This is a Journal entry by Fallin Space kat, sheep/cat and Muse of Fallin 'vote sheep for government' >^..^<


Post 1

Fallin Space kat, sheep/cat and Muse of Fallin 'vote sheep for government' >^..^<

smiley - ill Aachooooo!!!.... i have a stinky cold ::staggers outta bed too visit h2g2::

Why do cold-cure drinks taste so bad anyway???????? like its not bad enough bein all sniffy and stuff without havin to stand this stuff ew!

::pinches nose while she drinks somemore icky cold cure smiley - yuk ::



Post 2

Gabriel Atreides

if you liked the taste it wouldn't be called a medacine

::puts on medical gloves while typeing this so not to catch enything::


Post 3

Fallin Space kat, sheep/cat and Muse of Fallin 'vote sheep for government' >^..^<

:::looks medicine up in dictionary:::

'yukky tastin stuff designed to make the victim feel so disgusted they temporarily forget they are ill... with the exception of a late 1970's anti biotic syrup which tasted like bananas, but alas being rather yummy was therefore deemed less successful'

smiley - angel

honest!... hehe


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