Journal Entries

The things people say...

I have been on the receiving end of some bizarre turns of phrase and really odd questions over the years.

"Do y'all sell ingredients?", "I'm looking for flavorless chewing gum", not to mention "I'm looking for clean dirt...". spring to mind.

I have to say that so far, the winner is: "I can't drink a soda out of a bottle, because my tongue always gets stuck.".

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Latest reply: Mar 3, 2005

Let your heart bleed

Your heart bleeds
It forms a pool

Cup your hands
It isn't blood, it is tears

Open your hands
And,drain away the fears

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Latest reply: Feb 17, 2005

When Real Life is nicer than H2G2...

In September when I returned after about a month away from h2g2 my older account was more comfortable than this one. It was all I could do to make a few posts and contact some of my friends.

Just a couple of weeks ago I tried to post from this account again after updating the Campsite list.

Since then, I have had to deal with a troll who was attacking my friends. Been accused of being related to aforementioned troll. Can't tell you on site how much that incensed me.

And now, things aren't so great with the friends.

Real life is about the usual, except for the aggravation caused by H2G2.

So, I really have to wonder how big of a mistake it was to come back at all.

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Latest reply: Feb 11, 2005

Sauce Piquant anyone?

While driving home from work, I was listening to the local radio station. This would be the same radio station that broadcast the walking fish warning. The traffic report started: Wreck on Hooper, Wreck on Florida... and traffic is being tied up due to a 15 foot alligator in the middle of the road at the intersection of....
smiley - yikes

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Latest reply: Jun 29, 2004

If anyone is up to the challenge...

*will probably regret asking for this*
Please, nag me into finishing the dozen or so projects on which I'm working. Some of it is house related. Some of it is creative projects. And, a bit of it is personal stuff. Personal in the sense of spring cleaning your psyche and remodeling oneself, not personal in the too private to discuss sense.
smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Jun 29, 2004

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