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A love of the sea
coelacanth Posted Aug 10, 2002
You're thinking of Sean Penn! Sean Bean comes from oop north!
I have no net access until I can get my laptop mended (it might have a virus, but I just can't even get it to open up) and I am busy with A Level results this week and then moving house .
So even when you are back in the world of sound you won't hear from me for a while, or perhaps occasionally, like today from a coin in the slot machine at the garage. I hope all works out with your brother. What a worry for you.
A love of the sea
Also ran 1 Posted Aug 12, 2002
Thanks for correcting me. It has worried me for ages as I always think anyone named Sean is M's spouse!!
I shall miss you until you get settled but hope that the following few weeks go without too many trials. And that your laptop will prove faithful. I am fascinated that you could send an email from a garage. That really is high tech
I'm off to watch the dark skies from my bedroom (oops sorry verandah!!) window. Maybe I shall see something.
An affectionate AR1
A love of the sea
coelacanth Posted Aug 16, 2002
Today I'm not in the garage. I booked a free hour in my local library. The garage conection is slow, the keyboard hates words with double letters and most of the screen is taken up with adverts for the garage! It's a coin in the slot machine. A friend who spent a month in Australia and NZ last year (and now lives in Sydney) used all kinds of places to keep in touch. Her favourite was internet laundrettes. Travellers could put the washing in, then go online! Again this was all coin in the slot connection, but what a brilliant idea.
The library is better, but I have to book in advance as they only have one machine. But I've had more time to catch up with friends. I live such an isolated life that I miss being able to communicate.
Did you see any shooting stars? We saw lots for 3 nights in a row. It's so dark here - no light pollution at all. Such beautiful colours! I can't believe that each one is only the size of a grain of sand.
I hope all is well with you. I might be back online next week.
A love of the sea
Also ran 1 Posted Aug 17, 2002
thanks for your messzge. Glad you got to a computer. I think the idea of having them in the laundrette is fantastic!!. I had sent a message to you saying that I wanted to get rid of my metal filing cabinet fairly promptly and did you want it? I would like to try and get rid of it by next weekend.
The guy Gary, who is going to do my new kitchen has been in three times to help me decide where to put everything. It is quite difficult designing a kitchen when one is unable to peer into dark cupboards or lift heavy things. anyway, each time he comes it is an improvement so let's hope tht soon we shall be able to come to a firm decision.
No I did not see any shooting stars. Small wonder as I cannot, in RL, get outside without help!!. But last night some friends asked my son and I asked to dinner. Would it surprise you if I told you that in the nearly ten years since I have lived in this town it is the first time that we have been asked out to dinner!!. And yet I invariably have friends round at least once a week.! Anyway, it was simply wonderful, and they had set the table outside and it was quite beautiful as it was a lovely night. I saw the stars; looked in vain for shooting ones, but without success. anyway, it rejuvenated me to go out and I was so very grateful for them including my son. Who was charming, and I would so proud of him.
Well, dear friend, have a good weekend. I hope that you will be on line soon. When do you move. Isn't it tragic about these two young girls. I have a feeling that there is more to the story than we have been told. With a fond AR1
A love of the sea
coelacanth Posted Aug 22, 2002
I'm back online at last, although very busy.
I think I will have to pass on the filing cabinet, but thank you for thinking of me. I'm not allowed to have anything at work that hasn't been purchased through KCC and I have no idea where I will be living yet. The beautiful cottage has no carbon monoxide certificate and needs lots of work done to it so I have seen a house quite a long way out of town that will do. However I can't move in until my house sale is completed and I have the money from the sale. It looks like a while for all that. So the furniture will go into store and we'll go into a B+B or a hostel for a while.
Your meal outside sounds lovely. I wonder why you don't get asked more often. I had a friend over this evening and I did a BBQ for only the 2nd time since moving into the house. She has a young daughter so my Sunshine and Moonlight entertained her so that we could have a good natter. There's just never enought time to do this kind of thing during term.
When do you get the new kitchen? I thought you had hoped to move closer to the sea?
A love of the sea
Also ran 1 Posted Aug 23, 2002
So good to hear from you again. thank you for letting me know about the filing cabinet. First of all my plans to move to the sea changed when I suddenly realised that it was basically SS who wanted me to move. Unless I did they would not take over the responsibility for you know who. I was really very upset. 32 years is a long time to care for someone and then have them unceremoniously removed from your life. So I am afraids I dug my heels in. And I spoke to my dear younget brother and he said that I could have my flat redecorated and the mould treated. This suits me as although I would love to live by the sea, I have many friends here and many pop in and say hi. Which is great.
sorry about the cottage not being ideal for you. It is going to be a bit difficult at first. But when you find something you like it will be super.
