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Hmm, open the 'Shutter's?

Post 1


Hi JEllen, saw Shutter Island yesterday(Mon.). One of those movies that, with the DVD you'd be able to re-sequence smiley - laugh, a bit like Memento.. Good psychological (psycho-social?) plot though, with a somewhat unexpected twist right near the end. It's actually set in roughly the same era as Revolutionary Road - if you haven't seen it(in which case I hope I haven't said too much).

Hmm, open the 'Shutter's?

Post 2


Hi there! Yes, I saw the movie Shutter Island AND I read the book. Loved both. Thought Leo was excellent in it.

Hmm, open the 'Shutter's?

Post 3


He was, a very convincingly played/acted character I thought! smiley - smiley

Hmm, open the 'Shutter's?

Post 4


So smiley - sorry to see you decision??

Hmm, open the 'Shutter's?

Post 5


Hi Jazz! Actually, I haven't left entirely. I'm still checking my page pretty often, and if h2g2 gets sold, I may come back as a regular. How are you doing? Thanks for caring, my friend. I'm doing very well -- I'm painting a lot.

Hmm, open the 'Shutter's?

Post 6


smiley - biggrinAh good to hear back from you so soon! And find out that you're not going anywhere for now...more-or-less.smiley - winkeye I'm doing smiley - ok, reading two different smiley - books right now. Actually three, but it's not always easy tp divide your time as much as you'd like. Glad to hear you're getting alot of painting done(& of courde that you're doing well).

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