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A love of the sea
coelacanth Posted Jul 14, 2002
Hello there! Thank you for thinking of me. Are you well? I see your name is down for the London meet up. Is this for the whole day, just the picnic or just the pub? I'm going but I haven't decided yet quite how much of it I'll do.
Last Saturday I finished term at my old job which was quite a distressing time one way and another. This week I have been into the place to clear out my office which took a whole morning of lifting and carrying. The files, books and papers are now filling the whole of my car. Yesterday when I wanted to go shopping I had to take the train. It will take a whole morning to clear it all out but I don't want to make too much work for myself.
Also, I don't really know where to put the things. I could put it all in boxes in my garage which is a bit damp and spidery but I need to clear the garage first as all the empty boxes I need for the move are in it, as well as some things which could go to the tip really.
I could put the boxes in my house. This would make the place look terribly full up and untidy and leave us all very little room to walk around. Also, as it's far from definite that I have actually sold the house, I need to keep it clear and tidy in case I need to put it back up for sale.
Last week I spent a day at the new school as term continues there for another week. I bought home some work to do too. I usually drive back using the M25 for speed and safety when alone, but this time I took the A25 which is a much nicer route. So, it's likely I went quite near to you!
Sunshine and Moonlight are in foreign parts for 2 weeks so it's very peaceful and the house stays tidy! I look forward to time without them as I think we all get on better after a break. When I was over for the training day I saw a beautiful Victorian country cottage to rent which I know they will adore as much as I did. I don't know yet if I will be allowed to rent it, but I really hope so.
Did you enjoy the sun? I did some gardening and cleared up some nettles from the riverbank so that I can see it from my window better. I don't like to sit in the sun but I do like the warmth.
A love of the sea
Also ran 1 Posted Jul 16, 2002
How great to have your news. You have certainly been busy. I am going to the afternoon session of the meet which I believe is in Hyde Park. It would be great to meet you. I have the perfect thing for all your papers and that is a filing cabinet. I am going to clear out my flat which is really far too crowded and I have two filing cabinets in my bedroom. So if we meet perhaps you will be able to arrange to collect one of them!!.
The Victorian cottage sounds great. It is always difficult saying goodbye to something which one has got used to. Chnage is difficult - but it is also growth and I am sure that you will be very happy in the new post - and also retain your love of teaching.
I look forward to meeting you. I only hope that it does not rain. I do not know what we shall do. I suppose that I could go to one of the museums, but I would like to have a beautiful big car to carry me around!!. It is so difficult to get a taxi to take one when one is in a wheelchair. I have asked a very pretty young lawyer friend of mine to come with us(that is if my son would like to come). she always manages to get the taxis to stop!!. They just look at me and drive on when I am not with her!! Looking forward to Saturday and meeting you. AR1
A love of the sea
coelacanth Posted Jul 17, 2002
I hope that it doesn't rain too. Your plan to take your lawyer friend sounds a good one. I'm still not sure how much of the meet I'll manage. I still need to find out about whether my buyer can get her finance and if not, then I need to get an estate agent in very quickly.
There's a lot to do and I'd like to get as much sorted as I can before the girls get back. They are very upset at my decision to move so I need to show them that everything is going to be fine. Both have exams coming up in the coming year and need to be settled. Moonlight particularly is worried by any kind of uncertainty but Sunshine is heartbroken at the move and cried many times in the last week of term.
I'm not really saying goodbye to anything I've got used to, I never intended to live in this particular house long, it's far too small anyway. However, I did think this job was my dream but it turned out to be a nightmare. For my own sanity, mental and physical health I have to get out after a short time. I had intended to make it my last job ever. Now I really have no idea where my life is going. This will be something like the 20th house move of my life.
All my stuff is out of my car and now fills my garage! It's the contents of my whole departmental office: box files, paperwork, lecture notes, videos, teaching aids etc which I bought with me 2 years ago when I moved from Kent to Hampshire. In September it will all be moved from Hampshire back to Kent into my new office where I will inherit someone elses desk, shelves and filing cabinets. I try to keep as little as possible at home, mostly because it fills a whole room! But if I need a filing cabinet I'll certainly remember your very kind offer. If I am allowed to rent the cottage I want, then I'll actually have a bit of space for a study.