Why don't I get asked out to dinner? I do not know, but I have always assumed that it was because I am a widow and have no man around. Or at least the one I have others are not able to accept.!!I think that is the worst - the stigma which the illness carries. I have tried to fight it all my life but sometimes I despair of people ever understanding the living hell it must be for those who are diagnosed as having it. Anyway, our hostess was kind enough to say that she would invite us out again and has measured her door into her dining room to see if my wheelchair can fit through it.
Mind you, the great thrill was being outside on that glorious night.
Now my bath lady has arrived so I am going to luxuriate in my beautiful hot bath. Have a good weekend.
Lucky friend having you cook a BBQ for her. and Sunshine and Moonlight were like their mother so friendly and caring.
A fond AR1 >schooloffish>
Do come to the Harvest Festival which Titania is organising this weekend. It shoudl be great fun. S. and M. can have a go at the virtual coconut shy. And you can bake your favourite virtual cake and bring it to my cake stall - and maybe even win a virtual prize.
A love of the sea
Also ran 1 Posted Sep 3, 2002
Just a note to say that I think of you and hope you are well and will soon be settled.
A warm AR1
A love of the sea
coelacanth Posted Oct 19, 2002
Made it! Although I seemed to be swimming very slowly! Is it just me or is the site having problems?
I think its best to leave your journal thread for conversation about Tudeley. Someone else may drop by after all.
I hope thats not too confusing for you? I've been on h2g2 for almost 3 years now and I've got used to conversations that jump about or take place in several threads. However I was looking at the problems experienced on here by another researcher in his 70's, Ancient Brit. Have you met him? He's really angry about how nobody seems to follow any kind of conversational rules, how threads go wildly off topic very quickly and how confusing it is when there are several people in one thread all replying to different posting. It all seems normal to me! However, he's got very cross with some long standing reserchers and has even started a grudge list on his page.
I realise he probably doesn't mean to be rude, but that the site can be confusing. However, I've never noticed you have problems or be anything other than absolutely charming to people here. Perhaps the site needs a "silver surfer's" guide?
I hope you are well and that the recent cold weather doesn't get to you too much? I had to scrape ice from the car for the first time this week. Brrr! We are all settling in to our new school, and I will be looking for a house to buy soon. I put this off until I knew it was a place I wanted to stay working in for at least 3 years. This was the big problem when I reloacted from Kent to Hampshire 2 years ago. I bought a house immediately and hated the job. If I had rented I could have left sooner. Luckily I do like the new job and it is a place I will stay for at least 3 years, so its time to go on a proper house hunt.
1 more week to Half Term and a much needed rest. The last few weeks have quite drained me! Do tell me how you and yours are.
A love of the sea
Also ran 1 Posted Oct 19, 2002
Hi dear
What a lovely surprise to hear from you. I have been thinking of you and wondering how you were settling in. Our mutual friend caerwyn has gone off to the States for six weeks I think it is, to see the trees in their wonderul autumn colours.
I have taken your comment about Ancient Brit on board. I have not met him/her, but will try and pacify him/her. I think it is a test of my adaptability if I can follow several conversations on several threads. I have really only been upset once and that was because I really should not have posted my son's poetry on a particular thread.
I have been having quite a difficult time with the local Social Services wanting to change both of my son's carers at the same time. fortunately my brother who is a psychiatrist and his wife who is an Art therapist were visiting the UK at the time and came to help me. when one is mentally ill one does need continuity in care and they emphasized that when we had a meeting with some of the staff. anyway, they have promised to leave at least the one with him which will be wonderful. But there I was thinking that I would have to upsticks to try and find another county where they have more respect for the sufferes needs.
You have not told me if the girls are happy with their change. I do hope they are. I met Mo Mowlam the other evening at a fund raising event at the local Blind School. she really is an outstanding person. If only everyone had her insight and compassion the world would be a far better place.
Much affection and a big AR1
A love of the sea
coelacanth Posted Oct 19, 2002
Ancient Brit is U197657 I would recommend a look at some of the threads and conversations he has listed on his page so that you can get an idea of the problems he has found in understanding the general "wooliness" of some of the conversations here. He was born in 1927 and has just celebrated 50 years of marriage. I have only lurked around his writings and others with much patience and understanding are helping him to work it out here.
I live with teenagers and work with teenagers so I come here for peace and quiet! I avoid arguments so I've never spoken to him.
