Is that a Babel Fish or are you pleased to see me?

smiley - bleepWelcome to the hoopiest Space in H2G2.

Right here we really know where our towels are. It's in early-stages right now so call back later when there's something worth reading, or leave a message to give me inspiration!

smiley - schooloffishMEsmiley - schooloffish

Spose I'd better disclose some information about myself. I'm 17 going on 3, live in Nottingham, England, enjoy 'alternative' music, ie, punk and ska, plus the excellant rockers AC/DC, play guitar, write crap about nothing in particular (see below), [no longer have a boyfriend in Ireland], and am aquainted with Alex and Jason. That's about it really...

smiley - earthHere is a little something I wrote on Determinism and stuff... mere speculation, I assure you, cus I don't really know what I'm talking about

And Now...

smiley - earthJoin our Semi-secret Organisation and make a stand. YOU can make a difference! Your country needs you!

smiley - earthKeep reading...

Well, here's a bit more pointless philosophy for you all: Darwinism and stuff. British pigeons Hands up who likes my pigeon.


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Mel the Proud, Saver of Flies and Moths and Keeper of the Spangly Rock

Researcher U183612


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