This is the Message Centre for Ex Libris Draconium [Taking a vacation from h2g2]
Ex Libris Draconium [Taking a vacation from h2g2] Posted Jul 12, 2002
You said he was a local author--how local? I mean--state, region, city? (I notice all his books take place in California...) Have you met him?
Pete *not quite dead yet* Posted Jul 14, 2002
I think he's from somewhere near SLO, so state but not quite local. Maybe orange county, which is a bunch farther away, I just can't remember.. but still v. close to me, relatively speaking. I wish I could meet him! He seems really cool.. but nope, haven't met him.
s n
Ex Libris Draconium [Taking a vacation from h2g2] Posted Jul 14, 2002
He DOES seem really cool...he sounds a lot like Douglas Adams, which I think is a good thing. Especially his two Dirk Gently novels--you should really find those sometime.
Went to a used bookstore the other day, found some neat books. A sequel I hadn't known existed to one of the books on my shelf, a book of short stories about dragons...and another random book to get the 3-for-$5 deal on paperbacks.
s! and
Pete *not quite dead yet* Posted Jul 14, 2002
3-for-$5? *drool* I wish! Although I did get a book for 99 cents recently.. I went to a kid's bookstore (the COOLEST kid's bookstore in California!), Hicklebee's, and spent like half my paycheck..
I've got such a weakness for books..
Ex Libris Draconium [Taking a vacation from h2g2] Posted Jul 14, 2002
Well, there weren't that many good books...I tried for half an hour before I found even those three...but I taled to the proprietor, and she said she had a garage full of sf/f paperbacks that she would move to the shelves within a few months...
My mother is taking a trip to Portland right now...I'm trying to convince her to stop by Powell's City of Books....(Love that name!) "Um, I have a list here, and should you happen to fall on a bus that takes you to the correct area..."
s and
Pete *not quite dead yet* Posted Jul 15, 2002
Hey, at least the good books will be coming soon!
LOL Sending your mum off to do your shopping.. So did she go for you??
Amae's messing with the screen (buddy at work) so I'm putting her name down so she can feel special.. --It's very odd to be on the internet on a touchscreen monitor...--
Anywho, I've been spending most of my time before work at the pool reading "American Gods" aloud to my mum.. It doesn't seem too bad so far, but it really isn't anything like his other books. Oddly enough.
s and
Ex Libris Draconium [Taking a vacation from h2g2] Posted Jul 15, 2002
She got one book for me, one of "The Blending" series by Sharon Green. Good books, a bit repetitive (as in, saying the same thing five times over), a themes. My mom when she came home this morning: "Well, Wes, I got one of those books you asked for and started reading it on the train. Do you know it's just full of sex?"
"Well, yes, Mom, but isn't the *story* interesting?"
There was something about American Gods, I think it was the big museum on a hill (you know what I'm talking about?) that gave me a really strong feeling of deja vu. I swear I've read the description of that museum before, but I can't remember where.
s and
Pete *not quite dead yet* Posted Jul 16, 2002
Caught reading naughty books by your mum... Been there..
(Not toooooo naughty but yeah
Haven't quite gotten to that part yet.. But I'll tell ya when I see it
s and
Ex Libris Draconium [Taking a vacation from h2g2] Posted Jul 16, 2002
Oh, they're not too naughty...anyway, I retaliated by reading the summary of a movie she had rented. ("The titillating passages whip all of France into a sexual frenzy....") "I'M not the one who rented this, mom!"
But as much as she complains about the book, she really liked it and doesn't want to admit it. It's the first time I can ever remember her sitting down on the couch in the middle of the day to read a book.
You know what I just realized? The library won't be checking out books next week! (Switching to a new catalog system...) Yes, I've known about this since May or so, but it just now is starting to check in to my brain. ( Ho ho! I made a pun!) I mean, I was expecting all the books I had on hold to come in next now when I go there today I'm going to have to just find a pile of books and bring 'em home. I think the limit is 50 items...
Frantic s and
Pete *not quite dead yet* Posted Jul 17, 2002
*rofl* See moms just get weird about their kids reading/watching such things.. But not too weird. And I must say that that movie sounds pretty naughty.. was it Quills? (No I've not seen it, but I used to work at Blockbuster
Uh oh! Better hurry and get your books now hon!! *teasing* 50 items?!?!? *jealous* So you all can check out 2x as many as we can here.. that's unfair!!
s and
Cass, who is getting a new computer in two weeks!! YAY!!!
