This is a Journal entry by dhalgren

New Years Day

Post 1


Another entry. Star date 1.1.2002.

A quiet day today...broken only by me playing eminem for amusement.

A walk in the morning to see the sun glinting on the snow...which is still there and seems set to last afew days.

Drinking too much coffee...a bit of housework smiley - sadface...but not too much....mostly chucking away old Guardians which were strewn around the place.

Looked on here a few times...not much seems to be happening...too many hangovers i suppose...which makes me feel pure cos i haven't got one. Back to work tommorow smiley - sadface(...the holidays seems to have sped time itself these days...the days and weeks are like seconds...I am growing old and not too gracefully.

I wonder if anyone is going to read this...

New Years Day

Post 2

Dorothy Outta Kansas

Hi! I've read your journal entry (followed you here from your criptic comment in the "Religion - Perspectively Yours" thread) and thought I'd let you know I'd visited. Particularly since the line read "I wonder if anyone is going to read this..."

Hope you're now more able to find your way around!

x x Fenny (UT)

Old Years Day

Post 3


Thankyou for reading. As to finding my way not really smiley - smiley

Old Years Day

Post 4

Dorothy Outta Kansas

You're welcome to ask me questions... I've been on smiley - wow eight months, so I'm an oldie!

x x Fenny (UT)

Old Years Day

Post 5



I'm warming to this site now. At first I found it confusing...I think it could do with a site map or something. I think the idea is brilliant...and I love chatting on the net...I use ICQ all the time. Some of the articles are great! Tell me your favourite bits and I'll have a look....if thats ok.

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