Have you been enjoying the sun? This week I have started every day with a trip to my leisure centre, for an hour in the gym, then a swim followed by a session in the steam room, sauna and hot tub. Then I've come back home for a sit in the sun with my lunch before spending the afternoon packing and tidying. However, this afternoon I took some time to design my name badge for the meet up. I'm very pleased with it! So much so that if Blue Peter ever decide they need a middle aged arthritic presenter, I'm sure I'll be the first one they will call!
A love of the sea
Also ran 1 Posted Jul 18, 2002
It sounds as if you have the perfect blend of much activity and perfect rest and relaxation. So your break should be doing you a lot of good. I used to love saunas, but since my open heart op I am not allowed to have them. Big bind!!. Not even a Jacuzzi - but I cheated when I went on a cruise and they had wonderful Jacuzzis on the deck so they were not too hot.
It must be easier not to have to drive around with all your paraphernalia in your car. Rather like a tortoise - which is what I feel like in my wheelchair!!. I have not managed to get my friend to do my name tag yet. You are very clever to be able to do yours. let me know when Blue Peter offer you a job!!.
I am sure that the girls will be fine when you have managed to finalise the details. Change is always difficult for everyone. But change involves growth and without growth where would we be.? Although it is very unsettling.
We had a wonderful day at the sea yesterday when we motored down to Westgate. It really was a perfect day and we had a great time. I managed the drive reasonably comfortably as well.
this afternoon I have been helping my gardener friend garden. It is quite difficult to have a friend helping, because although I am paying her she and I have quite different ideas as to how we want the end result to look!!. Anyway, fortunately today I got my way!!.
My son has just come in and wants to play rummy. so here goes. Au revoir and perhaps we shall meet on Saturday. A fond AR1
A love of the sea
coelacanth Posted Jul 18, 2002
Today has been a good day for the gardening - not too hot. Do you have raised beds so that you can reach? I'm glad you got your way!
I'm not sure how hot the tub is at my leisure centre. It is certainly hotter than the main pool, but I get in it to cool off after the sauna or steam room. Certainly when I go on Thursdays I am there at the same time as some disabled adults and their carers. They really enjoy the gentle bubbling of the tub. However, the area is banned for anyone under 16 and there are health warnings up so perhaps its not safe. I find it very relaxing.
With regard to the change I am putting my girls through I just feel that I have let them down. Exactly 2 years ago I made them move from Kent where they were born and had so many friends. They were upset but I made them a promise that this new life would be wonderful. And it was! They love living here, have taken to the life as if they were born to it and are devastated that I want to get out. If there was any way to keep them at the school I would but it is way beyond the reach of any ordinary person.
They are both such good, kind people and such strong supporters of me that I have not faced any of the kind of behaviour everyone expects from teenagers. But they have both stated that they will return to Hampshire at the earliest opportunity. I have a very difficult few months ahead of me, after a very difficult 2 years.
I know Westgate! In particular, Minnis Bay near Birchington. I used to take the girls all over the place when they were little, ever on the look out for a day out that they would love but would cost me very little. Minnis Bay is brilliant because it is so easy to park and no distance to walk to the beach. I would get there early, set up out our litle "base camp" for the day, with a shelter and lots of food and stay until quite late. The would dig, paddle, snooze, collect shells etc. Happy times.
If I don't make it to the park, then I have a mission for you. You must find the lovely BBC Italic, Ashley and give him a big kiss. In fact if you have seen any of the pictures from other meets you'll see me doing just that! I'm cooking up a plan with Tinkerbell to kidnap him. She wants an h2g2 t shirt (but I already have 2) so we think we should work as a team.
