This is the Message Centre for Ellen

I do like your art work

Post 21

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - biggrin And here's to many more smiley - cheers

(You've got years of artwork there smiley - laugh)

I do like your art work

Post 22


BTW, good for you for being honest about that laptop computer. Sorry you had to put up with some cynical comments.

I do like your art work

Post 23

Malabarista - now with added pony

It shocked me that he'd think about it that way, to be honest.

If you found $450 in the street and knew who they belonged to, would you consider just keeping it because they were stupid enough to lose it?

I do like your art work

Post 24


I might be a little tempted, but then I'd think of my parents, and have to do the right thing. They were really honest, and I try and be like them.

I do like your art work

Post 25

Malabarista - now with added pony

Exactly. smiley - laugh Temptation's one thing, but acting like the question of giving it back doesn't even come up... smiley - shrug

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