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Welcome mctrmt by name, not by nature

Post 1

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!


My name is Bassman - one of the A.C.E.s (Assistant Community Editors - oficial meeters and greeters here at the site)

May your stay be a long and happy one. If there's anything I can help out with - just click the "Reply" button at the bottom of this post. If you want to have a look round, click my name and check out some of the places to go and people to meet at my space.

Besides your new house, what floats your boat?

Bassman smiley - cool

Welcome mctrmt by name, not by nature

Post 2


hey bassman,
happy to be met and greeted. hopefully during my time here i will refrain from making a total fool out of myself... we shall see.
besides the new house, my boat is currently kept afloat by an approaching trip to montreal, 3 months of assured employment at the university, "lord of the rings" (both book and movie), and the dream that one day the daubers [url removed by moderator] will reunite.


Welcome mctrmt by name, not by nature

Post 3

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

I don't know if you read the rules and forgot - or didn't bother, but you can't post URL's in forum postings. You may do so at your own space.

Lord of the Rings is one (Three in fact) of the only books I've read as an adult. I'm not a great reader of books, I do magazines and technical manuals mostly. I did the Hobbit as well - as a precursor to reading the other three. I tried the Silmarillion but it was very heavy going.

The film was absolutely fantastic. I thought the cinematography was particularly fine and if there's an oscar for that, it should win.

Bassman smiley - cool

Welcome mctrmt by name, not by nature

Post 4


I realised that I shouldn't have posted the url about a minute after I had...whoops.
The American Film Institute gave FOTR their movie of the year award... I don't know if I agree with that... there were some other contenders that were much better... but just the fact that Peter Jackson took the project on, shot it all at once, and just generally had the guts to try it (and not mess it up royally) deserves major kudos. Yes, I think an oscar for cinematography (at least a nomination) is in the stars for that one. Have you seen any other of Jackson's films? I've only seen The Frighteners, but heard Dead Alive was brilliant.
I've heard the Silmarillion was hard going from a number of I'm hesitant about starting it. I'm finding LOTR much easier reading the second time through- it's alot easier following all the place names and all that family tree stuff.

Welcome mctrmt by name, not by nature

Post 5


I realised that I shouldn't have posted the url about a minute after I had...whoops.
The American Film Institute gave FOTR their movie of the year award... I don't know if I agree with that... there were some other contenders that were much better... but just the fact that Peter Jackson took the project on, shot it all at once, and just generally had the guts to try it (and not mess it up royally) deserves major kudos. Yes, I think an oscar for cinematography (at least a nomination) is in the stars for that one. Have you seen any other of Jackson's films? I've only seen The Frighteners, but heard Dead Alive was brilliant.
I've heard the Silmarillion was hard going from a number of I'm hesitant about starting it. I'm finding LOTR much easier reading the second time through- it's alot easier following all the place names and all that family tree stuff.

Welcome mctrmt by name, not by nature

Post 6



Welcome mctrmt by name, not by nature

Post 7

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

You'll learn patience here if nothing else. We all fall foul of the double post - don't worry about it....

Bassman smiley - cool

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