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my film emporium

Post 1

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

I'm fortunate, Ellen, to have a great old theatre (actually 2) in my neighborhood. But, the one I've spent the most time at, is The Princess, which dates back to around the turn of the century - historical significance for this region. I believe it'd sat vacant, in the '60's, but was resurrected in the '70's, as a repertory theatre. It was there that I saw Casablanca, & numerous other more current films, like Koyanasquatsi (sp?), Tampopo, Liquid Sky, Repo Man - with a young Emilio Estevez, Pow Wow Highway, Route 61, Smoke Signals, etc. Actually, a friend & I had also seen Richard Farnsworth's last movie, The Straight Story, there. Last spring, I think (of '02}, it was bought by a small Canadian chain, & is now affiliated with another old theatre (coincidentally, about the same distance as The Princess, from my place - The Princess, about 4 & 1/2 blocks south...the Garneau, 5 blocks west!)It's also - The Princess - where I saw The Cannes Commercials.

In any case, I've got memories, from there - the Garneau, too; it was where I saw The Band's Last Waltz, & a few others over the years, recently, Michael Moore's Bowling For Columbine. I also saw, but, can't recall the name of (something to do with Darkness?), that film Bjork was in a couple years ago...& Kissing Jessica Stein, last fall. Actually, I think (hope) the BBC'll let me post a link, to the site for both, it's (Kind of the modern equivalent of sending along pictures smiley - winkeye.)

my film emporium

Post 2


Koyanasquatsi is a beautiful film isn't it? My brother loved the shot where you see all these linear buildings, and then the moon comes out from behind them, huge and round. I liked Bowling for Columbine. It sparked a real little controversy in my Journal when I wrote about it a few weeks ago. People were weighing in on the pros and cons of gun control. Moore always comes up with the most amazing stuff, like finding a bank where they give you a gun when you open an account. smiley - laugh I loved that.

We have a pretty old theater here, called The Orpheum. It too was built at the turn of the century, then went through a period of disuse, before being renovated in the 80s. It is quite opulent inside. Only downside is that the seats are not real comfortable, they don't have much legroom. But it is fun to sit in the balconies. The big Broadway shows come to the Orpheum on tour. I got to see Les Miserables, and thought it was wonderful.

JE smiley - towel

my film emporium

Post 3

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Yes, Koyanasquatsi is a great, visual movie, & that shot was one of the better ones, as I remember it. I really enjoyed the way that was done!

And, I certainly enjoyed Bowling For Columbine, I'd gone to see it with my brother, & we met a cousin of ours, who was there along with some friends. We stood in the lobby, afterwards, discussing it for a good 10 minutes. That bank, giving away guns, when you opened an account, was hilarious!...bit of a surreal concept, huh? I'd overlooked the fact that I'd seen his Roger & Me, at The Princess, years ago.

Something about those older theatres, isn't there?

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