This is the Message Centre for Z


Post 441


Oooh Walsall - I went to your art gallery on Sunday, it was very nice as well.. though I'm not a big Epistien fan....

and I'm looking around the Manor hospital with an eye on potienal jobs their as well..

I'lllet you know when we've got a Brum meet together..


Post 442

Dragon Lord back with avengence

I dont like Walsall lol.. perfer to live in W/hall lol.. thanks m8


Post 443


hi z and scott


Post 444

pussycat1973 (Unofficial h2g2 Ranger)

Hello. Can you help with the articles i've written? I have taken on board what you said about the Tudors and I'd already looked at some of the history items in the guide. To be honest, I thought most of them were too high brow and I struggled to keep reading and lost interest.


Post 445


Of course I'll try to help.

I've been thinking about the entry and what it needs, or doesn't need, I'm sorry if you think that the current guide entries are too high brow... The usual solution to probelms like this is to write some of your own that are more to your taste.

There's nothing wrong as such with the entry on the tudors.. in fact it's a pretty good overview, there's nothing of it's ilk in the guide at the moment, and a brief overview is always useful especially for people who aren't educated in the uk or children..

What I'd do, which I have to admit isn't the gospel truth or the only way to get into the guide.. smiley - whistle

Is to retitle it "Tudor Monarchs" or "A brief introduction to the Tudor Kings and Queens". Then it "does what it says on the tin" - and is good introduction, it also means that if another more detailed entry is made it can link to the brief introduction.

Thinking about this, I've been fairly harsh on it, and I feel really guilty. The guide needs new writters, and I've spent so long banging on about how we should encourage them that I feel rather bad smiley - blush


Post 446

pussycat1973 (Unofficial h2g2 Ranger)

don't feel bad - constructive criticism is good. I don't think all the entries are too high just some of them. If you have a quick look at the entries on the wars of the roses you'll see what I mean. It is interesting but if all the entries were like that, people wouldn't read it. I am well educated and intelligent - I just can't write to thesis quality


Post 447


don't feel bad about it, I am a PhD and like to write in a more casual way, maybe because of too much formal writing in the job?


Post 448


I just wanted to drop you a note to say...
That " must be showing my age!" as 'were very derr rigorrr' when I learnt my English grammer. If you're going to quote quote properly - with the extra "'" s put in in red.
Birmingham's a bit too far to travel - and sounds like you are going to have some snow? I'll stay here where it's warmer thank you!
smiley - cool


Post 449


Hi, Nice to meet you smiley - biggrin are you based in Portugal?
*jealous look*

I'd rather go their than Birmingham smiley - wow! Not that it's bad here - and we haven't had any snow yet

Don't worry about the "'s stuff, there's so many house rules that it takes ages to learn them all.


Post 450


How did you guess?!
Moved here over 20 years ago - from W London.
I changed the "'s to ''s anyway, might as well start right.
smiley - biggrin


Post 451


Hummm smiley - envy Actually I'm not sure I'd cope in Portugal, I don't like the heat!

So you must be dealing well with being an Ex Pat then? after 20 years over their..


Post 452


It can get a bit hot in the shade! but that is really only 2 months of the year at the most, and it depends where you are. A strong Norwester off the Atlantic keeps things manageable.
Choice items from Blighty, like Marmite, Coleman's Mustard, Terry's Chocolate Oranges and Ginger bikkies are now available in local shops - and there's always the local transporter if you really want something direct from the Argos Catalogue.
Oh, and an odd brother or two back in the UK is handy for sending you their cast-off computers. This one was my nephew's!
smiley - cool

Greetings Z

Post 453


I know this is a wee bit cheeky but I wondered if you could point me to a source of information about Atrial Tachycardia please? My brother has finally been properly diagnosed with what they say is a fairly rare condition and I'd like to know more about the aetiology.
Many thanks.

Greetings Z

Post 454


Don't know how that posted into this particular thread - I was trying to be discreet!

Greetings Z

Post 455


At least I am not the only one who gets confused with this place.

Greetings Z

Post 456


Teuchter I'll have a look into the details and see if I can find anything.

I don't want to pry and ask for details but there are several conditions could be reffered to as Atrial tachycardia? and I'm not sure which one this is..

Was it Suprva ventricular tachycardia? ectopic beats of an atrial orgin?

I'll see if I can find a general site about arrythmias..

Greetings Z

Post 457


I am very sorry to hear about this. I am not a doctor, so I only could do a nice internet research, if this would be of any help...

Greetings Z

Post 458


Teuchter, it's difficult for me to offer any links as I'mnot sure exactly what heart condition your brothers got. As their are several that could be refered to as a tachycardial of atrial origin.

Was it a Suprventricular Tachycardia, (the fast heard beat arisis in the atrium,)

or Ectopic beats which arises in the atrium?

Or Atrial Fibrillation, which does lead to a fast heard beat..

Greetings Z

Post 459


I'm sure you've been here already, but the British Heart Foundation have a really good website - which has a really comphrehensive secion on different conditions.

(and they must be good, I buy nearly all my clothes from their chairity shops..)

Sorry if you know all this and I'm just being patronising.

Hi Z! The scout!

Post 460

Blue Bird

I just wanted to drop you a note to say...we know each other-- somewhat!
My name got an extention all the way to Tibet. I am going back where I came from: to the slopes of the Himalays for some medical research! No, no... no submission to Peer Review! Don't worry!
smiley - love Gecko smiley - biggrin Remember: I am not a writer I just write the way I like it, soon post my Rx research in Da Da style.

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