This is the Message Centre for Jordan

Trumpet of Triumph

Post 1

Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress' opposed to the Horn of Hypocrisy...
I am offering congratulations on your handling of Justin. I am impressed with both your rationality in the face of the lack of his, (if y'follow,) and the way you display your faith (i.e you do not need to justify it, it comes across quite alright.) I am adding you to my (growing, you will be pleased to hear) list of Good Christians.
OK, that is all, ta and good evening.

Trumpet of Triumph

Post 2


This surely warrants only one thing:

Thanks. smiley - blush

- Jordan

Trumpet of Triumph

Post 3

Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'

...and keep going, o'course.
smiley - smiley

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