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Noggin the Nog
Posted Dec 10, 2008
Aww shucks, another character bites the dust and the world is a bit greyer for it. I'm refering to the death of Oliver Postgate, creater of such tv classics as Noggin the Nog a Viking Prince; "Listen to me and I will tell you the story of Noggin the Nog, as it was told in the days of old..."
Ivor the Engine, narrating the tales of a small green loco that lived in the "top left hand corner of Wales" and worked for the Meirioneth and Llantisilly Rail Traction Company.
And of course, The Clangers; those endearing moondwellers with their whistling language. I loved the story of the time the Clangers were screened before an international audience; the Germans exclaimed that the Clangers spoke perfect German."That is not so," said the Swedes, "They spoke only Swedish."
Probably the most famous character was Bagpuss..
Bagpuss, dear Bagpuss, old furry catpuss,
wake up and look at this thing I bring.
Wake up and be bright, be golden and light,
Bagpuss oh hear what I sing.
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Latest reply: Dec 10, 2008
Posted Dec 5, 2008
My youngest son has had to go into hospital for a while so my routine is totally disrupted at the moment. It's about a forty minute journey each way to the hospital which is not too bad. Coming home during rush hour traffic is the killer though; there are only two traffic speeds, 70mph or faster.
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Latest reply: Dec 5, 2008
..and another thing!
Posted Nov 5, 2008
I used to work with this chap who tended to be a bit of a, how shall I put it...complainer. Just as you thought he had finished moaning about something due to a silent pause, he would come out with..."and another thing!" and off he'd go again.
Mind you, it's good to have a moan.
Which brings me to mine, why is this site so slo-o-o-o-w these days?
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Latest reply: Nov 5, 2008
Villain do's and dont's
Posted Nov 3, 2008
Bond is back! Yes it's Bond mania again although I'm not knocking the film (movie). One thing that's always struck me is that the Bond villains are something of a thick lot when you think about it.
They capture Bond and what do they do? Make two fundametal mistakes.
Mistake number one is that they tell him what their plans are.
Mistake number two is to leave the killing to a minion or machine and walk away.
HELLO! Thicko allert!
Villain tip number one, keep your mouth shut!
Villain tip number two, shoot the bugg*r in the head as soon as you can.
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Latest reply: Nov 3, 2008
Spain by Vespa
Posted Oct 25, 2008
I'm not big on package holidays where you lie on the beach or by the pool so I tend to give them a miss. I went to Cyprus two years ago to attend my son's wedding and after two days by the pool I was bored senseless. I hired a motorcycle and spent the rest of the holiday touring the island and that was enjoyable.
I figured that was probably it for me as far as foreign holidays were concerned. That was until I spotted an article in the Guardian about a Vespa holiday in central Spain. A choice of four or eight days touring the region by Vespa with everything arranged sounded appealing so I decided to give it a try.
I must admit I had some preconceptions about Spaniards based on past visits to the Costa resorts so I was pleasantly surprised by what I found. The mainly rural area I toured covered Segovia and Sepulveda taking in the Duraton canyon. The people I met were friendly and helpful and very forgiving of my poor Spanish. Ordering meals was fun with me ending up with some unexpected dishes; Garlic soup for example, not what I expected but luckily I love garlic and it was delicious.
The Duraton canyon was amazing and I had it all to myself when I walked most of its length. I spent ages watching the vultures swoop down then land on the ledges that contained their nests before flying off again.
Ermita san Frutos was a must. Perched on a promontory ovelooking the canyon's lake it was well worth the ten minute walk. A large camper van pulled up and a group of Americans got out and set off ahead of me. Part way down the path was a vantage point where you could see the ermita and the lake. "There's the ermita!" cameras up and click, click, click.
"Oh look, there are the vultures above us!" cameras up and click, click, click...
and they all turned round and headed back to the camper van!
I was expecting a bit of traffic so I was slightly apprehensive about riding on the right. As it was, if I saw a car at all in an hour I was lucky. I did get followed by the police for ten minutes and that made me a bit nervous.
I could go on but they say picture is worth a thousand words so here are my holiday snaps for anyone who wants to see them.
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Latest reply: Oct 25, 2008
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