A love of the sea
Also ran 1 Posted Jul 20, 2002
Hi dear
Please do NOT feel guilty. As long as you are open and frank with them you need have no fear. They would never have known how super Hampshire was if you had not taken them there from somewhere they loved. Life is exciting - with change,and for you, my dear, you have to take care of yourself as well. You are important, both to them and to yourself, and it is very important that you care, love and spoil yourself for all three of you. So rest quietly my dear; you have done the right thing.
What a lovely task you have given me!! I shall go around calling Ashley (italics) and hope that someone answers it and I can deliver your kiss in person. I do not have time to look at the photos as it is late and I must get to bed. I was very thrilled because at one stage I thought the whole day was off as the lass I had asked to help my son and I with the travelling was unable to do it. fortunately my eldest son, who lives in London has come to our rescue. Great. So sleep tight - you probably are already in the land of Nod. And I hope that somehow maybe you will make it. A big AR1
A love of the sea
coelacanth Posted Jul 21, 2002
I hope you enjoyed your task!
Did you have a good time in the park? I was in the pub by about 7pm and met up with old friends and new. I have been to 3 meet ups so far, so some faces I knew but it was fun to chat to new people that I only know through conversation here.
I finally took the phonecall I had been waiting for, so my house sale can go ahead, which is a big relief to me. Sunshine and Moonlight get back from their holiday soon, so I will take them to see the place I want to rent.
The next few weeks will be very busy. Packing, moving, unpacking and settling into a new house and new job, so soon after doing it before. There are quite a few boxes that we never did get round to unpacking from the last move! Are you still looking for a place by the sea?
A love of the sea
Also ran 1 Posted Jul 21, 2002
Thank you dear I enjolyed it very much. I am not so sure about him!! He looked slightly taken aback.
Just a short note. Glad you received the right call and also glad that you managed to get to the meet. My first meet - I wonder if I will be able to get to another.
I'm tired so must go to bed.
A fond AR1
A love of the sea
coelacanth Posted Jul 22, 2002
I do hope you are rested now. Several people found it hard to sleep after getting back. There's so much going on and so many people to talk to. I'm sure you'll want to go to another! There are always 2 a year and I know they have started to plan the Winter one already. The pub room was upstairs for this one, but last summer it wasn't.
What did your son make of it all? I know you found it strange not to find out people's real names but somehow it seems perfectly normal to use their online ones. The italics use their real names of course, but some of them were researchers first, like Peta, Abi, Ashley and Mina.
I'm glad you met Ashley. Ssssh! Don't tell the others but he is my favourite italic, although they are all such nice people. I'm sure he wasn't too taken aback. I managed to plant a few on him myself in the evening.
Most of all - are you pleased you went? I remember the first one I went to felt a little strange, but within minutes it seemed like being among friends, which of course it was.
A love of the sea
Also ran 1 Posted Jul 25, 2002
Very dear
I am thrilled I went!. I met super people and everyone was so kind to both of us - in fact all three of us!. I love your photograph - and I recognise who is hovering in the background.! I must fly and cook our porridge. I have been online for far too long. A fond AR1
A love of the sea
coelacanth Posted Jul 26, 2002
I'm so glad you all had a good time. I've been looking at the pictures from the park. For once, an h2g2 meetup without rain!
Don't sepnd too long online. You'll become an h2g2 addict! There is a clinic for this. A206894
Enjoy your garden too. Today we have all managed to have breakfast before noon so we're off out.
When we get back, I'll tell you about where we went. It involves
How did your lecture go?
A love of the sea
Also ran 1 Posted Jul 27, 2002
Hi ,
Are the girls back? Did they have a nice time? I am sure that you are going to a BBQ. At least I think so.!.
I cannot stop looking at my dear little garden. It really is a patio cottage garden and I have asked a friend to lift the wretched net curtains so that I can see it framed in the windows. Unfortunately I am in a ground floor flat and there is a fairly big road just the other side of the patio/garden so everyone can see in if they want to.
I think that I am in a way an addict. I know tht I am neglecting my RL friends and family because they take so long to reply!!.
My eldest son, who escorted my second son and myself to the meet last weekend, is very pleased that I have that to occupy myself and approved of all the people he met!!. It is actually a wonderful distraction if one is virtually housebound - with only memories to keep one up and running (in a manner of speaking!!)
