sk8 hard and listen to punk

hey all you weirdos,
this is the demented genius speaking. i'm just here to say that sk8ing frickin rocks. other things up there on the list are rock climbing, punk/ska music, and of course hanging out with your messed up crazy friends. anyway, i'm not much of a sk8r in case you're wondering...i'm still working on my bs noseslides rite now. i'm not too shabby at climbing. i think the hardest route i've made is maybe like 5.12B or something like that. i dunno, it was a f**king rush and that's all that matters. and what can i say about my music? i can't live without it... most importantly tho are your true friends. they're hard to come by so make sure you ambush them quickly when you see one and drag him into an alley and punch him in the stomach until he says he'll be your best friend. once you get a few of these best friends, you're set.

anyway, my screen name for AIM is "demented geniuz" without the quotes and with the space so if you wanna get in touch, then speak up and i might take notice of you. and keep an eye out for any published works from Aziraphallus, which is what my friend and i are deciding to call our writing partnership. if ya got questions for us, the write us at rock on, sk8 hard, love, peace, and chicken grease, climb on, and tofu on. WOOHOO!!!!

==> The Demented Genius <==

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Hey Jan 29, 2002


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My point No Posting Oct 15, 2003
stressing out Jan 23, 2002 No Replies
The Secret of Common Sense Jan 21, 2002 No Replies
Upcoming Writings Jan 21, 2002 No Replies
skateboarding Jan 19, 2002 No Replies


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The Demented Genius

Researcher U188988


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