This is the Message Centre for Dorian Gray

Hi Ba'alzamon!

Post 1

Evil Zombie Strider

Well, you certainly have made something of yourself in one very short day! Congratulations, and welcome to h2g2!

-Stridersmiley - footprints

I was wrong to mistrust you.

Hi Ba'alzamon!

Post 2

Evil Zombie Strider

BTW, you might want to put a subject onto your space...

smiley - footprints

Hi Ba'alzamon!

Post 3

Evil Zombie Strider

*Ahem!* Are you listening to me?

smiley - footprints

PS I give up. Why are you using the keyboard with one hand?

Hi Ba'alzamon!

Post 4

Dorian Gray

Do I ever listen to you? Well maybe sometimes if it helps further my existance.

heart of Darkness

Hi Ba'alzamon!

Post 5

Dorian Gray

I was only using one hand, because I was eating my lunch with the other.

heart of Darkness

Hi Ba'alzamon!

Post 6

Evil Zombie Strider

thanks. smiley - wow You've done everything! I assume (although knowing what I know about you, this is a rather dangerous assumption) that you taught either English, drama, or a combo of them. I don't have English this year. smiley - cry Only US History and Literature, commonly known as "Hitlist." It's a double class, and serves as my history and my english classes.

smiley - footprints

Hi Ba'alzamon!

Post 7

Evil Zombie Strider

OK. That was me being stupid and posting on the wrong thread. Sorry about that ba'alzamon, it (obviously) wasn't aimed at you. smiley - dohsmiley - doh

smiley - footprints

Hi Ba'alzamon!

Post 8

Dorian Gray

Dude the disrespect. Can't I live in cyberspace without you complaining about your school issues. I hear enough of them in real life.

heart of Darkness

P.s. I need a smily for my sn you know of any?

Hi Ba'alzamon!

Post 9

Dorian Gray

Hey what would I have to do to try to forulate a guild? And is Mr. Surpenon on the Guide?

heart of Darkness

Hi Ba'alzamon!

Post 10

Evil Zombie Strider

smiley - huh I didn't understand your last post...

Maybe smiley - devil ? I dunno... Go to the smileys page (link on my page) and check them out.

smiley - footprints

Hi Ba'alzamon!

Post 11

Dorian Gray

Thanks, I saked if Mr. Surpenon (Micah) was on the guide. (don't shoot me I can't spell either of his names.)


heart of Darkness

Hi Ba'alzamon!

Post 12

Evil Zombie Strider

Oh! First name was correct, last name is Surprenaunt (or something like that). No, he isn't.

smiley - footprints

Hi Ba'alzamon!

Post 13

Dorian Gray

Such a pity, No frodo it was pity that stade Bilbo's han... sorry?

such a pity you should introduce or friend to it, or I will

heart of Darkness

Hi Ba'alzamon!

Post 14

Evil Zombie Strider

Oh, he knows it's here, he's simply chosen for whatever his reasons not to join. smiley - shrug

smiley - footprints

Hi Ba'alzamon!

Post 15

Dorian Gray

You known whatever rubs his budha or floats his boat, or whatever. But thats interesting. I thought he'd like something os this calliper.

heart of Darkness

Hi Ba'alzamon!

Post 16

Evil Zombie Strider

smiley - shrug

smiley - footprints

Hi Ba'alzamon!

Post 17


it is me
whats up?
i see you are on right now and thought... well whatever

Hi Ba'alzamon!

Post 18

Dorian Gray

Dude I was wondering who was our new friend at the party. Its you. Fatdog

heart of Darkness

Hi Ba'alzamon!

Post 19


'tis me
(i guess you were talking to me but i do not know where the name fat dog came from)

glad to be in your conversation circles

Hi Ba'alzamon!

Post 20

Evil Zombie Strider

smiley - yikes Surely you must mean "tis I"!

-The pedantic Strider smiley - footprints

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