This is the Message Centre for Zarquon's Singing Fish!
Onwards and upwards!
Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike Posted Dec 10, 2003
Z , I've only just seen your post here! You must have thought that I'd decided not to answer your question. Not so, honestly!
My disability isn't a physical one, well, except my asthma, it's a long-term chronic mental health problem. I suffer with severe depression and anxiety/panic attacks. I'm also agoraphobic, well, it's actually a phobia of crowds, and not the open countryside (which I adore), but that's the name they give it anyway. It means that I don't/can't get out of the house very much because I live in a built-up area, and have to pass through this before I get out into the open where there are no people/very few people. I panic, even at the thought of having to go out the door to put the rubbish out! As a reasonably intelligent and logical person, I know that it's to say the least, but I still can't seem to get control of it ! I've had loads of different therapies/drugs, but, sadly, no joy! No pun intended! . As you've probably gathered by now, this all stems from my family background. I used to be ashamed of it, 'spose I still am if I'm honest, but now, at least, I can openly admit to it.
I'm sure you're not *fat* really, although I know how it feels when your clothes start to get too tight. I went from a size 12 right up to almost an 18 last year. It's only recently that I've lost it and got back into my size 12's again. The theory I like best is the one where you're happy and contented with Roy! I do agree that the subconscious is a powerful thing, and I'm sure it affects our lives more than we realise. I think it speaks to us in various strange ways.
Anyhoo, please don't hold the mince pies, it wouldn't be Christmas without them now, would it?! *Enjoy!!!* I know I'm going to!
Onwards and upwards!
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Dec 11, 2003
Hi Prideth
Yes, it did occur to me that you might have decided to pass on answering. That would have been fine.
And here's me suggesting that you start your own organic box company!
My uncle (the only family I have apart from mum, dad and little ) is agoraphobic and although he's never said so, I'm sure he's depressed too. I don't know that much about it, however it's possible that learning to breathe properly might be helpful for you. Yoga and/or meditation might be good. There are video tapes, so if going to a class would be a problem, that might be a solution.
I've thought for a long time that the biggest journey we ever make is to learn to love ourselves.
Objectively, no I'm not really fat, but I *am* carrying more weight than I am comfortable with. I would like to learn to be comfortable with myself whatever my size. What's bothering me is my tummy. I've always had a flat tummy even when my hips were on the big size. Now my hips are on the big side *and* my tum is rounded. On top of that, my naval piercing hasn't yet fully healed, so I keep catching it and it accentuates the tummy problem. I'm happiest at a size 12. I'm a 14 and expanding.
No, it wouldn't be Christmas without the mince pies. For the first time in a while, I'm looking forward to Christmas.
Onwards and upwards!
Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike Posted Dec 12, 2003
Hi Z
Organic veggie boxes....that's you weren't to know! I'd love to be able to do it though! Not sure I'd get many takers round here though, pie, chips, and beans from Farmfoods constitutes most of the diet of the local population, *lol*. ....OH! That was very snobbish!!! Excuse me while I scold myself for that!!!
You're right about the breathing/meditation exercises helping somewhat. In fact, I'm practicing them as I write this to you as it's getting closer to the time where I have to get myself gee-ed up to go to the hospital this morning ! *breathe in slowly from diaphram, ...., hold,.....slowly release, relax* that's better!
Z , while breathing, I realised I must and get a shift on, so I'm not being rude in not replying to your other points, I'll be Arnie said!
for now,
Onwards and upwards!
Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike Posted Dec 12, 2003
Phew! Made it back before you realised I was gone, (in mind as well as body! *lol*)!
Depression? Curiouser and curiouser ! It affects people so differently, that it's really difficult to get a handle on it. It can be short or long-term, and is frequently accompanied by other things, such as the agoraphobia you mentioned your Uncle has, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, and all sorts of other complexes. Some are cured quite quickly, others who're not as fortunate can live with it all their lives. It's a cruel master ! One fascinating fact my psychologist explained recently, was that through research, they'd discovered that *any kind* of severe neglect/abuse that happens during pre-school, actually affects how the brain itself develops. I was gobsmacked by this revelation!
Relaxation, breathing exercises and meditation are frequently used tools for coping with depression and anxiety disorders, so you are quite right in thinking it would help Z .
Oooh! Ouch! You are brave Z ! I'd be terrified of having my tummy button pierced! Too much of a wimp, me! It's a question I know, but, what the hey, I'll ask it anyhoo........didn't it hurt? I'm sure your *slightly* more rounded tum will settle down again once your piercing's healed, and, as I found, as hard as it may be, if you stop worrying about your weight, it does start to come off, honestly! Roy and wee you just the way you are too! Oh! Of course, by not worrying about it too, it means you'll enjoy those yummy mince pies all the more!
Have a magical Christmas with Roy and little !
Onwards and upwards!
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Dec 13, 2003
I heard that too, Prideth ! Fascinating.
At one point it was thought that once the connections in the brain had been formed early in life, they couldnt' be altered, nor new ones grown. Now it's shown that this isn't necessarily the case. New connections *can* be grown. They just need the right stimulation.
