Journal Entries


Another slow i watch a video and eat fish from the oven. The film is rather poor...wes craven's Vampire 2001 or looked like a product placement vehicle for Virgin.

Then i watch Manu beat an exciting second half fight back...typical united really...shakey at the back...devastating in attack...

Work to will have to get up early...

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Latest reply: Jan 6, 2002

New Years Day

Another entry. Star date 1.1.2002.

A quiet day today...broken only by me playing eminem for amusement.

A walk in the morning to see the sun glinting on the snow...which is still there and seems set to last afew days.

Drinking too much coffee...a bit of housework smiley - sadface...but not too much....mostly chucking away old Guardians which were strewn around the place.

Looked on here a few times...not much seems to be happening...too many hangovers i suppose...which makes me feel pure cos i haven't got one. Back to work tommorow smiley - sadface(...the holidays seems to have sped time itself these days...the days and weeks are like seconds...I am growing old and not too gracefully.

I wonder if anyone is going to read this...

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Latest reply: Jan 1, 2002

Day 3

Another clear cold day. Cars are skidding up frozen hills which have turned to glass. Its nice that the sun is so bright...though driving with it in your face is quite difficult...everything looks black in comparison.

I look forward to the new year...though the January demarcation is quite arbitrary...the new year used to start in March in our old pagan days. The moon is just past full as well and bright at night.

I worry about India and Pakistan...but also that Leeds or Arsenal might win the Premiership...which would be an ill omen for the future of civilisation. I plan to text everyone to wish them a happy new year...then wonder how long this would take...i will wait till midnight.

British Gas ahve written to say that they are putting their charges up...I wonder if the coldest day in the year is the best timing for this peice of news.

Anyway...i sit happy in my house and wait for my vegetable soup to warm up...i shall feel better once it has been eaten.

Happy New Year everybody.

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Latest reply: Dec 31, 2001

Day 2

I have looked round this sight again and have no idea what is going on. I suppose i could contact one of those nice people who contact you. Everyone else seems to be desperately crazy...whilst my page is solemn...

Today was beautiful, the sun was so bright and low in the sky. The snow brilliant white and crisp underfoot. For some reason they had not gritted the everyone drove at 20 mph...which made a change from the usual mad dash towards town. The sky was so blue that it made your heart leap when you looked into it. I guess that soon we will return to the same grey false ceiling of low clouds - but i hope this weather stays until the new year...some kind of auspicious sign of a hopeful future.

I think i will make of them will be to tell no-one what they are.

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Latest reply: Dec 30, 2001

Getting on h2g2

Well someone told me about this site so i thought i'd get on here i am.

I have posted a piece i wrote about the egyptian ennead...but have no idea how to navigate this don't know where it is.

I spend a ridiculous amount of time on ICQ so if you want to chat contact me on here and we can swap numbers.

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Latest reply: Dec 29, 2001

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