This is the Message Centre for Jane Bane

Hallo :)

Post 41

Jane Bane

i must say i think i get teary more often with music than movies... but even then, it's not much. like i said, dancer in the dark was the only time i actually cried. usually a single salty tear is the biggest reaction. don't know if that means i'm hard or just inexperienced and unable to relate personally with the trials of yadda yadda....
oh, i bet going from punk to simon and garfunkel was quite a flip. or maybe it's one of those that's just simon, i really don't know. i looked for the cd today at best buy but no luck. got chemical bros. instead.

Hallo :)

Post 42

Pete *not quite dead yet*

I usually can't cry to music.. I think the only time I did was listening to "Butterfly Kisses" -- yeah, I know, cheesy as heck, but I don't get to see my da much..

Dunno, I think I just empathize too much, I actually have to run away from movies if I get too embarrassed for the characters, or too worried about them.. *rolls eyes* Luckily I can control myself in theatres though..

Right on! smiley - smiley Dunno, Me First and the Gimme Gimmes do the weirdest songs as punk, like Carly Simon, Cat Stevens, and Richard O'Brien (RHPS smiley - smiley) But I really find them fun and sometimes like the punk version better than the original.. (HERESY!!! smiley - winkeye)

Chemical Brothers is fun stuff smiley - smiley


Hallo :)

Post 43

Jane Bane

yes, on rare occasions remakes actually are improvements... cat stevens in punk form? sounds fascinating...
when i was younger i never used to cry at movies. my dad always did, though... aww. i guess not empathizing too much helps me enjoy the movie, less stress i'd think.

Hallo :)

Post 44

Pete *not quite dead yet*

smiley - biggrin It's pretty cool -- but then again I like Cat Stevens in general so smiley - smiley

smiley - laugh It is kinda stressful... I've run away from movies before :p and smack me if I already told you that.. smiley - laugh


Hallo :)

Post 45

Jane Bane

ok, speaking of movies to run away from... finally saw requiem for a dream smiley - ill i guess it was pretty beautiful but thoroughly unenjoyable by the end. so bloody horrible... the ending wasn't good enough either, but i guess it was probably planned out to leave you with nothing but crushing despair... yep.
i adore cat stevens too... have you seen harold and maude?

Hallo :)

Post 46

Pete *not quite dead yet*

smiley - yikes I never saw Requiem.. I guess I shouldn't then..?

Cat Stevens is awesome..
No I haven't! Isn't his music in that??


Hallo :)

Post 47

Jane Bane

yes, i believe harold and maude is musicified exclusively by cat stevens. it's a really great film, too. quite offbeat and you may cry... but i highly recommend it. not nearly as mean as requiem. i hate to discourage people from seeing movies that have merit, but it's a viewer discretion kind of thing. i used to censor myself, but now i actively seek out stuff that will upset and disturb me.

Hallo :)

Post 48

Pete *not quite dead yet*

Then that alone makes the movie worth seeing.. smiley - winkeye

Oh, right on.. smiley - smiley Yah, I'm probably not going to see Requiem.. I am still in the "censoring myself" stage --- I like movies to make me happy or sad, but not disgusted -- for instance, I turned off both "Freddie got Fingered" and "Not Another Teen Movie" about 15 minutes into each.. smiley - laugh Although most of the time I'm not offended by stuff. Weird.

smiley - bunny

Hallo :)

Post 49

Jane Bane

not another teen movie i can understand... well, freddie got fingered i can understand too. still, i enjoyed the latter. fully aware how awful it was but at the same time... i guess i just enjoy tom green. his japan special was friggin hilarious. my favorite part was when he was dancing to the sound of an auctioneer while wearing a big floppy fish suit.... i guess you had to see it.
just saw a really great movie called Cradle Will Rock. about the depression and the federal theatre project. great cast.

