This is the Message Centre for Alexandra Marie Chaser, Keeper of Voices, graduated Sunday, 8 June - and Very Happy
Why hello...
Ming Mang Started conversation Nov 4, 2001
Hello Alexandra!
So who's the person who inspired the journal entry? Or am I just being nosy and should mind my own business?
Anyway... welcome to what is collectively called h2g2. (I don't know what it's called uncollectively.) I am an ACE; Assistant Community Editor, and it is under this guise that I'm saying hello to you.
ACEs are voluteers who are generally nice people, and usually helpful too, although I'm not really that good at being very helpful. However if you have a problem, or perhaps several problems, I'll be delighted to help, because I get lonely if no one talks back to me...
Anyway, if you want to wander round the Guide (and I strongly recommend it! ), then I've sort of set up a links page here:
But whether you look around there or elsewhere, have fun! Enjoy yourself!
And if you have problems, ask away. I've got plenty of food (
, that sort of thing, help yourself!) to last me a long time in case it takes you a while to get back to me.
Have fun!
(PS - I am not an automated message)
(PS - I am not an automated message)
(PS - I am not am automated message)
(PPS - I think my record just got stuck )
Why hello...
Alexandra Marie Chaser, Keeper of Voices, graduated Sunday, 8 June - and Very Happy Posted Nov 4, 2001
Hi Ming Mang,
He's a friend of mine...not sure what he goes by here...probably George the Babbling Brook. He's a troublemaker (of the philosophical sort) and is keeping me from my homework.
Thank you very much for contacting me. I try to be nice and social, so I'll probably bother you a lot just for the fun of it. Hope you don't mind...
Question 1 would probably be "How'd you get all those cute food pics in the message?" Question 2 is "Do mothers have off-buttons?"
I imagine the answer to Question 1 will be considerably more satisfying than the answer to Question 2...oh, well...
Oh, yeah, and Question 3: "How does one locate one's friends on H2G2 so one can torment them?"
Thanks again,
Why hello...
Ming Mang Posted Nov 4, 2001
Ah... I've seen him online, but I've never actually come across him...
And I don't mind in the slightest being bothered for the fun of it. It beats being bored or doing homew*rk anyway...
1) Food pics and smileys:
2) I've never found an off-button for my mother...
3) There's a Search box at the top of the page, use that
How's that?
Why hello...
Alexandra Marie Chaser, Keeper of Voices, graduated Sunday, 8 June - and Very Happy Posted Nov 6, 2001
Rather amusing.
Has the H-word suddenly become foul? I shall be sure to avoid it.
Thank you very much for the advice. I will certainly bother you again should I need any more.
Why hello...
Ming Mang Posted Nov 6, 2001
I use the * in w*rk and homew*rk because I don't like either at all...
Bother ahead!
And that's OK.
Why hello...
Alexandra Marie Chaser, Keeper of Voices, graduated Sunday, 8 June - and Very Happy Posted Nov 6, 2001
This is such a marvelous waste of time (not talkting to you, of course, but being online). I absolutely love it. However, I can't help wondering how I'll ever get my HW done...
Why hello...
Ming Mang Posted Nov 6, 2001
Isn't it just?! I should be doing homew*rk as well... well actually I should be in bed, but that's not the point...
Why hello...
Alexandra Marie Chaser, Keeper of Voices, graduated Sunday, 8 June - and Very Happy Posted Nov 9, 2001
Heh. Who needs sleep, anyway?
I mean, if you ask me, there's no point to going to sleep. The earlier you go to bed, the more tired you are the next morning. Why? Because you have to wake up early the next day. I know my body really does NOT like that.
And it's all because of school!!!
Ahem. Pardon me.
It's something I'd like to argue, if I ever gain the discipline to research it effectively. I wonder if it would be a good forensics piece? Hmm...
Why hello...
Ming Mang Posted Nov 9, 2001
*waves at Happy*
No, you see the reason I go to bed is to read into the early hours of the next day... I just say I'm going to sleep to fool my parents, and it's become rather a habit...
Why hello...
Alexandra Marie Chaser, Keeper of Voices, graduated Sunday, 8 June - and Very Happy Posted Nov 10, 2001
(They need a smiley for enlightenment.)
I do that sometimes with homework, but more so with writing. I have this annoying habit of going to bed relatively early (11-ish) and still not getting enough sleep. I think one of the best days was the Monday after my till-3am gig, but there's no way I could have survived more than one or two more of those days. I need more like 9 hours of sleep, and that's
What sort of books do you like to read?
Why hello...
Alexandra Marie Chaser, Keeper of Voices, graduated Sunday, 8 June - and Very Happy Posted Nov 11, 2001
Why hello...
Ming Mang Posted Nov 11, 2001
*waves at George as well as waving back to Happy*
Oh, and I'm trying to read the Discworld series in order... with great difficulty.
Why hello...
Alexandra Marie Chaser, Keeper of Voices, graduated Sunday, 8 June - and Very Happy Posted Nov 11, 2001
that sounds like fun...
you get so much more out of reading things in order...
anyone care for some chexmix?
Why hello...
Ming Mang Posted Nov 11, 2001
You also get a lot of agro because the library never has the book you want and it costs money to get the books transported...
Some what?
Why hello...
Alexandra Marie Chaser, Keeper of Voices, graduated Sunday, 8 June - and Very Happy Posted Nov 11, 2001
chexmix n. salty edible stuff including chex cereal, pretzels, bagel chips, bread sticks, and anything else you feel like throwing into it
Key: Complain about this post
Why hello...
- 1: Ming Mang (Nov 4, 2001)
- 2: Alexandra Marie Chaser, Keeper of Voices, graduated Sunday, 8 June - and Very Happy (Nov 4, 2001)
- 3: Ming Mang (Nov 4, 2001)
- 4: Alexandra Marie Chaser, Keeper of Voices, graduated Sunday, 8 June - and Very Happy (Nov 6, 2001)
- 5: Ming Mang (Nov 6, 2001)
- 6: Alexandra Marie Chaser, Keeper of Voices, graduated Sunday, 8 June - and Very Happy (Nov 6, 2001)
- 7: Ming Mang (Nov 6, 2001)
- 8: Alexandra Marie Chaser, Keeper of Voices, graduated Sunday, 8 June - and Very Happy (Nov 9, 2001)
- 9: HappyDude (Nov 9, 2001)
- 10: Ming Mang (Nov 9, 2001)
- 11: HappyDude (Nov 9, 2001)
- 12: Alexandra Marie Chaser, Keeper of Voices, graduated Sunday, 8 June - and Very Happy (Nov 10, 2001)
- 13: HappyDude (Nov 10, 2001)
- 14: Julie Andrews (Nov 10, 2001)
- 15: Alexandra Marie Chaser, Keeper of Voices, graduated Sunday, 8 June - and Very Happy (Nov 11, 2001)
- 16: HappyDude (Nov 11, 2001)
- 17: Ming Mang (Nov 11, 2001)
- 18: Alexandra Marie Chaser, Keeper of Voices, graduated Sunday, 8 June - and Very Happy (Nov 11, 2001)
- 19: Ming Mang (Nov 11, 2001)
- 20: Alexandra Marie Chaser, Keeper of Voices, graduated Sunday, 8 June - and Very Happy (Nov 11, 2001)
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."