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Posted Aug 11, 2007
Despite a crankily failing memory I managed to remember my password.
I thought any pobs that wandered through might be interested in a new site. A fun match-up of people.
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Latest reply: Aug 11, 2007
Posted Mar 13, 2004
Hello to any person wandering through this space and a special hello to anyone I used to communicate with in the past. It's been something of a grim year since I last visited hootoo. My sister has struggled with ovarian cancer for almost an year now and at first it was touch and go after the operation. I wouldn't have given twopence for her chances in those first few months and she was nothing more than skin on bones.
It was a period when the old black dog of depression found me again so coping with my sister's illness meant gritting my teeth and soldiering on. There were some dark times, especially when one of the side effects of her chemo was severe anxiety. At one time she was understandably suicidal from this and I'm thankful that I was able to help her get the treatement and help she needed. I can still picture talking on her behalf to the doctor and feeling pretty stressed out myself. How on earth I came through it I don't know but we are stronger than we think.
So here we are about 11 months down the line and she is still on chemo and will be for the rest of her life. She amazes and humbles me with her strength and spirit. Even though this is a terminal illness, she faces each day with amazing cheerfulness and resolution. I know she has dark nights of the soul because she told me but she still soldiers on and miracles do happen. Her cancer cell count has come down dramatically so I pray that she does have a miracle.
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Latest reply: Mar 13, 2004
Posted May 19, 2003
Well, hot diggety. It's been a while since I could get into this place but I finally made it. I don't know why but this site just kept on timing out and then it decided it didn't like my password. Maybe its this shirt I've been wearing.
My sister has had major surgery for ovarian cancer and she has had a rough time since, so as you can imagine that has been a preoccupation for me.
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Latest reply: May 19, 2003
Almost laid
Posted Feb 24, 2003
I saw this special offer on laminated wooden flooring and bought a whole stack of the stuff thinking it would look good in the bedrooms.
It looks p*ss easy if you believe the instructions and just a five minute job. Tcha!
It has to be said....the floor is the only thing that's getting laid in this house.
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Latest reply: Feb 24, 2003
bogged down
Posted Dec 20, 2002
There isn't much time to come on hootoo at present. I'm bogged down at w*rk and on the night shift to boot. It's a case of "gwaith a gwely" (work and bed)at the moment.
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Latest reply: Dec 20, 2002
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