This is the Message Centre for Zarquon's Singing Fish!

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Post 41

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

It worked! I can now see your post, Prideth smiley - dragon! Good morning. smiley - biggrin

I think the thing about ecology and population is that with the right attitude and willpower, we could solve the difficulties. However it means working together and being less selfish (although in the long term, you could argue that it is being selfish, working for the good and survival of the species). However, people don't like being told what to do and how to do it and power, as we know, has a tendency to corrupt, so people starting off with good intentions, tend to let the power go to their head. Then you get people looking after their own (their own family, their own people) to the detriment of others.

So mother nature does it for us, as you say.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Onwards and upwards!

Post 42

Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike

smiley - ok Z smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote, you're so right. Power does corrupt, even when people start out with good intentions, smiley - winkeye. Before I got more actively involved with certain Wildlife Organisations, when just a normal member, I was under the illusion that all of the various organisations/trusts worked together towards a common goal. smiley - doh How smiley - silly of me! *Illusion* being the appropriate word here, as the competition between them is disgraceful. Individuals from within are good at back-stabbing one another too! It's truly sad, and a shameful show of human failings. As Buffy the Vampire Slayer said, "The mission is the most important thing, and *not* the individual!". Don't get me wrong, there are those who believe in that edict, (I know a fair few), but it's the ones who are just out to further their careers whom I can't help but despise.

As you say, we could make an enormous difference if we just had the will, and lack of selfishness. smiley - winkeye

Prideth - festive smiley - dragon

Onwards and upwards!

Post 43

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

T'was ever thus, Prideth smiley - dragon! I wonder why? You would think that the aim was the welfare of the wildlife (or whatever it is that is being promoted).

Just finished wrapping presents. A mammoth task. Roy said 'Just how many presents has little smiley - fish got?' and I honestly couldn't say. Most are smallish ones - just a lot of them.

Happy Christmas to you! smiley - giftsmiley - holly

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Onwards and upwards!

Post 44

Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike

smiley - biggrin Hi Z smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

smiley - laugh I bet it didn't take nearly as long for little smiley - fish to unwrap the smiley - gifts as it did for you to wrap them? smiley - winkeye

Was smiley - santa good to you and Roy too? Hope you've had a fabulous Christmas?

It was really lovely here, and I got speaking to the boys on the phone too! Yay!!! That was the best bit, but smiley - santa was really good to me too. I got a new smiley - dragon figurine with a crystal that lights up in beautiful colours smiley - disco! smiley - magic

Prideth - festive smiley - dragon

Onwards and upwards!

Post 45

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

smiley - biggrin Hi Prideth! smiley - dragon

Oh, I see I've just answered your questions on the other thread, and you've just answered mine on this one! smiley - somersaultsmiley - laugh

Well, we stretched out the present opening. Stocking on getting up, tree presents (very small stuff) after breakfast and the other presents after lunch.

Roy had a dressing gown, a lovely digital camera (so his is better than mine now! - although mine is smaller and neater), a digital radio (which doesn't work properly smiley - blue) and a Gallileo thermometer (one of those balls floating in liquid which sink to the bottom as it gets colder). I think he was pleased with what Santa got him. On the radio, at least the clock works!

Do you have to plug your smiley - dragon in? How does the crystal change colours? How big is it?

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Onwards and upwards!

Post 46

Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike

smiley - laugh yeah Z smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote, I see what you mean about answering in opposite threads. smiley - rofl

You seem to have had a wonderful Christmas then?

I smiley - love those Gallileo thermometer thingies, lucky Roy!

I've just measured the smiley - dragon figurine, (never was any good at estimating size, lol) and it's 10.5 inches x 9.5 inches x 7 inches. It has a large red smiley - dragon either side of the large crystal, which is perched atop a volcano spewing lava. The crystal lights up by the use of batteries in the base. It goes through a sequence of red, blue and green lights. It's really gorgeous! The only thing is, I'm running out of space to put all my smiley - dragons and smiley - wizards and stuff.

Prideth - festive smiley - dragon

Onwards and upwards!

Post 47

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

I recognise the feeling of running out of space, Prideth smiley - dragon! That's why Roy and I have been going through my things chucking stuff out. We had a purge on my clothes in the wardrobe a while ago. Now we need to go through the ones in the suitcases, Hopefully, when we've finished, there will be room for most in the wardrobe and drawers and the summer stuff in the suitcases. hey won't go in the loft unfortunately, because the loft hole is cut too small.

Your smiley - dragon sounds lovely. By birth, I'm a smiley - dragon (in the Chinese system). What are you?

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Onwards and upwards!

Post 48

Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike

smiley - steam this flippin' server's going doolally! Please let it work this time???? smiley - grovel

Lack of space - yeah! When we moved here from the other somewhat larger house, we didn't have room for everything, so a lot of it had to go in the loft. Only thing is, it's stuffed to capacity now too, and I'm not very good at purging.

Oh, smiley - wow, you're a smiley - dragon! I'm a smiley - sheep or goat, as some prefer. Hubby's a tiger, eldest boy's a /hare, and youngest is a snake. I got a book on Ming Shu earlier in the year, and was really fascinated by how accurate it was.

Prideth - festive smiley - dragon

Onwards and upwards!

Post 49

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Oh, it's not just me, then, Prideth smiley - dragon!

I've stuff in the loft and in the cellar (although the stuff in the cellar is mostly tools). I have books on clutter clearing! Roy is helping me with this. smiley - biggrin

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Onwards and upwards!