Caerwyn is back I believe. I think the leaf fall was a little late this year so she didn't get the best of the colours but it seems she had a wonderful time.
I'm sorry to hear about your battles with the Social Services - again. That really can't be good for your son, or you. You did say it seemed like they wanted you to move away. I hope you don't let them drive you off!
Sunshine is happy enough. She misses her old school of course. It was a very unusual place and she was settled there. However the new school is very much like the place we were both at 2 years ago and she has made friends. Moonlight is less settled. She's gifted and needs quite careful handling at times. The last school suited her eccentricities and she has actually never been in a state school in her life until now. (The last school was one which Mo Mowlam knows well!)
I've put a Guide Entry in Peer Review. It was there before but someone read it and declared it too long, so in a huff I removed it. Mina and Jimster have persuaded me to put it back. Do have a read! F48874?thread=217743 The Tudeley entry will be next.
A love of the sea
Also ran 1 Posted Oct 19, 2002
Very dear
Thank you for your prompt reply. I went straight to his site and boy of boy!! I do not know if I want to get involved. I think that if the grey heads (silver threads!!) read the rules before trying anything then perhaps they would do things correctly.
I know that I failed to do this and got moderated because I wrote a letter in French. (I should have read the rules, but I did apologise)
I then also did something else wrong and was told that I should not have done it - it seemed a bit sad as I had had a good relationship with this particular person and was sad that it ended.
I think that one easy way out of his problems would be to start the letter with a Dear whatever-the-name, and then one would know what who one was talking to. There are sometimes unkind comments made because one is old, but one really does not have to take offense. One just ignores them. but this guy seems to have gone at it hammer and tongs and in a way seems to rather like the fighting. So I really do not think that I want to get involved.
I have had such friendship and kindness from so many people that I really think that I am blessed in having found this site.
I have printed out your article on the London Stone which sounds fascinating. I shall read it when I am fresh and then comment on it. I am also going to send it to my brother in law who was a stockbroker and worked in the City and I am sure that it will interest him.
Thanks you for the news about the girls. It is strange how two from the same nest can have such different needs and interests.
I must go and have a bite to eat and off to bed.
Fond AR1
PS thanks for the news about Caerwyn. I saw her name as well talking to him!!
A love of the sea
coelacanth Posted Oct 19, 2002
Two very different indeed. Both have certain aspects of me that I recognise very well but also unique and individual characteristics that make them who they are. Its a privilege to know them both.
A prompt reply will happen if I'm online, but otherwise you have to wait weeks! As you know I do read here far more than I write which is why some people use the as a sign for lurkers! I used to read your page and postings to it for a long time before I joined any conversation. You may recall, I only identified myself to you when you were wondering if anyone read things you wrote.
I'll continue to lurk AB's postings from time to time but I think we are both wise to keep away for the time being. You've made many friends here with your own positive attitude and friendliness. Everyone makes a few mistakes at first. You don't need to worry about them. Once AB settles down and is no longer feeling like a newbie, I'm sure he will have much to contribute.
Enjoy the London Stone entry. I wonder if your bother in law used to walk past it without realising. I know I must have done during my days temping in the City. I went for a proper look at in in the summer and felt very sad about it. I hope the new building will be able to show it off more.
A love of the sea
Also ran 1 Posted Oct 30, 2002
Very dear
I have written to you obriefly on our other thread. I have not felt myself for the last ten days and a very dear girl friend is taking me to France tomorrow for lunch to cheer me up. Aren't I lucky.
As I said my hands and fingers are sore so I shall write more when I am feeling better.
Sleep tight
Fond AR1
A love of the sea
coelacanth Posted Oct 30, 2002
Hello there! Good to see you are posting again. I'm sorry to hear you haven't been feeling too well. I'll leave the other thread for talking about Tudeley and such things. Sorry, but I won't identify here where I live. The county is all I'll admit to in a place where anyone can read. Actually, I'm quite a private person in real life too. I don't give out my address or phone number, even to people I know well!
Have a lovely time in France and I hope the weather is kind to you. I don't know how you are going to get there, but there has been so many problems with the train this week. Poor people, stranded for so long during the school holiday. I had hoped to have a day in Bruges over Half Term, but since I last lived this way the hoverspeed service has been cut.
Instead I went with Moonlight to London for the day to see an exhibition. I'm a Londoner by birth and I like to get there whenever I can. We had a ride (I hate the tube) over to Brick Lane so she had a bit of a history lesson from me too.
Looking at my last post about the London Stone I see I referred to your "bother in law" I'm sure he isn't!