Ex Libris Draconium [Taking a vacation from h2g2] Posted Jul 17, 2002
Yup, the movie was Quills. "Your father recommended it, Wes." Oh, yeah, wonder why HE checked it out...
I'm going on sort of a book rampage, searching out whatever looks good to read. And if it's not there, putting it on hold. Though I doubt that will do much, because there are only three more days I can check out materials....I did manage to get Stardust today, though. (Neverwhere was on the list for someone else before me) But I nearly didn't get it. See, there's this new person who just showed up in Circ, and I don't know if she's an intern or a new worker or what. Either way, she's sort of clueless as to how the whole library system works (you know, little niggling things like PUTTING THE BOOKS IN ORDER) and I've just noticed her habit of sorting books on hold with the rest of the normal, plebian books. So ig I hadn't caught the little slip of paper in the pages of Neil Gaiman for me until August.
Oooooh! New computer! Sounds delightful...I could use a new computer. This one *was* new a year or two ago, but then I decided, "You know, I don't really NEED new virus definitions." and then everything started going pear-shaped. I think the two are related.
s and
Pete *not quite dead yet* Posted Jul 17, 2002
*giggle* Oh SURE!!
Auw, clueless coworkers are blinking annoying..
Good luck on your rampage!! When do you have until??
Book addict!!!!
Cool, I think you'll like Stardust.
Pear-shaped, eh? Oh, of course there's no relation!!
s and
Ex Libris Draconium [Taking a vacation from h2g2] Posted Jul 18, 2002
This is the last week for checking out books, so I have tomorrow (actually, another twenty minutes of today), Friday and Saturday to find all the books I need. Panic! Panic!
No, take it easy, Wes...I can stop reading any time I want to. I just don't want to stop. I can stop any time. Any time.
Meanwhile I've been foolishly exhausting my emergency supply of books I was planning to hold for next week. Gaaa! I just can't help myself. I need to find more books, and fast. Oh well, I was thinking about reading David Eddings again. The Belgariad should take me a little while, at least....
By the way, I got Leeta hooked on Blood-Sucking Fiends. She doesn't have enough money to buy it (and there are no libraries in Colorado? oh well...) but she's reading it every few days in the back of a Barnes and Noble. Heh. Wish I had a Barnes & Noble to do that *here*. But noooooo, in this small town we just have a local little bookstore and a tiny Waldenbooks in the tiny mall. And a few used bookstores. But those can get pretty funky....
s and
Pete *not quite dead yet* Posted Jul 18, 2002
Eek!! But... You could always check out 50 books -- That should be enough to hold you for a little bit right??
*hands on hips* Yeah. Right. Sure. Fine. Whatever. *looks at you skeptically*
Auw, hon.. Shouldn't do that
Mouahahaha!! And my plan to make Christopher Moore famous is working!!
Glad you both like him
I have a Barnes and Noble.
And a B. Dalton. And a Waldenbooks. And...
Um a lot of bookstores.
sa and
Cass, who needs to toss herself in the shower, dangit!
Ex Libris Draconium [Taking a vacation from h2g2] Posted Jul 18, 2002
The problem is that I didn't anticipate the lockdown, so most of the good books are already out by those who *did*. I'm one of those people the other librarians get annoyed with. "Don't forget; we'll be totally shutting down our computer system next week. "Sure. Can I check out books at that time? No? What if I promise to give it back? Still not?"
Although I don't really see the point of shutting down the computer system and keeping the building open. All that's being left is the periodicals and the internet access! And the in-house use, I guess. As long as they put the book back. In the right place. You'd think people could be trusted with simple shape association, but nooooo.....I still find romance paperbacks in with the books on tape. Simple shape association, people!
And I'll be going on a long car trip, too....I'm going to need a lot of books. Yup. It's Eddings time.
s and
Pete *not quite dead yet* Posted Jul 18, 2002
Auw.. you silly!! But you WORK there, how come they won't just let you take some??
