This is the Message Centre for Jane Bane

Hallo :)

Post 121

Jane Bane

ah yes... i spent a day in the sun not long ago, luckily i covered most of my body so only got burns on my ankles. i was with some pretty foolish girls who didn't put on enough sunscreen. sounds like you had more sense than we did. so age does not necessarily bring wisdom, eh? not that there's much significant distinction between 19 and 20... still can't drink. except in certain bars in new orleans...

Hallo :)

Post 122

Pete *not quite dead yet*

smiley - laugh Well I only have the sense to put on sunscreen 'cos my mum would tan my hide if she saw me sunburned, she is really into this whole skin cancer thing lately... *shrug* Of coures, I would never tan with baby oil or any of that craziness... but after I get my tan back, I am definitely stopping with the sunscreen... smiley - winkeye

Or Mexico! I went to Mexico when I was 16 with my da. That was fun! We had margaritas and cheap beer every night... smiley - laugh


Hallo :)

Post 123

Jane Bane

aw, that does sound nice. viva la mexico
heh. *tan* your hide. my mom warns me about skin cancer too, that and we'll be less wrinkly when we're old or something. my face did get red too, from swimming happily in that nasty salty ocean, i guess. i never did have a tan, except my feet get stripes on them from wearing birkenstocks. and of course now i have slightly browned patches from my ankles halfway up my calves showing where my skirt was lying as i baked... i'm definitely a beach novice

Hallo :)

Post 124

Pete *not quite dead yet*

Now I just want to travel to Europe and India and I'll be happy. :D

Unfortunately the weather has decided (in its infinite annoyingness) to cool down lately so I've not been able to tan the way I'd like to... smiley - grr

Ah, grasshopper, you shall learn. smiley - winkeye


Hallo :)

Post 125

Jane Bane

i prefer the cool weather, myself. very little tolerance for heat. otherwise, i suppose i'd still be in New Orleans now. well, besides the fact that my best friends are here and not there... not that nebraska is that great in the summer either, but at least i put some distance between me and the equator. plans to get even further north eventually and spend some time in aspen. yay.

Hallo :)

Post 126

Pete *not quite dead yet*

heh. the tan project got scrapped... i think i shall be this colour for the rest of the winter. smiley - laugh

went to my da's in new mexico, then home again lickety split.... boring summer.

yay aspen!


Hallo :)

Post 127

Jane Bane

ok, second attempt to post..
summer's over. damn. this is my last week home, will be starting the migration south friday night or so. i don'twant to go, all my favoritepeople are here and i was finally getting something going with a guy i've been in love with for years... but c'est la vie. aside from that, lincoln was getting kind of boring. i already have tickets for a Super Furry Animals show in NO next month. so, every cloud... sigh. still dreading my imminent return to the monastic student life i live.

Hallo :)

Post 128

Pete *not quite dead yet*

Missing summer a bit already -- I start in five days. (and, of course, by the laws of nature work almost all of the last days of summer). smiley - hug Sorry about the thing with the guy, that's gotta be harsh. smiley - sadface Super Furry Animals?

What I'm not looking forward to is the return to super-preppy business type clothing. *rolls eyes* "professional"


Hallo :)

Post 129

Jane Bane

hmm, you know, iwouldn't mind enforcing dress codes on my fellow students. first thing to go would be those damn platform sandals and, in fact, any footwear that makes noise. and no more backwards hats. so if everyone (except me) was going around in formal wear and bath slippers, that would suit me fine.
super furry animals is like my favorite band, they are from wales. i saw them back in my freshman year, it was great. now they have a new album out so i get to see them again. i'm not sure where exactly the appeal lies, except they're just fun and have a great sound, and welsh accents...

Hallo :)

Post 130

Pete *not quite dead yet*

yay! glad you get to see them then! :D

formal wear and bath slippers... i could dig that. it would be the first time comfortable shoes would be acceptable with dressy clothing... *grin*

i'm obsessed right now. i keep making pillows. my bed is going to look like i'm a harem girl pretty quick here... *snicker*

Hallo :)

Post 131

Jane Bane

aww, pillows. i did just notice the phrase 'pillow encrusted' inserted into your name, and that did make me curious. and really, when it comes to pillows, there's no such thing as too many. i'm a fan of chenille, personally. nothing like plopping down into a soft, lumpy old chenille pillow after a long afternoon of trying to stay awake in class... i'll be back to that so soon i can hardly believe it.

Hallo :)

Post 132

Pete *not quite dead yet*

hee! the easiest to sew is cotton though... i quite like those. smiley - smiley

school starts for me in three days. watch me twitch with joy. :P


Hallo :)

Post 133

Jane Bane

yeah.. i think classes start wednesday for me. i'll be back on campus monday. bleh. meanwhile i'll be travelling so you probably won't hear from me. so til then, good luck on your preparations and pillow-making.

Hallo :)

Post 134

Pete *not quite dead yet*

thanks doll! i hope your first day of school went well...
mine went pretty satisfactorily (i.e. i looked hot and didn't say hi to the guy i liked last semester first)
of course now that the week is over, i'm about ready to drop...
smiley - laugh

Hallo :)

Post 135

Jane Bane

god, that first week dragged by... drastic changes of scene sort of mess up my sense of time or something. but i've been in a good mood for a couple days straight and my classes look fairly interesting, so all in all smiley - cool
i did let my parking permit expire, a small oversight.

Hallo :)

Post 136

Pete *not quite dead yet*

smiley - yikes Yah, probably need that parking permit... smiley - winkeye

I'm still a little messed up over the going back to school thing. I'm just too used to having a lot of sleep. smiley - laugh

However, went to the theatre department convocation, and got some logo shirts and stuff, so now I can be an even bigger theatre cheerleader. smiley - geek


Hallo :)

Post 137

Jane Bane

ah, but aren't t-shirts great? i've got one from my college radio station, it gives me super posers, and allows me to make easy conversation with other enthusiasts. yeah.
luckily, as far as the permit goes, i was saved by the usually dependable laziness principle, which ensures that nobody was going to bother to check the date on the little yellow card hanging from my rearview mirror. so i didn't get a ticket during the 2 days it was sitting there illegally. yay for laziness.

Hallo :)

Post 138

Pete *not quite dead yet*

*grin* yep, my hat is from our college radio station, KSJS. i lurve it. especially since i know a bunch of the guys on the air. hee!

most college organizations are massively lazy. i got my keys taken away in june, they were meant to be given back to the lock shop, but they are still in property lockup now, four months later or whatever, until the point where i called about it. *rolls eyes* yay college bureaucracy.


Hallo :)

Post 139

Jane Bane

super posers? geez, what a freudian typo. ahem. *super powers* damn, i'd love to have a radio hat too! i myself am on the radio. as is or has been virtually everyone else on this campus who is cool.. so the t-shirt is important. failing that, i have a button. god i'm a dork.
i am sooo tired. trying to read this spanish poetry assignment which i put off all week, i have no idea why. just because. didn't feel like it. it's nice stuff though... deserved more of my time. alas.

Hallo :)

Post 140

Pete *not quite dead yet*

and of course the button is for your backpack so, whilst walking about campus, you can be advertising your radio! smiley - biggrin This year at convocation shirts were a lot easier to get so whenever you walk into the scene shop we look like we're wearing a frickin' uniform... *lol* yay free t-shirts. (expendable smiley - winkeye )

sleep is good for the soul, you know... ;p now that i don't eat fun stuff i sleep a lot as my treat to myself.. *snicker* i am such a loser... i actually blew off going to a party i was invited to to go watch stargate on someone's couch. i'm such a cardigan... ;p


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