I am fortunate in that I have a lot of friends who pop in regularly and this is wonderful. On Thursday a friend of over forty years phoned me up at nine in the morning. she was in in the UK from South Africa (where she lives) and she asked if she and her daughter could come to lunch. It was SO wonderful to talk to them. And of course they knew my son before he was ill and were so considerate and understanding. I wept when they left as I suppose that it probably is the last time I shall see her as she is nearly 80- - although she looks much younger, and I am no spring chicken.!!.
I hope you have a wonderful day and look forward to sharing it with you. Affectionate AR1
A love of the sea
coelacanth Posted Jul 27, 2002
The girls are indeed back, tall, tanned and tired. We've done very little with the week except washing (me) and sleeping (them). However I don't want to waste too much of our break, since the end of it will be taken up with moving. So I'm trying to get them to breakfast before noon! This is very hard!
Our day which involved wasn't a BBQ. Sadly there seems to be an unwritten rule that a woman without a man is like... a person you don't invite to a BBQ. Or a dinner party. So, I really can't recall the last time I received an invite like that.
Every year the world's most famous maze designer plants 'maize mazes' in huge fields all over the world. One of them always makes the Guinness Book of Records. The is planted in each design using satelite navigation. By July the is about 3foot high and the maze opens. By October the is as high as an elephants eye, is harvested and fed to cattle.
Over the years, since 1996 I think, we have attempted some of them. The record breaking one this year is in Dorset and is 7.5 miles long. This week we attempted a small one in Abingdon. (In 1997 this was the site of the record breaking one - and we were there!) We will build up to the biggest one this year with a few visits to the others. The average time to solve the Abingdon one is 45 minutes, and we did it in 50.
You can see where they are here:
I'm afraid they are not suitable for wheelchairs as they have bridges. We hope to do a few more but they are not really the place to be on a very hot day!
How wonderful to see your friend from SA. Don't about not seeing her again. Who knows?
My RL friends think it odd that I talk to people online, so I don't really tell them. My daughters see me posting so I guess they are coming to believe this is quite normal. I'm glad your son approves.
A love of the sea
Also ran 1 Posted Jul 28, 2002
Hi dear ,
What a lovely day you spent. I had never heard of those meetings or do's. they sound wonderful. But as you say not very suitable for a wheelchair.
My RL friends are completely astonished when I tell them that I have met such super people on the web. It is actually a wonderful comfort for housebound people and I have been so blessed in meeting so many nice friends.
We have had a bit of a problem because my brother (who also has a chronic mental illness) was diagnosed as having type2 diabetes last year. he refuses to accept it and consequently his blood sugar was terribly high. Social Services phoned me and asked me to take his sugar level every day and I said I could not as he does not listen to me. He just likes my cooking and the fact that I take him away on holiday. The long and the short of it is that he must have got a dreadful fright with the medics and he phoned up and asked if he could come to lunch today. And I have agreed to cook his food for him and get it to him every day. Which will not be easy as he neither answers the phone nor opens the door.!!. Ah me! Ah my!. Fortunately today he was very cooperative and helped me make the mash potato and fetched and carried a bit for me. Which was great. It seems so unfair that he has had such a difficult life and now he has this to contend with. But my poor son is the same. Anyway, I always say that I am priviledged to be able to work with those who suffer this illness.
I am afraid that Sunshine and Moonshine sound as if they are reaching the age when they do not want to get up!!. Poor I do not envy you bringing two beautiful girls on your own.!It is very difficult. Well, my dear, if they are as compassionite and friendly as their mum they will be fine. A fond AR1
A love of the sea
coelacanth Posted Jul 29, 2002
Well, we all had to get up early this morning! The surveyor for my buyer phoned at 8.30 to see if he could come to see the house. Even I was still fast asleep but I woke the girls and we had a bit of a tidy in time for his valuation.