Post 50

Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike

No it's not just you Z smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote, smiley - winkeye

This place is more like an obstacle course than a house....smiley - either have to jump over things (slight exageration) or sidle round things, bruised shins are a regular occurrence...Ouch!

I could really do with a cellar, but I think my downstairs neighbour might object. smiley - laugh

Prideth smiley - dragon

Onwards and upwards!

Post 51

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Mine used to be much more like that than it is now. There's only really one room like that and it's on my project list. It's full of suitcases and clothing. We got the suitcases out yesterday and I sorted into four piles - winter, summer, give to charity shops and throw away. smiley - angel The last was very small, the other three were about equal in size.

Do you have a garden?

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Onwards and upwards!

Post 52

Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike

Clotheswise - I should really do a clear out, but I'm scared I'll change size again smiley - puff, and if this Christmas is anything to go by....might well happen. smiley - laugh

We have a totty wee triangle of grass to the front, right of the house. Which, as it's Housing Association, we have to keep cut! Booo! They haven't a clue about wildlife gardening smiley - doh. So...due to their ignorance, we have to have a green carpet instead of a wildlife haven full of wild flowers and longer, seeding grasses. smiley - steam I've tried talking to them about it, but, in their eyes, ignorance is bliss. A friend of mine was threatened with eviction if he didn't *tidy up*, as they saw it, his garden. Scandalous!

What's yours like Z smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote, if you have one?

Prideth smiley - dragon (decided to stick with smiley - dragon, not smiley - esuom)

Onwards and upwards!

Post 53

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Oh good, a smiley - dragon definitely seems to suit you more than a smiley - mouse.

I have a back garden about 60' by 20', sloping steeply downwards. It really needs terracing to be able to be used properly. Unfortunately, the person who used to have my house had the existing terracing filled in smiley - steam so it's become difficult to use. It's mostly grassed with roses in the borders, but it also has some very difficult brambles which have taken over the lower part of it. For a long while, I couldn't get out of the back door, which had jammed, so they got a firm hold. Needs a lot of work, but then the house also needs work, and to my mind, at the moment, the work on the house is more urgent and important, so the garden is going to have to wait a while.

Your dreams of a wildflower garden sound rather nice.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Onwards and upwards!

Post 54

Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike

smiley - biggrin Hi Z smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote, yep, smiley - dragon's much better than smiley - esuom. Not that I've anything against a smiley - esuom you understand, smiley - laugh

smiley - erm...what smiley - clown fool would do somat as stupid as filling in the terracing in your garden? Oops! smiley - blush probably the same sort who'd ask a stupid question like that! smiley - sillysmiley - rofl I think it's a rather good idea to leave your garden till you've done the house - you never know what might move into it in the meantime, smiley - winkeye. Mind you, so long as little smiley - fish doesn't get near those jaggy brambles smiley - yikes.

Are they yellow smiley - roses? My absolutely favourite flower - old species type, not hybrid T. smiley - wow

With a garden that size, you've got plenty of scope for developing it. I know your leaving the hard graft just now, but have you hatched any plans for it as yet?

Prideth smiley - dragon

Onwards and upwards!

Post 55

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

That's a very good question, Prideth/Jick smiley - dragon. If I had the time (and the money) i would put back the terracing I'd have a labyrinth - one made of stones, not hedgint - hedging's too labour intensive and high maintenance. I'd also put in a patio and have somewhere to sit outside with friends. I'd have more of my favourite plants - cottage garden stuff, including lavender and poppies. And maybe a pond with a bubble over fountain. smiley - magic

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Onwards and upwards!

Post 56

Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike

smiley - ok using stones for a labyrinth is a great idea - many things colonise stone walls. A tip, which I'm sure you've already heard before, is to paint the stones with yoghurt, this'll encourage lichens to grow more quickly. A pond's always a good idea for attracting wildlife, as is planting things like Lavendar and poppies. Lovely smelly plants too for your patio. smiley - magic I'm sure it'll be absolutely gorgeous once it's finished Z smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote!

Jick smiley - dragon

Onwards and upwards!

Post 57

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Well, Juck smiley - dragon, there's no chance of it being started until my house is in a better state, which is getting there day by day. Today, I need to sort and throw excess clothing. I've finished the ironing, which was a mammoth task! smiley - star

The trouble with the garden is that the terracing seems to be such a gigantic task! I think I'll need a professional, as it will involve walls, which will need to be properly footed (if that's the right word!). I don't want them falling down. I'm not a whizz in the garden. smiley - clown

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Onwards and upwards!

Post 58

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

smiley - erm Juck? smiley - blush - I know you're Jick!! smiley - doh

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Onwards and upwards!

Post 59

Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike

smiley - applause getting through the ironing, I've still got mine to do smiley - yikes

You're right enough about getting the most important thing done first - the house. The terracing does sound like a mammoth task, and footings or founds (foundations) are the terms I used when I was building dry stane dykes - amazing isn't it? Jack of all trades, master of none! smiley - rofl

Juck, (Oops, you've got me doing it now smiley - rofl) Jick smiley - dragon

Onwards and upwards!

Post 60

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

smiley - laugh Actually Jick reminds me of J'kar (I don't know if you've ever seen any of the Babylon Five programmes). I'm sure you're nothing like him! He's hot tempered, honorable, tough, loyal, a great fighter, and deeply spiritual. Mmm, probably you share some characteristics!

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

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