This is the Message Centre for Ellen

Reading, and a dream

Post 301


One good precognitive dream deserves another: I had this dream back in the late 80's or early 90's, when I was living on my own. I dreamed that I was driving a van. (In waking life I had a car, not a van.) I started to pull into the left hand turn lane, and as I did I checked my rearview mirror. It was clear, but when I looked back ahead, a girl in a wheelchair was directly in front of me. She had long black hair and was very frail looking. I slammed on my brakes in the dream, but it was too late, and I hit her. Pieces of metal went flying everywhere. I remember thinking that I must have killed her, and I got out of the van stunned and horrified. Then the dream ended. Well, the dream was so strange and so intense that I puzzled over it for the rest of the week. What the h*ll had it meant?

I finally decided to tell my brother Mike about the dream, and see if he had any insights into it. I started recounting the dream, and suddenly my brother gasped really loudly. In a stunned voice he said, "You dreamt you hit somebody in a wheelchair!?" And then he started saying, "What are the odds of that?" over and over. Then he told me what had happened to him the week before, and I'm sure you will find it uncanny. He had been driving home from work in his van. This was in real life now, not a dream for him. He had started to pull into the left hand turn lane, and had checked his mirror. When he looked back ahead there was a *man* in a wheelchair right in front of him. My brother slammed on his brakes, and just missed hitting him. The man had long black hair, and was very thin and frail looking. Afterwards my brother had to pull to the side of the road for a few minutes just to calm down.

Now I know my brother didn't lie to me about this happening to him. He was genuinely stunned. And I didn't lie about having the dream. We determined that I had had the dream and he had just avoided the accident midweek the week before. Which means that I had the dream either the day before the accident, or the day after it. Which means that my dream was either precognitive, or at the very least telepathic. I've had other instances of psychic things happening to me and in my family, but this was the most astounding. The dream and the reality had a few differences, but the similarities were overwhelming. That is why I give a lot of credence to psychics like John Edwards. (But not Miss Cleo, ugh) When I am tempted to think that we are only brains and bodies that will disappear into dust, I think about this dream, and think, "Yes, but how do you account for that?"

Wink, I think your dream was almost certainly tied in to Waco. I remember reading that there were children that were killed in that fire. The fact that you had the dream multiple times makes it all the more significant.

Life is Beautiful, and so is Kevin Spacey

Post 302


Yes Wink, I loved Life is Beautiful! It's a wonderful, wonderful film. If you had told me before seeing it that someone could make a comedy that deals in part with the Holocaust, and still be a thoughtful compassionate film, I would have thought you were crazy. But he pulled it off! (His name escapes me at the moment, but he is so talented, the Italian star) I thought the most powerful scene was when the wife insists on getting on the train with her husband and son. Ah, it gave me shivers. I think that the version with subtitles is much better than the one that is dubbed.

smiley - popcorn

Kevin Spacey is one of my favorite actors. He's right up there with Leo and Ralph Fiennes. I just saw American Beauty for the first time this week, believe it or not. I didn't think I would like the film, so I put off seeing it for a long time. Silly me. I loved it. Spacey was so great when he blackmailed his boss. And when he threw the asparagus against the wall. The other actors were good too, especially Annette Bening.

Speaking of Leo, I'm reading a book called Passages that has a minor character in it that's a Leo fanatic. It's very embarrassing reading it, because I can see myself in the character so much. They keep saying things like, "Don't ask Nurse So and So about Titanic, she'll go on and on about how wonderful Leo is." smiley - laugh

By the way Wink, are you going to tell us about your party?

Life is Beautiful, and so is Kevin Spacey

Post 303

WINK (and the MArtian Arts Review) sending much LOve to the Masses

Roberto Beignini (although I think I'm spelling this wrong) was the actor in 'Life is Beautiful'. And I have to agree with you that the dubbed version isn't as good. Italian is such a romantic language and I think it just added to the beauty of the film.

I really need to get out and see that new one with Spacey in it... what's the name of that one again? I watched '8mm' last night. I needed a break from the heart-wrenching storylines for a day. Have you seen that one? It's deals with a terribly disturbing subject matter. I really like Nicolas Cage. He's probably my favourite actor. Funny how his career just blossomed - from a hack part in 'Fast Times at Ridgemont High' and his redneck portrayal in 'Raising Arizona' to his moving performance in 'City of Angels'. I don't have many favourites... but he's definitely one of them.