Then I decided that as we were all up and dressed we should have an afternoon out, which we did. It was so hot! We had a good visit and then a much needed drink in a little village pub before returning home. I want to explore the area where I live before moving back. However the girls are mindful of their studies. Tomorrow, Sunshine has set herself a large amount of Latin and Classical Studies to complete. Moonlight will either look over her shoulder and learn it too, or read a book. I love to listen to them discuss these subjects and I am amazed how well they understand their texts.
It sounds a huge amount for you to take on with your brother and your son as well. I hope the Social Services are arranging for this to be only temporary? Or at least some respite care? Don't let them take advantage of your willingness to cope.
A love of the sea
Also ran 1 Posted Jul 30, 2002
Very dear
It really looks as though things are beginning to move now with the buyers surveyor coming in. Glad you were able to winkle the girls out of bed!. They sound jolly hard workers and doing wonderful subjects. How super that you can enjoy them and know what they are talking about.
SS I am afraid are unable to do anything to help. The tragedy these days is that it seems that it is only professionals who can do anything to help in cases like this. We poor amateurs, who have had to live with the problems, face up to the difficulties etc. etc. are considered persona non grata when SS become actively involved. It is so thoroughly silly as there simply are not enough professionals to go around and if one shared the work out fairly it would help. anyway, for the moment I am coping.
It has been incredibly hot and my poor patio is getting baked. I am going to have to spend a long time watering again tomorrow. Although tonight it seems hot enough for there to be a huge thunderstorm.
we used to have the most dreadful lightning storms in Zim (and the Transvaal when I was at school and studying there). Huge flashes of lightining - enormous crashes of thunder. I was always scared stiff and wanted to crawl under the beds. And I had to be brave because of the children.! But the sultriness this evening is exactly indicative of a huge thunderstorm. So I guess I am going to go to bed and hide my head under the pillows. Sleep tight AR1
A love of the sea
coelacanth Posted Jul 30, 2002
I've moved so many times this isn't the stressful event that many people find. As long as it all seems to be progressing OK I'm not letting it concern me too much. I've actually spent more time on my latest Guide Entry than I have worrying about my move.
Today I took a break from it all and went to have a little h2g2 mini meet with 2 researchers, Gwennie and Caerwynn. We had a lovely chat, just like old friends although we've never met before. We are all 'ladies of a certain age' but Gwennie looks about 25! It rained a little today as I was driving but it's still so humid. I think everyone would like a summer storm to break it, although not as spectacular as the scary ones you remember.
You are coping with everything at the moment but it is a shame the Socal Services don't have the resources to help you more. You must feel so worn out sometimes. Sleep well.
A love of the sea
Also ran 1 Posted Jul 31, 2002
Very dear
How great!. I "know" Caerwynn, and feel that she, like you, and a dear person in Cheshire called Waz, are good friends of mine. I suppose that it is not so strange this friendship through correspondence. The only thing in which this is strange is the fact that one is able to communicate with one another so quickly. In the olden days people did communicate through letters. And often they had very open,honest and good relationships with people with whom they had had no contact for years because of the distance involved and problems with travel.
Now everything is so relatively easy. And it is evident with the contact one has with one's friends on the web. One can have a very quick, "smiley" relationship; or one can have a deeper one when one is able to share more with others. Sometimes it is very successful; sometimes less so. But as long as one is honest and open I do not think that any harm can come of it.
I had better go and see to the lunch. Glad you are bearing up with the move. My poor brother came for his lunch yesterday when I was out and was unable to work the microwave to heat it up. I am now trying to contact the relief social worker (all the other key workers are on leave this week!) to see whether he will take him to buy a microwave. If I do it, sadly he probably will not use it. Ah well, such is life. It is not because he does not like me. It is only because I am probably one of the only people with whom he can be difficult and whom he knows will not affect my love for him!.
Affectionate AR1
A love of the sea
coelacanth Posted Aug 4, 2002
Hello there!
I was going to reply to you yesterday but we had a 10 hour power cut! I had planned a quiet day of housework and catching up on e mails after a busy week. But when I got up the power was already off. A neighbour phoned to find out and the board said they were tracing the fault but not to expect anything before 3pm. So I sat in my garden with a cup of (I have gas and boiled a pan) and a book, enjoying the peace.
