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There's always an upside

Oh, I'm so sick. My only consolation...rum toddies, all night long! Que la fete commence!

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Latest reply: Mar 1, 2002

nous aimons les chats volants!

Tomorrow, Montreal. How exciting! Now, if I can just track down that black-out stout...

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Latest reply: Feb 12, 2002

Nous aimons les chats volants!

Tomorrow, Montreal. How exciting! Happy New Year!

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Latest reply: Feb 12, 2002

Friday Night

Ah, Friday night. What could be more exciting than sitting at the computer terminal with a trad' in my hand (good god, I never say "trad'"), listening to Guy Lombardo and His Royal Canadians?

Yes, I finished off "Galactic Pot Healer" last night, as the bath went from tepid to cold. Thoroughly enjoyable, oh thoroughly. Also, "2001" progressing nicely, and of course Book Four.

Tomorrow is the big night of art openings. First sushi, then bowling, then art. Come for the beer, stay for the art. The food is usually pretty dire though. "oooh! look! it's another spinach-dip-in-the-loaf-of-bread!" "oooh! carrots!" "ooh! an o'henry bar chopped into bits!" I hope the weather is fairly fair, as I am carless (as usual) and doomed to wander the city on foot. I could always sleep at the studio, which could make for an interesting (though cold) (and possibly supernatural) night. More or less; our house may be slightly haunted as well.

Then Sunday, when Dave comes back- hooray. It's quite pitiful; when he's away I sort of break down and lay about the house and be quite thoroughly boring. Not that I'm the soul of fun otherwise, but the poor cat must get so tired of the constant talking to her.

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Latest reply: Jan 19, 2002

Oh, but there's more

So I went to FOTR, again, and I realised that I have this sort of idiotic secret hope that if I see it enough times, the next time it will just magically turn into The Two Towers. "Oh, hey, will you just take a look at that!" Ha. HA. Ah.
I told my class to bring extra shoes for Thursday. I think they must suspect that they'll be drawing them, but I don't know if they realize just how much, and how very very tired of shoes they will be by 12 o'clock.
I am reading 'Galactic Pot Healer' and I have the horrible feeling that I've read it before. I also borrowed 'We can Build You', which I know for sure that I have read, but can remember absolutely nothing from either, except that Lincoln is in it. Ah, Philip K. Dick. In one eye and out the back of the head.
I remember in Chemistry class so many years ago a friend passed an encoded note to me which said something like, "I don't mean to alarm you, but 'Mostly Harmless' is out now," and naturally I was quite alarmed.
It's still early...

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Latest reply: Jan 16, 2002

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