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More ramblings of teenage adoration
Posted Aug 26, 2002
Guess which emotion I'm brimming with right now...
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Latest reply: Aug 26, 2002
Posted Aug 23, 2002
Smileys! Smileys! Look at all these new smileys! and so many more!
And of course the Guide must-have...!
Wow, it's like in mid-August!
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Latest reply: Aug 23, 2002
She's baaaaack!
Posted Aug 15, 2002
Whooo! Leeta's back! !
s! Lots of
She's been back for a few days now, since Sodit, but I've been spending so much time on the phone with her I haven't been able to get it on the Guide until now. (Not that I really think anyone was disappointed...)
So now I can feel lots better about my situation...she's just a phone call away! And without long distance charges, which can be a at times...
s and
s, (no
s, they're all hers)
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Latest reply: Aug 15, 2002
San Francisco
Posted Jul 28, 2002
Tomorrow afternoon I'll be leaving on a vacation and probably won't have much chance to reply to things on the Guide. I'll be back within the second week of August, and then I can see about responding to everything that piles up...of course, now that I think about it I'm only active in about four threads, so that won't be too much of a problem.s and
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Latest reply: Jul 28, 2002
Posted Jul 19, 2002
I was thinking today about the fact that one can't get any non-"BLOB" images on the Guide....and also how one gets a complimentary geocities site when signing up with Yahoo...
So now I'm running around with a digital camera taking pictures of lots of things and uploading them to my geocities account. I'll put a link on my Space to the site when I've assembled them all, I think.s and
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Latest reply: Jul 19, 2002
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Ex Libris Draconium [Taking a vacation from h2g2]
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