Until there was a thunderstorm! This stopped the electricity board working for a while, but people gave them and biscuits as they sat in their van next to the huge hole they had dug in the street. It finally came back after 6pm. Who wants to start washing and vacuuming then?
As well as the mini meet up with Caerwynn and Gwennie this week, I took the girls to London, for shopping and also to visit all the lovely italics in the BBC. I also bought theatre tickets to see Sean Bean as Macbeth in November. It hasn't been publicised yet, but as soon as it is, the tickets will sell out. I was lucky enough to be able to get the tickets in preview week (when the press go) as they are very much cheaper. We love live theatre and go as often as the budget will allow. This time, as I often do, I am taking a theatre loving friend too. She has not had much to keep her happy recently. She doesn't mind the company of my girls (some people do!) and I like to have an adult to chat to. She lives in Kent so I am glad I'll be near her again soon as she has a hard time ahead in the next few weeks.
We also went to see a film this week, Men in Black 2, which was very funny. The girls are very good about going with me. I'm sure they would rather go with each other, or friends, but then I would never be able to see anything, since I hate going out alone.
Did your brother get sorted with a microwave? It seems so hard for you but, as you say, he can be difficult with you because he knows you will always be there. It must be like dealing with a small child sometimes. Look after yourself too.
A love of the sea
Also ran 1 Posted Aug 7, 2002
Very dear
Thank you for your lovely newsy letter. How great to be able to share things with the girls. i am sure that they enjoy going with Mum. Also that you got tickets for Macbeth.I did not realise that Sean Bean was a Shakespearean actor. I have a dim memory of him being married to Madonna or am I thinking of someone else?
Also nice that you have a friend that you can go with when you go to the theatres. I used to love the theatre. When I lived in Zim, every time I came to London I used to go to everything I possibly could. so saw a great many of the famous actors in plays like Chekov, Rattigan and of course The Mousetraip when Richard Atenborough was a stripling!! Maggie Smith in I am a Camera - I think it was - and oh dear I cannot remember the others.
But after my last attempt at going here when I saw Waiting for Godot and it threw me into the most dreadful depression, I think I shall give them a break. It is my concerts that I miss the most. I really do love music.
I am going to be virtually deaf for a week. I have the most wonderful hearing aids and they need to be adjusted. In fact have new shells made for them,. Until I get them back, I shall live in my muted world of sound. Quite strange really. Perhaps I shall be able to tackle the things that I have been putting off for ages.
Or even read my book.
An affectionate AR1
My unfortunate brother phoned up today. He has decided not to continue with anything.!! Doctors and nurses know nothing he says. anyway, I asked him to let my friend in when she brought the meals up to him (three days, with menus and all marked) and if he did not want them to send them back. Fortunately he did not return them. I hope he puts them in the fridge otherwise they will go off!!. Fortunately my K. is much more amenable and pleasant.
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A love of the sea
- 21: coelacanth (Jul 14, 2002)
- 22: Also ran 1 (Jul 16, 2002)
- 23: coelacanth (Jul 17, 2002)
- 24: Also ran 1 (Jul 18, 2002)
- 25: coelacanth (Jul 18, 2002)
- 26: Also ran 1 (Jul 20, 2002)
- 27: coelacanth (Jul 21, 2002)
- 28: Also ran 1 (Jul 21, 2002)
- 29: coelacanth (Jul 22, 2002)
- 30: Also ran 1 (Jul 25, 2002)
- 31: coelacanth (Jul 26, 2002)
- 32: Also ran 1 (Jul 27, 2002)
- 33: coelacanth (Jul 27, 2002)
- 34: Also ran 1 (Jul 28, 2002)
- 35: coelacanth (Jul 29, 2002)
- 36: Also ran 1 (Jul 30, 2002)
- 37: coelacanth (Jul 30, 2002)
- 38: Also ran 1 (Jul 31, 2002)
- 39: coelacanth (Aug 4, 2002)
- 40: Also ran 1 (Aug 7, 2002)
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