This is the Message Centre for Jordan

Blue eyes, blue....

Post 1


Hi...I'm Lampie.
You don't know me, but I wanted to tell you have pretty eyes!smiley - bigeyes
smiley - run

Blue eyes, blue....

Post 2


Aiee! How do you know? Who are you? And what are you doing with my scarf?!? smiley - yikes

- Jordan

Blue eyes, blue....

Post 3

Cat-Eyes: No..... why.... ?

I'm Cat. She's Lampie.

Blue eyes, blue....

Post 4


[Jumps up and down in confusion.]

But you... and who... and why...?!?! smiley - headhurts

JOSEPH! This was your doing, wasn't it?

Ooh, wait till I get him... smiley - grr

- Jordan

Blue eyes, blue....

Post 5


smiley - rofl you have to wait 2 weeks for that jordansmiley - winkeye

Blue eyes, blue....

Post 6


smiley - rofl

Blue eyes, blue....

Post 7


Pretty eyes...Killing khamsin...Missing scarfs...And everyone's happy!smiley - biggrin

Blue eyes, blue....

Post 8


I want cake!

Blue eyes, blue....

Post 9


*shrugs* smiley - cake?

Blue eyes, blue....

Post 10


smiley - laugh well I will be better after jordan tries to hurt me and then remembers he can'tsmiley - winkeye

Blue eyes, blue....

Post 11


smiley - drool Yummy, smiley - cake!!!

Blue eyes, blue....

Post 12


I wonder if it's really pink? I hope not...

Blue eyes, blue....

Post 13


Oh, question...Your eyes (the person whose page this is) are blue, right? Khamsin wasn't sure...smiley - erm

Blue eyes, blue....

Post 14

Uncle_Bob - Back In Black

Hey Everybody!

Blue eyes, blue....

Post 15

Cat-Eyes: No..... why.... ?

It amazing how we can all flock here for no reason to someone we don't even know's personal space... Speaking of which, Rob, how did you get here? Wasn't the link lampie left in the FMA? Or was it on my space which would explain how you got here... This is confusing... But mostly the threads on space end up being like the FMA or the Jedi Academy anyways, cause the only people who go to them are in either of those... and the FMA is usually just stuff that felt funny at the time... I'm ranting, aren't i?

Blue eyes, blue....

Post 16


I know jordan in RL

Blue eyes, blue....

Post 17


Yes, but we don't...I hadn't even heard of him (I think?) until you mentioned his eyes...I do hope they really are blue, or the postings a bit messed up!

Blue eyes, blue....

Post 18


lol... My eyes are blue. Definitely blue. smiley - tongueout

[Examines the droves of people who have randomly flocked to his space.]

Do any of you have a spare sonic screwdriver?

- Jordan

Blue eyes, blue....

Post 19

Uncle_Bob - Back In Black

The link was on your Personal Space, I think. Otherwise how would I have got it?

Jordan: No, but I have a Pet Chicken if that is any help to you.

smiley - coolBOBsmiley - cool

Blue eyes, blue....

Post 20


smiley - rofl

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