So.. you wanna know about the party?! smiley - biggrin It was alright. I am not much on getting all dressed up and I absolutely *despise* high-heeled shoes (which I had to wear). Everyone looked really nice. I got a lot of compliments about my dress. I wore my hair up a little. I have really long and naturally curly hair (reminds me of that little girl on Charlie Brown... heh heh) and so I wore it up a little to keep from getting too hot... which I did anyway with the beadwork on my dress. I took some pictures. I told Shee when I get them developed I would send you guys one and you can see what I look like in my dress. smiley - wow I got dragged out to the dance floor a couple of times and that was fun. Haven't done that in a *long* while. The food was pretty good... really rich tasting. I had a couple of drinks (which I probably shouldn't have) and had some yummy vanilla cappuccino with cake at the end. A few of us decided to keep the party going and went to a restaurant downtown to just chat. I stayed out *far* too late, but got to sleep in the next morning so that was okay.

smiley - winkeye WINK

Reading, and a dream

Post 304

WINK (and the MArtian Arts Review) sending much LOve to the Masses

smiley - wow
My family has had incidences of precognition as well. I've had (4) dreams that just seem too close to call. Unfortunately for me, they've all been rather disturbing and end in death. And most unfortunate is that mine aren't nearly as straight-forward as your dream. There is a lot of room for different interpretation.. and sometimes I just think I'm going crazy. I think that's why I try to consciously control my dreaming. Sometimes it works, you know.. *willing* your dreams not to come. But most times, it doesn't. I think the ones that seep through are too mean and angry to be stopped.... those are the ones that frighten me the most.

I've told my mother about my dreams and at first she thought I was just suffering from some depression or mental illness myself. Then they are just so tied to the RL happenings.... it's hard for her to deny that there might be something to it, you know? I've not been sleeping really well lately. I have had the same dream 3 times in the last two weeks and it's similar, in a way, to your dream... I'm in my car, but it's not my car. It's decidedly larger than mine and a dark colour. I'm smoking a cigarette, which I don't do, and listening to talk radio. Nothing around me looks familiar.. wherever I'm driving. And I seem a bit irritated with something.. not sure what though. I catch a glimpse of myself in the rearview mirror and it's not me.. the eyes are different.. and I'm a man. 5 o'clock shadow and receding hairline. The cigarette falls from my mouth and falls into my lap. Fumbling to brush the ash out of my crotch, I take my attention away from the road for just a moment. When I look up, there is a child in the middle of the street and I try to miss him, but end up hitting him anyway. I jump out of the vehicle and run around to the front to check on the child. I look down and it's my son. Then I wake up. Want to try an analyze this one? It's really disturbing me and I've not slept in days. I just don't want to have it any more.


Reading, and a dream

Post 305


I hope you have some nice dreams soon Wink, and not so many nightmares. smiley - smiley I'm not sure what you're dream meant, unless maybe it just means you are concerned about your son.

Shipping News is the new one with Kevin Spacey. I'm going to see it this weekend. I've never seen 8mm, but I do like Nic Cage. He's excellent. He was so funny in Raising Arizona!

The party sounds like it was nice. I hate heels too. I hardly ever wear them, and even when I do, they're low ones. That would be cool if you could send us pics.

Reading, and a dream

Post 306

WINK (and the MArtian Arts Review) sending much LOve to the Masses

Thanks Ellen! smiley - cheerup Shee offered a rather interesting analysis of my dream and I think some of what she said could be right on the money. (Thanks Shee! smiley - biggrin ) I'm glad that I told you guys though. Sometimes it is nice to get an unbiased opinion of your dream.. interpretting them yourself can get overanalytical I think. And I've been *definitely* going 'round on this one for a few days.

I'm hoping that I'll get out to see 'Shipping News' next week with the gang after work. Just for Spacey and the scenery. smiley - smiley I haven't been to the movies since 'Harry Potter' and I'm getting a little anxious to go back to the theatre. There's nothing that beats a movie on the big screen!

I'm getting my pictures back today (well, after work) so I won't be able to scan them until Monday. So I should have a nice picture to email you guys. smiley - wow Me in all my glittered glory! ha!

smiley - winkeye WINK

Frog Blog up to 5 now!

