always does my head in.

I need food, then bed, in that order.

Hi Fizzy, it's Ivan...

Post 90

Fizzymouse- no place like home

Oh, I hope you're sleeping well.smiley - zzz

Those first few days can be very emotionally draining ... take your time and all the sleep you need.smiley - hug

Aw bless .... smiley - smiley

smiley - mouse

Hi Fizzy, it's Ivan...

Post 91

Ivan the Terribly Average

I slept like a log. Head on pillow, and suddenly it's eight hours later. It's been ages since I slept that well.

And now, Day Two. smiley - zen This will be better - I already know where my desk is, and where the toilets are...

Hi Fizzy, it's Ivan...

Post 92

Fizzymouse- no place like home

Well you're ahead on points then .... if you can get yourself a cuppa' by the end of today you've it sussed.smiley - winkeye

I hope it goes just as well today - and after your sound sleep you should be ready for anything.smiley - bigeyes

smiley - mouse

Hi Fizzy, it's Ivan...

Post 93

Ivan the Terribly Average

And so ends Day Two. smiley - zen I managed to sort out a few things, but I'm still in the dark about what it is that I'm actually supposed to do. I don't see that getting any clearer this side of Christmas.

But who cares? smiley - silly I'm still rid of my former employer.

Hi Fizzy, it's Ivan...

Post 94

Fizzymouse- no place like home

Exactly, sleep well and keep chillin' I'm sure the new year will bring great clarity to your life and work.....

.... just call me Mystic Meg.smiley - witch

smiley - mouse

Hi Fizzy, it's Ivan...

Post 95

Ivan the Terribly Average

And here comes day three. It's almost routine now so I'll drop the capitals. smiley - smiley

The big dilemma right now is deciding what to wear. It's about 12C now, but it'll be 25C later, so I need a shirt that looks OK without a jacket, and a jacket that doesn't clash with the shirt. *sigh* It's all so difficult.

Hi Fizzy, it's Ivan...

Post 96

Fizzymouse- no place like home

Oh come on .... it's been Christmas before.smiley - laugh

Don't fret ... all those new people will be wanting to impress you too, so just step out in what you would normally wear to work in that weather.smiley - rolleyes


Have a good day.smiley - smooch

smiley - mouse

Hi Fizzy, it's Ivan...

Post 97

Ivan the Terribly Average

In the event it didn't matter what I wore 'cos I still spilt lunch all down the front of it. smiley - flustered I bet people were impressed.

Never mind, it's not my favourite shirt - it's linen, and consequently not often seen in public on account of the need for ironing.

Today I finally worked out why one of my new colleagues looks so familiar. I've only seen her on the bus a few times a week for the last two years. smiley - silly Sometimes I'm observant - other times not.

Hi Fizzy, it's Ivan...

Post 98

Fizzymouse- no place like home

smiley - rofl

That's the style ... wear your lunch.smiley - weird

Yes, when I used to smiley - bus to work I'd often later meet 'familiar' faces then try to figure out where I'd seen them before.smiley - laugh

You never get a second chance to make a first impression.smiley - winkeye

Sleep well ... you've almost your first week over you.smiley - cool

.... and you've a weeks rest to look forward to.smiley - zen

smiley - mouse

Hi Fizzy, it's Ivan...

Post 99

Ivan the Terribly Average

Oddly enough, everyone's taking tomorrow off - except me. smiley - weird I must be in charge already. smiley - cool

It'll be a good chance to read legislation and other fun things, uninterrupted. There might also be some discreet shopping trips...

Hi Fizzy, it's Ivan...

Post 100

Fizzymouse- no place like home

Wow, that was quick ... leaving the lunatics in charge of the madhouse.smiley - weird

I hope you are having a fitful sleep and enjoy your last day of work before the break.smiley - zen

Shopping indeed during the firms time too.... smiley - bigeyes You must be a prize to get away with that.smiley - goodluck

smiley - mouse

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