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New Pages... yay!!!

I have added some new pages to my external website [URL Removed by Moderator].

My FBII site is a spoof site.. mainly full of sillyness and a good dose of sci-fi.. of course! I was very honored when a friend asked if his cats could become FBII agents so I have added a section about a silent war between cats and dogs... and this has nothing at all to do with having jus watched the movie

I am currently working on a sister site to be a 'spoof trek' discussion board based sim. In my usual style, it is to have absolutely no sense to it whatso ever, jus lots of very long silly names hehe


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Latest reply: Dec 20, 2001


smiley - ill Aachooooo!!!.... i have a stinky cold ::staggers outta bed too visit h2g2::

Why do cold-cure drinks taste so bad anyway???????? like its not bad enough bein all sniffy and stuff without havin to stand this stuff ew!

::pinches nose while she drinks somemore icky cold cure smiley - yuk ::


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Latest reply: Dec 11, 2001

Honorary Muse...yay!!!!!

Yay!!!!!!!!!! smiley - biggrin

I am now an honorary muse.. soon (hopefully) to be the 'muse of fallin' hehe


ooooo theres jus soooo much to visit there!!!.. smiley - rocket an i jus love explorin off to seek out more muse fun hehe smiley - run

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Latest reply: Dec 5, 2001

Passed my exams!

yay!!!!!!! i found out i passed my PGCE today! smiley - bubbly ::very excited:: have been studying for it over the past two years part time, while working, so its been hard work. No plans to change jobs at the mo cos i love my job smiley - biggrin plan to jus relax fer a bit hehe smiley - zen

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Latest reply: Nov 19, 2001

New links!

Have joined a site ring for very silly people ... still they made an allowence for me ::koff:: hehe smiley - silly [URL Removed by Moderator]

and found a excellent site fer anyone considering resigning from being an adult.. not that i need this you understand smiley - laugh hehe [URL Removed by Moderator]

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Latest reply: Nov 18, 2001

Back to Fallin Space kat, sheep/cat and Muse of Fallin 'vote sheep for government' >^..^< 's Personal Space Home

Fallin Space kat, sheep/cat and Muse of Fallin 'vote sheep for government' >^..^<

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