I don't get that. If I'm feeling too lazy to put a book back where I found it, I stick it in the return drop -- at least then they know it's not in place, and I have a higher chance of finding a book when I'm looking for it!
Books in the Car?!!???!??!!!!! (I get carsick. A lot.) I must say I admire you for being able to do that!
Then again look at the people who read romance (NOT including me.. although I do read them )
s and
Ex Libris Draconium [Taking a vacation from h2g2] Posted Jul 18, 2002
None of us librarians are above the common law...not even the High Grandmaster Director Poohbah herself. Well, I suppose I *could* just grab a few and walk out the door. It's not like they'd notice anyway.
"Sir? That large bag of books you are carrying through the exit? Have you checked them out?"
"Yeah, you just did it for me, remember?"
"No, but I'll take your word for it. I hope you enjoyed your stay at the public library--your *security hassle-free* book stop!"
Yup. Books in the car. Done it all my life. Well, not those bits when I wasn't literate. Or those (more recent) parts when I'm driving. Heh. Talk about unhealthy.
"Look at the people who read romances"....all right, you mean the large intimidating women in Technical Processing? Eek.
s and
Pete *not quite dead yet* Posted Jul 22, 2002
Suuuure.. I always wanted to work at the library so I COULD be above the common law..
Ick. That would *kill* me..
ROFL.. Really now.. Well, I'm neither large nor intimidating.. (well, not most of the time on the intimidating bit.. I'm too darn short! )
Guess what! Today's my 5 mo. anniversary w/ Chad!!
Ex Libris Draconium [Taking a vacation from h2g2] Posted Jul 22, 2002
Five-month anniversary! Whooo! Cheers!
Have lots more!
General anniversaries, I mean. Not five-month ones. Because that would mean different people. Which is not really a happy thought. So...five-month anniversary! Whoo!
(Hey, wasn't something like that that got this whole thread started?)
Because there's nothing more fun than finding excuses to celebrate. (For instance, I just looked at the clock and determined that between Leeta and myself it's time for a [1 month + 1 week - 24 hours] anniversary celebration....just about exactly, too.)
s and
s and es for lots more
Pete *not quite dead yet* Posted Jul 23, 2002
Yeah, it was great.. Didn't really do anything except hang out together and sleep, but that's the point anyway, isn't it?
No, don't want any different people, thanks
Yes, very true.. Us and our Sig O's
I've no idea what hour, but February 21 for me.. (I think it was sometime in the night between the 20th and the 21st, so I arbitrarily chose the 21st )
Celebrating being together is a wonderful thing!
s and
s and
s and
es for the future,
Key: Complain about this post
- 41: Ex Libris Draconium [Taking a vacation from h2g2] (Jul 12, 2002)
- 42: Pete *not quite dead yet* (Jul 14, 2002)
- 43: Ex Libris Draconium [Taking a vacation from h2g2] (Jul 14, 2002)
- 44: Pete *not quite dead yet* (Jul 14, 2002)
- 45: Ex Libris Draconium [Taking a vacation from h2g2] (Jul 14, 2002)
- 46: Pete *not quite dead yet* (Jul 15, 2002)
- 47: Ex Libris Draconium [Taking a vacation from h2g2] (Jul 15, 2002)
- 48: Pete *not quite dead yet* (Jul 16, 2002)
- 49: Ex Libris Draconium [Taking a vacation from h2g2] (Jul 16, 2002)
- 50: Pete *not quite dead yet* (Jul 17, 2002)
- 51: Ex Libris Draconium [Taking a vacation from h2g2] (Jul 17, 2002)
- 52: Pete *not quite dead yet* (Jul 17, 2002)
- 53: Ex Libris Draconium [Taking a vacation from h2g2] (Jul 18, 2002)
- 54: Pete *not quite dead yet* (Jul 18, 2002)
- 55: Ex Libris Draconium [Taking a vacation from h2g2] (Jul 18, 2002)
- 56: Pete *not quite dead yet* (Jul 18, 2002)
- 57: Ex Libris Draconium [Taking a vacation from h2g2] (Jul 18, 2002)
- 58: Pete *not quite dead yet* (Jul 22, 2002)
- 59: Ex Libris Draconium [Taking a vacation from h2g2] (Jul 22, 2002)
- 60: Pete *not quite dead yet* (Jul 23, 2002)
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