Post 307

WINK (and the MArtian Arts Review) sending much LOve to the Masses

Thanks, too, Ellen for the lovely frog pictures! smiley - smiley I'm working on another one today.. that's 5 so far. All of them but one have been hand-drawn in pencil and pen. I did a cartoon-like one on the computer yesterday because of time. With all the smileys here, I thought of a froggy smiley and so it's a green smiley face with a long pink tongue coming out to catch a fly and I put the words 'Have a Froggy Day' around it. He's funny! smiley - wow

Gotta go. I'll email you guys later.

smiley - winkeye WINK

Frog Blog up to 5 now!

Post 308


My favorite frog is Michigan J. Frog from the Looney Tunes cartoons. smiley - musicalnote "Hello my baby, hello my darling, hello my ragtime gal. Send me a kiss by wire. Baby, my heart's on fire." smiley - musicalnote

By the way, they've fixed it where you can't stay logged in permanently, so if you see my name now in "who's online" then I am online. Not that you're very likely to, I'm usually on in the middle of the night.

Frog Blog up to 5 now!

Post 309


Ah darn, I hate it when I don't have any new messages. Where is everybody? smiley - blue

I've been meaning to ask, how do I create a link to another h2g2 thread or article in a conversation thread? Do I use code the way I do on my user page? *Clueless* I bet y'all know.

I'm going to see Beautiful Mind again tomorrow. I know, I'm a sucker for punishment, but my friend Sandie wants to see it, and I'd like to see it once knowing that he's ill from the beginning. And I'd like to hear the music again too. It's by James Horner, the same guy who did the music for Titanic. He, like John Williams, is massively talented.

I had my friend Rene over this afternoon to watch Diva, a great French thriller, and she fell asleep! I couldn't believe it! She left when I woke her up. LOL

Frog Blog up to 5 now!

Post 310

tacsatduck- beware the <sheep> lie

to create the link just type the addy into the post and it will pop up when you hit post code needed

smiley - chick
(smiley - cuddlesmiley - bunny)

Frog Blog up to 5 now!

Post 311


Thanks for the info Duckie! smiley - winkeye

Frog Blog up to 5 now!

Post 312

tacsatduck- beware the <sheep> lie

oh I might got a little froggy and jumped at my old answer....I think now you can just put in the last bit like the A(with-number-after) like A666416 or the U(number)for user pages or even the f(number)for conversations and I think if you put < . / > around like feedback that will have a link to feedback and if you use it around PeerReview it will be a link there and so on <./>Feedback</.> smiley - biggrin<./>Info</.>
smiley - chick
(smiley - cuddlesmiley - bunny)

Frog Blog up to 5 now!

Post 313


smiley - erm Hmmm, guess I'll have to experiment a little.

Frog Blog up to 5 now!

Post 314

tacsatduck- beware the <sheep> lie

smiley - cool
that's what I usually do

smiley - chick
(smiley - cuddlesmiley - bunny)

Hello Duck

Post 315


So what are you doing up so late, or so early? Me, I'm just a night owl all the time. It's almost 3am here in Memphis. *waves*

I just finished reading a book called Passage, and a plot twist four fifths of the way in really astounded me. I'm still trying to wrap my brain around it. I tell you, the book kept me guessing till the final page. But I wouldn't want to spoil it by giving any hints, in case someone else decides to read it.

Hello Duck

Post 316

tacsatduck- beware the <sheep> lie

I had to come into work to do some rolls and figured I might as well hang out for a bit that way I don't have to go home then come back into the city to get my rental car from the airport...I have to drive up to RI for work and all the work is going to be at night so it is also helping me set my internal clock before hand...

hmmm I am reading the "wheel of time series" I am on book 3 right now...I tend to read a bunch here because I have my morning comute on the train and it helps to pass the time and in my last job I had a lot of time to kill with no computer so I ended up reading 3 or 4 books a week (really cheesy ST books most of the time)

smiley - chick
(smiley - cuddlesmiley - bunny)

Hiya All!

Post 317

WINK (and the MArtian Arts Review) sending much LOve to the Masses

smiley - cheerup For everyone!
Seems I've *missed* a bit the last few days. Sorry Ellen, I have been really hectic at work and haven't had a chance to log on and post a worthwhile message.

