This is the Message Centre for Jane Bane

Hallo :)

Post 81

Pete *not quite dead yet*

smiley - laugh Hey, it still made sense in that hootoo sorta way :D

Ooo, you're going to host a college radio show? I thought about that once, 'cos we have a pretty famous college radio station, KSJS, but then I realised I can't talk that much.. How'd you like it?


Hallo :)

Post 82

Jane Bane

on our station, it's really not necessary for a dj to have anything inventive to say. all you have to do is read various scripted announcements, a calendar, and tell people what songs you played. you can deliver it all in a stumbling monotone if you want. it amounts to maybe 2 minutes of talking every half hour or so unless you want to break in more frequently. i'm quite enthused about being involved, we have the wonderfullest station. you can hear it on webcast at but it'll probably sound about like any other college station, with all the cool music you never hear anywhere else. college radio is all i listen to, that and my own cd's.
i've also been told i have a good radio voice, especially for jazz. perfect face for radio too. nobody's actually said that to me. but oh, they're thinking it.

Hallo :)

Post 83

Jane Bane

smiley - tongueout yeah.
oh screw smilies.

Hallo :)

Post 84

Pete *not quite dead yet*

smiley - smiley I do them 'cos I like the colour.

That's pretty cool, so you can get your feet wet before you start rambling off on the radio.. smiley - winkeye rockin' about the voice thing.. smooth then eh? smiley - smiley


Hallo :)

Post 85

Jane Bane

yeah, i think they do a pretty good job of training us. i got to work with pretty good dj's too. and now that i'm to this point i feel pretty comfortable with talking and playing songs and even making mistakes... long as you don't cause the antenna to explode. a little dead air is just kind of an inevitable part of the medium. and it's just another sign of how cool and laid-back it all is. i can hardly stand to listen to commercial radio now, the music sucks and the commercials suck and the dj's are annoying. though i always kind of thought that.
yeah, my voice is smoooth and sexy. i guess that's what they meant.
one useful thing about smilies is are a good way of marking sarcasm, which can be sort of hard to communicate in text form.

Hallo :)

Post 86

Pete *not quite dead yet*

training is really important in a new job like that, you're lucky.. 'cos most places training is.. allow us to toss you out on teh floor and uh, you'll learn. smiley - winkeye

Allowing yourself to make mistakes is also important. I dunno, I personally have issues with making mistakes that other people know about, but I'm sure that's common.

*giggle* Antenna Explodey!

smiley - smiley

That's very true.. The smiley - winkeye smiley is one of my most used!


Hallo :)

Post 87

Jane Bane

if they'd thrown me out with no training, i'd have exploded the antenna for sure. 'this button?' 'no, not that button!' i had almost that exact conversation with my first dj.

Hallo :)

Post 88

Pete *not quite dead yet*

Don't press the big, red button!!

Hallo :)

Post 89

Jane Bane

yay, i go home tomorrow! damn, i have to get up at 4 AM to make my flight! i'll be sleeping on the plane and doing homework in the airport, should be a lovely day. last year i wrote the bulk of a paper between flights.
i think it was a red button too. except little and square, and there were two of them. i forget what they do exactly, change the power of the signal or something.

Hallo :)

Post 90

Pete *not quite dead yet*

Auw, getting up at 4 AM isn't a whole lot of fun smiley - sadface ...

Whee, homework. Watch me get so excited (I've been avoiding my history paper for the past week.. smiley - laugh)

'Course, when you're on a forced stretch of boredom (such as the airport) homework has its uses. :D

smiley - laugh Well, wouldn't want to do that, would we?!!?

Did you survive Thanksgiving? I did, luckily.. Having my entire family over was rather.. trying, I'll put it as.. smiley - winkeye


Hallo :)

Post 91

Jane Bane

well well well. i don't know about you but returning to campus is incredibly depressing for me. ugh. my stupid room, the stupid food, the stupid people.. but i just have to get buried in my work again, and all will be well. i have this wonderful old mexican comedian guy i'm researching and i get to watch his movies and laugh uncomprehendingly... that's what i did all day yesterday and i still have 6 or 7 pages to write, in spanish... i don't mind, for once in my life i'm actually interested in the subject i have to bullsh*t about. if only it weren't due tomorrow.
my plane was at 5.30 this morning. that means i haven't slept. except on the plane...
thanksgiving was nice though. the food was good. i didn't have time to do anything but hang out with my parents but i like my parents. we went to see The Emperors Club which kind of sucked. james Bond would have been more fun.

