This is the Message Centre for fords - number 1 all over heaven

"We all lead interesting lives" - yeah, right

Post 1

fords - number 1 all over heaven

How come my life isn't all that interesting at the moment?

'We all lead interesting lives' - yeah, right

Post 2

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

bet it's more interesting than mine luv... mine consists of doctors, loo's and pain... don't ask... smiley - laugh

'We all lead interesting lives' - yeah, right

Post 3

fords - number 1 all over heaven

But you've got me all interested now! smiley - tongueout

'We all lead interesting lives' - yeah, right

Post 4

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

smiley - laugh well i've done nowt but pee for past 3 weeks, with great discomfort.. smiley - wah had 2 lots of tablets from the doc. for suspected cystitis, didn't make much difference...
been to see him this afternoon, he said maybe it was a prolapse, but on examination he said everything was where it should be... the bugger also nabbed me for my overdue smear test and bloody flu jab... smiley - wah
he said my bits look healthy tho'.. (more than i do eh... lol..) still baffled as to wots wrong tho'... got to take a sample in the morning....
oh well, such is life....

'We all lead interesting lives' - yeah, right

Post 5

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Hmm, you're not diabetic or anything?

'We all lead interesting lives' - yeah, right

Post 6

Mister Matty

I was going to make some general comment about my life also being dull and how the whole idea of all these unknown people living fascinating and exciting lives is a media myth. Then I noticed it's got all "medical".

smiley - yikes

'We all lead interesting lives' - yeah, right

Post 7

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

nup... not diabetic luv...
the doc. thinks it's just me age... he's getting in touch with the nurse about those pelvic floor exercises... that'll be bloody fun... smiley - laugh

'We all lead interesting lives' - yeah, right

Post 8

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit on his head
"Allow it to become interesting? It not unlike the art of flying, aim toward the ground and make sure you are distracted at the right moment.

Hmm, more practical try doing something absolutely uninteresting, you will notice you never get around to it, as enough interesting things pop up trying to annoy you in doing nothing interesting.

Well it works for me smiley - biggrin"

'We all lead interesting lives' - yeah, right

Post 9

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

smiley - erm mmmmmmm... maybe... eh... smiley - rofl
smiley - stiffdrink (medicinal of course... lol)

'We all lead interesting lives' - yeah, right

Post 10

I'm not really here

Maybe it's someone else's turn for a while?

*thinks about married man living in Carlisle who is not being touched with a bargepole because he's married even if he says they live separate lives but he does need someone to drive that lovely Cadillac to Holland sometime soon and that's really quite tempting*

'We all lead interesting lives' - yeah, right

Post 11

Demon Drawer

fords if your live carried on at the rate it had been recently you would have burnt out. Consider the current state a sabatical to recharge the old batteries.

Meantime FC and me have acquired the keys to our new house. HAve been hectic all weekend acquiring stuff to fill it. So I reckon it is now our time to lead interesting lives. smiley - winkeye

'We all lead interesting lives' - yeah, right

Post 12

Zak T Duck

Has anyone else noticed a general lack of debauchery going on in Fords' threads recently?

'We all lead interesting lives' - yeah, right

Post 13

Demon Drawer

Yeah, and that make our lives less interesting not so much scandal to read.

'We all lead interesting lives' - yeah, right

Post 14

Ku'Reshtin (Bring the beat back!)

The most interesting thing in my life at the moment is the failure of my computer at home. It died on me after I tried to install a second HDD. Somehow it messed up everything, and I can now find the second HDD as the Secondary master and the CD and CD-RW drives are listed as Primary and Secondary Slaves, but the Primary HDD isn't found at all by the computer anymore. Quite disconcerting, to be honest. Of course, it could just be the IDE cable that's FUBAR'ed.Actually, it's most liekly that since the CD-RW wasn't found at all when I connected that to the IDE cable that I've now got the primary HDD connected to..

Anyways, that's how interesting my life is at the moment.


'We all lead interesting lives' - yeah, right

Post 15

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

"Has anyone else noticed a general lack of debauchery going on in Fords' threads recently?"

No. smiley - whistlesmiley - loveblush

'We all lead interesting lives' - yeah, right

Post 16

Demon Drawer

We're talking the thread not necessarily real life EV. So pray tell. smiley - winkeye

'We all lead interesting lives' - yeah, right

Post 17

A Super Furry Animal

Ancient* Chinese curse: "May you live in interesting times"

RFsmiley - evilgrin

* How come there's no modern Chinese curses? Come on, you Chinese, get cracking and come up with some new ones! smiley - biggrin

'We all lead interesting lives' - yeah, right

Post 18

Mister Matty

"How come there's no modern Chinese curses? Come on, you Chinese, get cracking and come up with some new ones!"

Ooh, I dunno. A quick look at a government editorial in the China Daily on the subject of Taiwan might throw some up...

'We all lead interesting lives' - yeah, right

Post 19

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

don't know about modern chinese curses, but here's a modern chinese proverb......
"man who stand on toilet seat to pee, is high on pot.." smiley - rofl

'We all lead interesting lives' - yeah, right

Post 20

fords - number 1 all over heaven

smiley - rofl nice one Paganmoon!!

Maybe I should take the time to have a sit back. I've been doing a lot of thinking about what I'm going to do with myself since...well, you know - and to be honest I still am. I don't wanna be an office monkey, but I do seem to fall into this type of job smiley - erm

As for the lack of debauchery in my threads recently, I'll soon fix that!

EV, what's that over there? *points*

*Grabs RF and gives him a huge smiley - kiss*

Oh, it's gone, has it? smiley - whistlesmiley - evilgrin

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