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Calm down, you'll bust a bloodvessel!

Post 21


Not still on about that stupid theory Hoo!

Alji smiley - magicthe Magus

Calm down, you'll bust a bloodvessel!

Post 22


Not "everyone" in the literal sense (as Lucinda pointed out exhaustively at the timesmiley - groan), but in the "everyone knows that George W Bush is an imbecile" kind of sense. Everyone, seemingly, doesn't. smiley - biggrin

smiley - cheers

Stesmiley - earth

Calm down, you'll bust a bloodvessel!

Post 23


I'm lost....[what a surprise!]

Calm down, you'll bust a bloodvessel!

Post 24


'Justin, what is the /point/ of punishing people for something they never knew about?

'What's more, your entire faith falls apart when one simply observes that you tell us that our actions and faith cannot help us, but then say that one must /do/ something (admit to be wrong, have faith that God will answer, want to be saved ect.) - i.e. actions and faith - in order to be saved.

'What utter crap. Justin, tell me where the glue is. I care for you, but I certainly don't care for your religion. I am happy to let you preach and believe, but please admit that your religion is logically flawed in this respect. It's not such a big thing for you to admit anyway, since you say that logic doesn't matter anyway.

'- Jordan'

I posted this recently on the 'Well, maybe Paul...' thread. I couldn't resist. I wonder how he'll respond...

I have recieved my test mark and am well depressed by my sub-perfect mark. Expect meaness.

Oi! Stop scuffling your dirty feet across my nice clean space? smiley - grrsmiley - steamsmiley - winkeye

- Jordan

Calm down, you'll bust a bloodvessel!

Post 25


Let us know what he says!

Calm down, you'll bust a bloodvessel!

Post 26


Sure, if he ever replies. I expect it will be along the lines of 'logic does not explain God/is not applicable in this situation', which would conveniently ignore the fact that /he/ started using logic, and that he often justifies himself with logic, /and still/ would not answer my question...

I am going home, effective approximately now. smiley - winkeye

- Jordan

Calm down, you'll bust a bloodvessel!

Post 27


I doubt he will.

Calm down, you'll bust a bloodvessel!

Post 28


What, you doubt Justin will reply, or you doubt Jordan will go home?

Calm down, you'll bust a bloodvessel!

Post 29


Both now you come to mention it!

Calm down, you'll bust a bloodvessel!

Post 30


I went home! Honest! I never stayed at University all night. I've never done that, really... smiley - erm

[I can't even lie online, can I? smiley - sadface]

Umm, has anyone noticed that, despite the fact that his rigidity remains, Justin is starting to sound a bit less, well, possessed? As in, he still won't accept any challenges, but he does however seem to be acting a bit nicer?

Noggin told him that he was 'coming out of his shell' in the aforementioned thread...

But then, I still have to see how he is on the '...God; fact, or fiction?' thread...

- Jordan

Calm down, you'll bust a bloodvessel!

Post 31


I started a conversation with justin asking him what his intentions were on the fact or fiction thread, and although he diodn't make a great deal of sense I don't *think* he told me I'd burn either...

Calm down, you'll bust a bloodvessel!

Post 32


smiley - yikessmiley - winkeye

It seems that he's as preachy (and illogical) as ever, but at least it looks as though he might be taking some of my advice to heart... smiley - smiley (Though only some of it...)

Perhaps he won't need to be thrown out of this site too... we might even get him to a point where he contributes instead of detracting?


No, that's just idle fantasy... smiley - erm

- Jordan

Calm down, you'll bust a bloodvessel!

Post 33


If you're having fantasies about Justin you need to see someone about that! smiley - biggrin

Calm down, you'll bust a bloodvessel!

Post 34


And preferably not Justin smiley - laugh

Calm down, you'll bust a bloodvessel!

Post 35


I'm not sure if anyone here will be interested, but I just made a tit of myself by burting out laughing in the middle of the uni library while readingthe website, and finding a baseball player with the utterly ridiculous name "Tim Spooneybarger"

Calm down, you'll bust a bloodvessel!

Post 36

Noggin the Nog

He responded to my attempt to draw him out by being as preachy as ever, and failing to address anything I'd said. Oh well.


Calm down, you'll bust a bloodvessel!

Post 37


Reverting to type then?

Calm down, you'll bust a bloodvessel!

Post 38


I bought some rice-crispie ripoffs, which tasted like rice crispies should never, /ever/ taste like. They are disgusting, and I instantly dubbed them 'rice crappies'. Since, I have been blurting out laughing as I considered various other names to give to discount cereals, often in the middle of the street. I don't think it was recieved well in the showers at the gym... smiley - erm

I wonder if I should write a comedy sketch about a posh woman (think 'Absolutely Fabulous' going into a discount supermarket for the first time and finding it filled with inappropriately-named products. For the cereal aisle, the main items came from my various fits, and include 'Sh*tabix', which will be malformed Wheetabix which look, well, nasty (have you digested your Sh*tabix?) and 'Scorn Flakes', which will have a graphic of an emaciated rooster on the front (have you forgotten /how/ they taste?), and perhaps 'Vice Crispies', which will have a picture of a big, violent gorilla-type man in jail on the front (thought the 'Rice Crapies' are still in my mind). Also contending are 'Smoko-pops' - which will have pictures of a monkey in a jungle smoking weed on the front. (I'd rather smoke a joint of Smoko-pops...)

Any ideas? smiley - smiley Please don't make people feel inadequate in the process of thinking them up, I was so embarassed. But it was so deliciously funny...

- Jordan

Calm down, you'll bust a bloodvessel!

Post 39


smiley - laugh

Calm down, you'll bust a bloodvessel!

Post 40


Alji, why do you so dislike the theory of the bicameral mind? I think it's a beautiful theory. I don't know if it's true, false or even a good model for the mind of early man, I just think that it's simple, it's economical and it makes complex predictions/explains a wide range of data.

I wonder if a better direction would be to ascertain if this sort of mind belongs to non-human animals - if it applies to primates, it would be far more feasible that it could be a feature of most of the higher primates from homo erectus and beyond... Or perhaps they have something different, like a tricameral mind. I can't see them having consciousness as we have it, but if they did it would be a definite indicator that bicameralism is not a good theory.

I'm diverging! I just want to know why you don't like that theory... smiley - huh

- Jordan

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