Hallo :)

Post 50

Pete *not quite dead yet*

*giggle* I liked the skateboard show with Tom Green.. That's about the only Tom Green I really liked.. 'Course I think Tony Hawk is cool n' stuff.. (I date skater boys smiley - smiley)

I rented Cradle Will Rock, and liked it, and unfortunately fell asleep and had to take it back.. smiley - cry

smiley - bunny

Hallo :)

Post 51

Jane Bane

aww, didn't get to finish it... oh well.
i don't think i know about this skateboard show. i remember him skateboarding through a mall at the beginning of freddie got fingered, so i guess it must be something he enjoys. too much like a sport for me to show interest, however...smiley - winkeye

Hallo :)

Post 52

Pete *not quite dead yet*

smiley - laugh It was on Comedy Central a few months ago..
Well, sports are evil!! smiley - winkeye
The only sport I ever participated in was swim team for one year.. smiley - laugh And then I fled for my life. smiley - winkeye
smiley - bunny

Hallo :)

Post 53

Jane Bane

yeah, i generally avoid physical activity. though lately i have been going to my mom's office in the afternoon to join her in walking laps in the hallways... i call it hamstercize. pretty dismal but it's so hot out it makes a kind of sense to do one's walking indoors.
am i imagining things or was comedy central a lot lamer back in the mid-90's, about the time i first got cable? the movies they showed were only funny because they were so bad... nowadays though they have pretty good stuff. and of course the daily show. damn, i missed south park tonight... i don't usuallly watch it but it looked like it was going to be a good one

Hallo :)

Post 54

Pete *not quite dead yet*

Hamstercize! That's awesome! :D

Definitely, if you've got to exercise do it with A/C! smiley - smiley

Yes, it used to be a lot lamer.. They still do stuff like that one with Eddie Murphy where he's a prince from another country or some such...

Hallo :)

Post 55

Pete *not quite dead yet*

auw :*( southpark is awesome!
I usually never get to see it though.. *sigh*
Premature posting there, sorry..
-Pete n JJ

Hallo :)

Post 56

Jane Bane

yeah, coming to america... and the other day after kids in the hall they showed Airplane 2. the afternoon movies still tend to suck.
i've really lapsed on my south park viewing too. south park was kind of what saved comedy central, wasn't it?

Hallo :)

Post 57

Pete *not quite dead yet*

smiley - laugh That's right, Coming to America..
They play some pretty badness..

I think so.. I mean, what did they have before South Park?

smiley - bunny

Hallo :)

Post 58

Jane Bane

i think kids in the hall and SNL have always been there for them... didn't they used to show mystery science theatre 3000? they really should get that back from the sci fi channel... or is sci fi even showing it anymore? if so, it's only the sci fi ones but the westerns are the funniest. luckily they're on video. i think my friend has the one with the pod people.

Hallo :)

Post 59

Pete *not quite dead yet*

True.. I'd have to say SNL is my all time favorite show.. Especially the Election 2000 stuff -- it was nearly as funny as the actual news coverage is in retrospect.. at the time, however, it was rather nerve-wracking. :P

MST3K is awesome! Did you ever see the one with the head in the hatbox? I think that's the only one I've seen all the way through, but it was great! That's one of those 2 AM, pixy stick induced sleepover shows.. Like Sifl and Olly, did you ever see that one? smiley - biggrin

smiley - bunny

Hallo :)

Post 60

Jane Bane

i loved sifl and olly!!! i have never really had the opportunity to discuss that show, sadly... i guess nobody else ever stayed up. ah, the golden age of Mtv. how rotten and useless it is now.
i still have some sifl and olly on tape. sigh... Mtv used to have cool animated stuff too. cartoon sushi or something like that. aeon flux, the maxx... that all disappeared about the time _I_ got cable smiley - steam but now i have a lot of that stuff on video. aeon flux and the maxx both came out on vhs. i love sick and twisted animation. one of my very favorite things. smiley - monster

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