This is the Message Centre for the late Scorpion deRooftrouser
Hi Scorpion de Rooftrouser...
SallyM Started conversation Feb 6, 2002
Like your name, why did you choose it?
Thanks for the tip on squirrels, but I'm guessing putting your head in a bag full of angry anything is a bad idea?
Hi I'm one of the welcoming people on the site and we're called ACES (doesn't that sound great) but it really means assistant community editors (which sounds all formal and not so cool).
My name is Sally and I'm here to say hello and to help out if you have any problems.
This is a page with a few helpful links, so that I don't have to write them out lots of times (included is the smiley page)
If you have any problems just reply to this message and I'll see if I can help, or at least find someone who can.
Enjoy and have fun.
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Hi Scorpion de Rooftrouser...
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