
There are things that I should be doing, but I thought I'd write a proper intro page so that I could put off doing them.

There is no better place to dither than Grimsby. 'Europe's Food Town' we call it. So there's nowt much to do if factory work p***** you off. A low-skills area.

It's obvious if you look at an atlas. If you go to Grimsby, there's nowhere else to go. Head north and you go splash into the Humber, although I wouldn't recommend(mental block) it. Head east, and you got the North Sea. Ditto.

In 'The Woman In White' Wilkie Collins refers to Grimsby as 'the most out of the way place in England', although things have improved with the railway and M180/M62 connections.

Isolated, Grimbarians are. To the south, Lincolnshire. Eergh, Yellowbellies and crap roads. To the west, there's Yorkshire: even Scunthorpe counts as Yorkshire, you can tell by the accent. Don't mention Hull. They're always trying to take over.

How about the DMCA (Digital Millenium Copyright Act)? Illegal (in the US) to try to break an encryption algorithm! And it will be illegal in the UK soon if we don't stand (up? out? in? around!)for our fundamental human right to know what's going on inside our computers. Email your MP now. How can these ***** in suits decide how the Linux kernel develops?

Enough polemic for now. I bitch loads, but I wouldn't live anywhere else. If you don't like the idea of Grimsby, come to sunny Cleethorpes! Lots of people visit, and some of them come back!


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