So... how was everyone's weekend? I am *finally* going to see 'Lord of the Rings' tonight with some friends. I am looking very forward to it. I started a diet this past week and I'm on day 4 and I have to say I hate it! I miss coffee. No caffeine. Argh! smiley - cappuccinosmiley - coffee My head's been aching without them. Argh! Funny what your body gets used to... deprive it and it gets even with you! smiley - headhurts

Got my pictures back over the weekend from the party. I am going to scan them tomorrow morning. I will email you guys a copy and then you'll know 'me'... at least in a visual sense. Weather has gotten *cold* again.. we actually had some ice on the roads on my way into work this morning. Slick. Slick. I can't wait for spring. This up and down weather is really getting to me.

Email you tonight, Ellen. Maybe I can catch you 'online' for a chat! smiley - wow

smiley - winkeye WINK

Hiya All!

Post 318

the Shee

Heh heh, I've had the same problem... This entire weekend, I haven't been able to get online. smiley - grr So perhaps I've missed some stuff... There always seems to be so much going on here!

Hi 'Duck, once again! (I don't feel I've greeted you properly--probably a symptom of having been off this thread for a while smiley - winkeye)

I haven't seen Lord of the Rings yet, but on Wednesday I actually went to the *movies* (smiley - yikes) and saw "I am Sam".. It was amazing. I don't know the last time I cried in a movie.. I don't even know if I ever *have* cried in a movie (a testament to how often I watch movies smiley - winkeye). No, that's wrong. I cried during Dead Poet's Society (but not seen at a theatre). Oh, my movie-tastes are so great, aren't they? smiley - biggrin Anyway, I thought it was really really good. There's about three or four movies in theatres right now that I want to see still... Must be the influence, eh? smiley - biggrin

Hiya All!

Post 319

WINK (and the MArtian Arts Review) sending much LOve to the Masses

smiley - hug

Just got in from 'Lord' and I have to say I am excited about Christmas and the release of the 2nd in the series! It was delightful. I was so impressed. I wasn't sure how I was going to like it, but it brought back so much of my childhood reading 'The Hobbit'. It is definitely a movie to be seen in the theatre first.. so I recommend it if you can! This is the first film I've been out to see since 'Harry Potter'. Although there are quite a few I'd like to see - 'I Am Sam' is one of them. I still haven't seen 'Beautiful Mind' or 'Shipping News' and someone told me that 'Brotherhood of the Wolf' is excellent. I missed out on the 'Madolin' movie with Nic Cage, as well as 'WindTalkers' (wasn't that the other one?) Have to wait for video, I guess. Have you seen the previews for the new one coming out with Mel Gibson about the crop circles? It looks like it might be interesting. It's called 'Signs' and it's written/directed by the same guy who did 'Sixth Sense' and 'Unbreakable' (and I rather like both of those films.. a watcher I think). smiley - wow I had a lot to say there, didn't I? Well, nothing like getting the conversation started, eh Shee?! smiley - winkeye

Well, seems we get Duck, we lose Duck! Hope he visits again soon. I want to know about these 'rolls' he had to do at work. I thought I'd read on his space that he worked for a cell phone company? Am I wrong? smiley - headhurts I think I need some smiley - coffee argh! I must've passed some big test tonight... cause I don't remember ever going to the movies and not getting a big ol' tub of popcorn with butter and just vegging out in the seat. But alas, *sigh* not a kernel to be eaten by me... no wonder they call them *diets* for this will surely be the death of me! smiley - winkeye ha!

I am also going to be in mourning soon. I read today that May 18th will be the last ever X-files show. smiley - blue Although I am hoping that the final week will bring back Mulder and Scully and end it right, without these two newbies around. Guess I'll be sticking with my DVD collections from now on. *heavy sigh*

smiley - winkeye WINK

Hiya All!

Post 320


Windtalkers was delayed until this Summer Wink, you didn't miss it.

I saw a poster for Signs, and it looks really ominous. The tag line is "It's not like they didn't warn us." That director is really good, M Night Shamalyn (sp?) so I'll probably go see it, if I can get up the nerve. I'm going to avoid reading the reviews, cause I want it to be a surprise.

Mel Gibson will also be in a movie set in Vietnam called, I think, We Were Soldiers. It's directed by Randall Wallace, the guy who wrote Brave Heart.

I'd like to see Fellowship of the Ring again while it is still on the big screen. It was really good.

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