Hallo :)

Post 92

Pete *not quite dead yet*

heh, I haven't actually returned yet, that's not til tomorrow... but i'm rather used to living at school so should be ok.

people are rather stupid though, i must agree with you there.. smiley - winkeye

smiley - ok Good luck with that!!

Hon, sleep is good for the soul! It's also good for your writing abilities, ya know...

That's pretty cool that you like hanging with your parents.. I get along with my parents just fine, it's just the little brothers I have to deal with that gets irritating.. smiley - winkeye

You didnt' like the Emperors Club? I want to see that one... I want to see Bond too though. smiley - winkeye


Hallo :)

Post 93

Jane Bane

EC wasn't too terribly bad but it was a little pointless. unless you interpret it as a thinly veiled allegory for our current political regime. aha!
i'm all for sleep as well, but there are times when you just have to.....smiley - yawn
no no, i'll be okay. as long as i remain interested in what i'm doing i can ignore the fact that i may be tired. i might have actually gotten up to 4 hours of napping on my flights... and it's kind of nice to know i'm already booked for my christmas vacation which is a mere 2 weeks away.

Hallo :)

Post 94

Pete *not quite dead yet*

smiley - laugh Sounds more interesting if you interpret it the second way.

Yes, I definitely understand the necessity for sleep deprivation occaisionally.. Just don't create a habit out of it.. It's hard to quit. :P

Yay!!! 4 hours of naps are good!!!

EEK! Christmas vacation = end of semester! Don't tell me that!!!


Hallo :)

Post 95

Jane Bane

are you shreiking out of joy? i don't understand. i am aching for the end of the semester. i am aching for graduation! and that's still at least 2.5 years away... arg, school, hate. it's been a bad, bad couple of days. i must have spent 3 days straight writing one damn paper because it was in spanish and i still didn't get it in on time and then i couldn't finish the other thing i had to do so i now have to keep myself awake all night working on this other thing so i can hand it in 2 days late... and...and... i could almost cry.
i think i usually only get about 5 hours of sleep a night because i just don't like to go to bed early. as in before 2 AM. last night, pushing myself, i only made it to 2.30... but i'd only had 4 hours of sleep in 2 days... or something... shrug.
smiley - xmastree

Hallo :)

Post 96

Pete *not quite dead yet*

Heh.. no.. I'm not ready for all the final papers I have to do in the next week and a half.. *flees* I just want to go to school but not have to do homework, etc.. Is that too much to ask? smiley - winkeye

I dont' sleep much either but that's due to social life happening during the night.. smiley - laugh


Hallo :)

Post 97

Jane Bane

yeah, where is that school where you don't have to do homework? i'd apply. totally.
social life? what's that? well, i did watch The Wizard of Oz with a couple buddies t'other night. (do people say t'other as a cute colloquialism or did i just make that up?)
i guess the end of the semester does have its good and bad points. i am here right now trying to avoid a messy and ugly project i have to do... ewww... it's all slimy and smells like old rotten books.

Hallo :)

Post 98

Pete *not quite dead yet*

smiley - biggrin Yah, we should go back to the Grecian way of doing things! :D

I think people say that.. it sounds right to me.. t'other night. smiley - smiley

Yech. I still haven't worked on my two papers and they're due on Monday and Tuesday, respectively. *shudder*


Hallo :)

Post 99

Jane Bane

haw haw. my paper is done! haw haw again. i am kind of elated. i don't even care what he thinks of it anymore. though i did actually work really really hard on it and did my best to make it good and all that.. so he'll eat it and like it!
the greeks had it right in so many ways... not that i know anything about the greeks. except they did sit around philosophizing a lot, and they had good agricultural practices too, didn't they? yeah, i'll bet they did. seems like something they'd have.

Hallo :)

Post 100

Pete *not quite dead yet*

yay!!!! i hope he'll like it! let me know how it went! :D
smiley - winkeye I think they did have good agricultural practices, it would make sense since they had good irrigation methods..

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