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cats (pretends this is something she doesnt talk about nonstop) hehe

i have this feline house mate called willow... ok there is a possibilty she played chicken with a car as a kitten and has some brain damage (no joke) smiley - injured but i think she may have special powers. Not the 'climb in a phone box and twirl a bit till you appear in lycra' kind nooo.. but more the ability to see stuff invisable to us humans smiley - magic. she likes to stare for simply minutes at a time at blank walls... tis most spooky realy. oh i know everyone will be saying.. yes yes mine does that... but i have had a lot of furry feline house mates and she does it differently ::thinks this may not sound convincing enough::: she does really!!!! she does it with such intent and follows the 'invisable something' as it travels around the wall... i am attempting to investigate what it may be that willow can see.. suggestions are most and truely welcome! (on the topic that is.. tut!)
::proceeds with doing investigation type thingies::

Kat xxx
smiley - cat

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Latest reply: Nov 10, 2001

First entry :o)

Well... my first day on h2g2 and i am so excited!! Many thanks to Timelord who introduced me to this site. My first impressions! smiley - wow I am about to begin reading 'do androids dream of electric sleep' by Philip Dick, i love Blade Runner but havent (until now) got round to reading the book that inspired the movie. Kat xxx

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Latest reply: Nov 7, 2001

Back to Fallin Space kat, sheep/cat and Muse of Fallin 'vote sheep for government' >^..^< 's Personal Space Home

Fallin Space kat, sheep/cat and Muse of Fallin 'vote sheep for government' >^..^<

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