This is a Journal entry by Ex Libris Draconium [Taking a vacation from h2g2]
She's baaaaack!
Ex Libris Draconium [Taking a vacation from h2g2] Started conversation Aug 15, 2002
Whooo! Leeta's back! !
s! Lots of
She's been back for a few days now, since Sodit, but I've been spending so much time on the phone with her I haven't been able to get it on the Guide until now. (Not that I really think anyone was disappointed...)
So now I can feel lots better about my situation...she's just a phone call away! And without long distance charges, which can be a at times...
s and
s, (no
s, they're all hers)
She's baaaaack!
Quille the cynic...TC Posted Aug 23, 2002
WOOHOO! YEEHAA! Good for you! and woopty doo (hehe sorry had to add that because it rhymed..)
So everything fantabulously fantastic? yay! elated about the new smileys and so is brandishing
and plenty of other smileys as well
..where's the book smiley btw?
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She's baaaaack!
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