A love of the sea
Also ran 1 Posted Oct 31, 2002
thank you for the good wishes for my lovely day in La Belle France. The Pas de Calais is hardly the most beautiful part of France, and the Eurocite hardly the best shopping place, but it was all so wonderfully new to me not having been to france for over five years that I loved every minute of.
You were absolutely right to talk about my brother in law. He was a stockbroker and worked in the city. Also an old Etonian.!! But he is very nice and very caring. I am hoping to see him next week and will give him your chef d'oeuvre to read. I have found it fascinating although I do not know the area at all. I managed to find the Barbican when I first came to London, and was still able to go to concerts.
I am so glad that you ahd a good day in nodnoL with Moonlight. How nice to have a companion to go to art exhibitions to. K. is loving his art classes and is turning into a very interesting abstract painter - if one looks one can always find something special.
Much affection AR1
A love of the sea
coelacanth Posted Nov 9, 2002
Hello there!
I've just been reading your journal account of your day in France. It sounds like a lovely trip. I've never been through the tunnel myself either on foot or by transport, but Moonlight has. In fact she went on a trip to Ypres yesterday and they used it. You said you didn't get time for any history, but that's what she went for.
She went to the outdoor museum with trenches, the battlefields and the cemetary. It was very authentic weather too. Lots of rain. I've spent today washing the authentic mud out of her clothes. One thing she told me about late last night was looking at the thousands of names and finding 2 with our surname. That really brought it home to her I think. We've been to the Imperial War Musuem reconstruction of the trenches which is excellent, but this was a very informative day.
They left so early and got back so late that I almost wish I had volunteered to be on the trip too, instead of just her taxi driver! Then I could have used the Tunnel for myself.
She did have time for a quick trip to the town too, and bought me some Beligium chocolate from here:
My favourite!
I hope you are well?
A love of the sea
Also ran 1 Posted Nov 9, 2002
What an interesting trip Moonlight had. You really should have gone. My friend Shiv and I were both nervous about driving on the right so that is why we did not stray. But I am sure that as we get used to it - we plan to go regularly (so we say!!) it will be easier to go further away.
when one sees those rows upon rows of crosses and all those names it does make one realise how incredibly futile war is. I remember when I went to Hawaii and went to the war cemetery there. And also seeing all those ships just sitting in the water half exposed. What is the point of it? I despair sometimes.
I have not been very well but fortunately am on the up turn at the moment. Long may it last.
It was good to hear from you. Much affection
A love of the sea
coelacanth Posted Dec 17, 2002
Is it really 5 weeks since you replied to me? I'm so sorry! I really don't mean to ignore people, but during term time things get quite hectic. This week is the end of term but I don't have a lot to do, so now it's time to catch up with friends. I was quite impressed with the fact that I managed to post a card to a friend in Australia *only* 4 days after the last posting date! It'll get there in time I'm sure.
How are you? You weren't well and I did read about your hands making it hard to type so don't feel you need to write much. Just a or a will do.
A love of the sea
Also ran 1 Posted Dec 26, 2002
Hi my very dear
I have just replied to your lovely Christmas letter the other thread. How on earth does one reserve one thread for a friend. I seem to jump around like a very fat flea!!
Much affection
A love of the sea
Also ran 1 Posted Dec 26, 2002
Hi my dear friend
Thank you so much for your lovely wishes and thoughts.
I have just posted to you on the other thread. How on earth can I keep one thread for each of my friend.s I jump around like mad. And then forget to post the letter - I think!!
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A love of the sea
- 41: coelacanth (Aug 10, 2002)
- 42: Also ran 1 (Aug 12, 2002)
- 43: coelacanth (Aug 16, 2002)
- 44: Also ran 1 (Aug 17, 2002)
- 45: coelacanth (Aug 22, 2002)
- 46: Also ran 1 (Aug 23, 2002)
- 47: Also ran 1 (Sep 3, 2002)
- 48: coelacanth (Oct 19, 2002)
- 49: Also ran 1 (Oct 19, 2002)
- 50: coelacanth (Oct 19, 2002)
- 51: Also ran 1 (Oct 19, 2002)
- 52: coelacanth (Oct 19, 2002)
- 53: Also ran 1 (Oct 30, 2002)
- 54: coelacanth (Oct 30, 2002)
- 55: Also ran 1 (Oct 31, 2002)
- 56: coelacanth (Nov 9, 2002)
- 57: Also ran 1 (Nov 9, 2002)
- 58: coelacanth (Dec 17, 2002)
- 59: Also ran 1 (Dec 26, 2002)
- 60: Also ran 1 (Dec 26, 2002)
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