Useful Info that is Horribly Useless...

Well, I suppose it is time for me to introduce myself, I'm Adam Humphrey, AKA Vile Lagomorph. As you can tell by the name, I have an odd fixation for using rather large words even if they have nothing to do with anything at all. For instance, I don't consider myself to be vile (and it's not even a large or difficult word at that) and I'm certainly not a lagomorph (a rabbit or other member of the pika family, for the uninformed who are no longer of that status). So anyway, my name makes NO sense whatsoever and should be regarded as such.

Scene from Half-Life; computer animated character running away from explosion Hm... I suppose a bit of info about myself is in order... I'm currently attending the University of Tennessee, which has recently been ranked the #1 party school in the entire United States! However, I am doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to help it keep this envious title as I'm not the type of person to be involved in such affairs. I am a Computer Science major and hope to spend the rest of my seemingly worthless life (at least to everyone but me) designing and programming video games for the enjoyment of others like myself.

After seeing their marvelous show in Las Vegas, I have become a fan of the Blue Man Group and would love to become a Blue Man, if only I had the coordination to be a decent percussionist... oh well. Of course, I would also need become proficient in the art of catching things with my mouth, a skill I have not yet developed. Hm... I think I'll keep my day job. Oh wait... I don't have one.

Uninteresting Interests...

-Video Games: PC and PS2, along with just about everything else.

-The Internet, especially with these nifty T1 lines... although I was hoping for at least T3...

-Reading Science Fiction/Fantasy stories by British authors. For some reason, I can't even make myself read anything else.

-Not being in the band. I played tenor sax through all of high school, and it was enjoyable at times, but man, I'm enjoying the break.

-Foo Fighters, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Weezer, Blue Man Group, Rammstein, Ben Folds Five, Rage Against the Machine, etc.

-Cajun food. Crawfish, shrimp, jambalaya, gumbo, etouffee, and everything else. I was born in Louisiana, and there my roots shall stay.

-Using the marvelous and infinitely useful ellipsis... can't you tell?

Despicable Dislikes...

-Sleep. Well, it's not really that I don't like it, I just don't get much of it.

-Dancing. It just seems pointless to me. Probably because I don't want to have anything in common with the people I know who like to dance.

-Vegetables. I don't eat them. Period. They are unpalatable.

-College classes. I shouldn't even have to elaborate. And I won't.

-Work. Actually, I don't think I have ever truly "worked". I have never had a job. Well, I'm really lazy, so I'll just assume I don't like to work.

-Stupid people. I apologize for this if you are a stupid person.

-Rocky Top. I don't care if I'm going to the University of Tennessee. It's a HORRIBLY ANNOYING song. I wonder how many people it has driven to suicide...

Tired of Reading Yet? Bored? I would be...

Well, if you actually read all of this, I think I have wasted enough of your precious time.

Until next time... Adios, Ciao, Sayonara, Auf Wiedersehen!


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Vile Lagomorph (Keeper of the Didgeridoo and Other Long Words that Sound Funny)

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