This is the Message Centre for Z

foolishly barbecuing...

Post 461


Found a couple more nits in the BBQ Primer (listed on the thread)...
peace, out, fm


Post 462


Highly unlikely, unless Birmingham moves to Australiasmiley - biggrin


Post 463

Blue Bird

I just wanted to drop you a note to say...
We know each other a bit: if you remember... But never mind that scouting from you over my "Legend of the White Stag"...

It was long ago, and you welcome to forget about it.
Have something else now:

I am not involved as a medical student as you. But write some medical poems! Horribile dictu!

Only peronally I would post it for the fun of it, but have no intention to submit anywhere . Would you like to read: "Dr. Lucifer". It is a true personal experince I had with a **** doctor in my neighborhood.
If interested: answer me on my Page, because it is hard to find these little notes I leave here and there! Greetings from Gecko


Post 464


Hi gecko, Before I forget ('cause I'm a lttle drunk after a major effort the last 4 days/3nights to finish some work that had to be handed in) we have a similar saying in Australia "'Tis better to shut one's mouth and be thought a fool, than to open it up and leave no doubt". Now, couldn't find Dr. Lucifer anywhere on your userpage. Have you removed it? Speaking of similar sayings, a girl from h2g2 whom I had told (when she asked my age)that I was embarrassed to say I am 39 said "Don't be embarrassed I know it's cliche' but you're only as old as you feel". We have a similar saying "You're only as old as the girl you feel". Let me know what's happened to Lucifer. All the best.smiley - cool


Post 465


Sorry Gecko, just reread your message and I think your mistaken - we don't knoew eachother I have just signed on this week Happy to make your acquaintance though.

hey nanobot here

Post 466


the forum huh.Nice of you to leave a message just fot me

"Birmingham meet? A1061010"
What's that ??? it's nothing nerdy rightsmiley - smiley

hey nanobot here

Post 467


Well not a message that space thing on your page you know what I'm talking about right


Post 468


I've just found this site (I'm very bored at work). I really like your net ID - Z is very to the point! Apparently I'm replying to a conversation which I haven't actually seen, so I'm probably just interupting something. Oh well, I'll blame it on being a newbie.


Post 469


Hi - yes I like Z as well - though I usually have a quote after it, welcome to h2g2 plasma girl - I hope you settle in well. Any questions feel free to ask me..


Post 470


I've just had a look at you're space - and I can see this is your first posting to h2g2 smiley - wow! I feel priveledged.

Soon an ACE (assitant community editor) will be along soon to meet and great you. You'll be able to see your conversations by clicking on my page. Are you intrested in chatting to people? or contributing to the guide? I can provide you with some links in those directions.


Post 471


Erm, both I guess - I'm a scientist which is why I originally came to the site as the articles were interesting, but if I'm honest, I'm probably just here to chat! I clicked on your page and noticed you're in the West Midlands - I just moved away from there two weeks ago.

Are there any area specific bits here? It'd be good to talk to people from my new area.

Thanks for your help!


Post 472


Oooh that's smiley - cool what sort of scientist are you? What's brought you to the Midlands? are you working at the univesity by any chance?

We have a Birmingham users group, though we aren't really busy we do often meet up for a smiley - ale in real life every so often - and we often go down to London meets together. Obviously we include people from elsewhere in the Midlands as well, it's just that Birmingham users Society abrivates nicely to smiley - bus and our page is - A899760

Humm good places to chat.. well the easiest way to find good conversations is to lurk by people's personsal spaces, you'll be able to find a list of all our conversations here - and you can read what they're talking about and see if you'd like to join in!

I'm currently spending a lot of my time at the Atlier F38024?thread=396453&latest=1, a looong conversation that's been going on for years - don't worry we're very welecoming to newcombers - don't feel you have to read all of the backlog!

If you're after some serious debate - The Forum is the place to go, we're a group of researchers who like debating serious issues without flaming each other - A1146917 .

Of course you may well have come across <./>askh2g2</.> which is populated by nearly everything - from random chat - to intense debate.


Post 473


I was a physicist - I've just moved out of pure physics and into project management. Trying to grow the neccesary beard was just too hard, although I had the mad hair down to a T. I grew up in the midlands but I've just moved to Oxford. I work in a big physicsy place near there, but I won't say more for fear of incriminating myself!

A London meet sounds cool! I can't believe I left the Midlands before having a chance to go to the new Bullring. I've become a big fan of shopping - I think it's a reaction to 8 years of being a student and having no money.

I might just go and have a look at those links now...


Post 474


oOoh you've moved to Oxford? we have a good few mini meets their as well. Gosh you've only just arrived and already I'm getting you to go to a meet smiley - evilgrin.

Have you discovered smilies yet? (click on any of the little pictures to find out more about them..)


Post 475


Mini-meets would be good! I've been trying to meet as many new people as possible here. I met someone who owns a hot air balloon on Saturday night, and there was talk of a day trip. I think that might make me airsick though. I found a page about an Oxford meet actually, the last one was in Feb sometime? Are they quite frequent then?

Hmm, smileys - smiley - biggrin Yay! That works!


Post 476


They do seem to be fairly regularly - though I think for a couple of reasons the last one didn't get a very big turn out smiley - sadface - but I'm sure they'll have another soon enough..

It must be difficult moving to a new area as a grown up - rather than having the structured friendships you have at university.

An, no I wouldn't worry about visiting the Bull ring, apart from Selfridges which is Ok, but rather too expensive for most - there's not really anything beyond the usual chain stores.

Hot air balloning sounds great fun I'm sure you hardly feel it moving. But then again I go gliding for fun - so I don't think taking my advice on airsickness would be helpful, I don't get it at all.

Hi Z

Post 477


I just dropped in to say hello,

Yes I am new to this forum and may take some time making friends. I'm also new to the net culture and need to hone my skills like the rest of you.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Hi Z

Post 478



Welcome to our little world smiley - biggrin don't worry we're all new once - and the net culture here is different from other sites, in fact lots of people on h2g2 were new to the internet at first..

Can you see the links I posted earlier to plasma girl, do explore them and find out how things work smiley - biggrin

Hi Z

Post 479


No, I have not yet seen your posting to Plasma girl, but intend to do so soon. Anyway, while, I'm at it, I would like to tell you that though our methods differ, I feel we work in the same field. So you could possibly be of help to me.

For the past 3 years, I've been into Acupressure, and have found it to be a very effective therapy. I have still to figure out how to go about explaining the theory, and need somebody to help me out with it. I have begun writing my Journal, and wish you take a peek, and let me know if I'm going in the right direction.

My other problem is that presently, I'm located in a remote village in India, where we frequently have power supply breakdowns - which means that I may suddenly find myself stranded in the middle of a conversation. But I guess, we have to live with our situations.

Hi Z

Post 480



It's great to have people from around the world - I was thinking the other day that we don't have enough researchers from Asia - yet we often discuss news we recieve from other parts of the world.

I think you'll find h2g2 a lot easier than most other sites, because people can reply to postings instantly or later on. This means that even if you do have a power blackout, you can still come on later and catch up with your conversations.

I posted to plasma girl just futher up this thread, so if you scrool up you'll be able to see the post.

There are lots of pages on h2g2, and each can have numerous threads off it, so it can be a bit difficult to find your way around at first. BUt it does mean that there's lots of places to talk and things to talk about.

At the forum A1146917 , - we like having indepth discussions,

At <./>askh2g2</.> there's lots of conversations ranging from random chat to heated deabtes.

There's <./>thepost</.> our very own newspaper, full of researchers regular colums and news.

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