Using the brain frequently means that it stays in better shape for longer too, which is why people who do brain puzzles, such as crosswords or read frequently have brains that stay in shape for longer.
As for abuse, the kind of damage done tends to depend on the age at which it occurred and as you say, more severe damage is done the earlier it happens. Studies have shown that things happening whilst the baby is in the womb are also influential. A baby which is played classical type music and has a soothing environment is going to be much happier than one which is surrounded by discordant noises, such as shouting, gunfire, rock music, etc. In Japan, somone (I can't remember who) set up a special unit for women at his factory so that their unborn children would have the best possible start in life and I think instituted a research programme. Unfortunately, after he died, his successor terminated the programme promptly.
I had my tummy pierced a while ago and yes, it did hurt a bit. bit like having an injection. It felt like someone sticking a safety pin in, as it is a rounded (bent) pin with the jewel on one side and a screw on the other, onto which a ball is screwed on. The bottom hole has healed, but the top one is the one which is problematic. The ball thing keeps catching on things and most of my clothing has things which begin here (like trousers, skirts or tights and even my dresses have waistbands which catch it. At present, I have put a dressing over it and intend to leave it for a week if I can to see if it will heal properly. And yes, I agree with you, I think I will have more chance of my tum flattening when the piercing is healed.
As for mince pies, Roy, little and I have just had a couple each. Yum!
I'm sending you warmest wishes for a magical Christmas too.
Onwards and upwards!
Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike Posted Dec 14, 2003
Z for the warm Christmas wishes I'm green with envy! You lucky peeps having had mince pies already, I've not bought any yet!
Isn't the brain an amazing organ!?! And, when you think that the subconscious takes in absolutely every detail of life, and then filters information to our consciousness, so that we're only aware of a minute part of what our lives are about! Truly mind-boggling! No pun intended. Well....maybe a little one!
The "Nature/Nurture" question is a fascinating one too, don't you think Z ?
I'm sending you healing thoughts Z , so hopefully your tummy piercing will heal soon. I'm still a wimp, and no way could I have mine done !
Onwards and upwards!
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Dec 14, 2003
You haven't had any mince pies Prideth! <dragon.
We've now had our second lot of mince pies. I'd offer you one, but where's the smiley when you want one? Maybe one will be unveiled if the italics do a seasonal smiley collection.
Yes, our minds are truly amazing. And the nature/nurture question is one that's really interesting. They get a lot of information by studying identical twins brought up separately, I think.
I've covered my navel with a dressing to speed up healing. I'll leave it on a week and then see what happens. I had been told that catching clothing on it might be an issue; I didn't realise how long it would be an issue.
Anyway, have a couple of warm s on me!
Onwards and upwards!
Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike Posted Dec 15, 2003
for the s Z ! Yum! Puff pastry ones too! . I feel much better now, not so left out, . Hubby and sons have all had s when they've been out, so Z !
Ooooh, and what a full-bodied cheeky little ! ...Cabarnet Sauvignon, yeah? Here's one for you too Z , *Cheers!* . Oh, and a slice of Stollen for you too!
Merry Christmas!
Onwards and upwards!
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Dec 15, 2003
Oh, Prideth , thank you! I *love* Stollen.
I have to be really careful with the mincepies with Roy, as anything that's too sugary makes him very tired, particularly if it's eaten later in the day. So this means I'm having to be restrained too.
The was Cotes de Rhones. I hope you approve!
Went to see the Matrix 3 today.
Onwards and upwards!
Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike Posted Dec 16, 2003
You're welcome Z , glad you enjoyed the Stollen! It's one of my favourites too, ! Not had it for years actually, so it tasted even better.
Poor Roy, having to be limited in the number of mincepies, , mind you, I 'spose it makes 'em all the more delish when he does eat 'em.
Cotes de Rhones? Me, approve? You bet ya!
Oh, The Matrix 3 ! I've only seen the first one, and I loved it. What a fabulous story-line! How was it? I'm, well, we're, getting really excited as we're off to see the third and final Lord of the Rings, Return of the King tomorrow morning! I can't wait! It's like a kid waiting for to arrive! *lol*.
Onwards and upwards!
Also Ran1-hope springs eternal Posted Dec 21, 2003
I would love to have a picture of little on the wall. I am really thrilled for him. It must have given him a great deal of pleasure and thrill to have nearly done it. He is only a young lad!!.
And well done on your unselfish act. I am so frightened of heights I would have given mine all away!!.
Onwards and upwards!
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Dec 21, 2003
Hi Prideth, Hi AR1
The Matrix 3 was heavy on the action and effects and a bit low on story-line, but it was fun.
Sure, AR1, you can have a copy of the picture of little on the climbing wall. It will be my pleasure.
We're goint to see 'Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King' tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to it. Everyone I know who has seen it says it's really brilliant!
Onwards and upwards!
Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike Posted Dec 22, 2003
Mornin' Z and AR1
Oh, what a disappointment. you think that the story in the Matrix was pretty much covered in the first film then Z ?
Hope you have a magical time at the cinema today Z , and watch out for the Orcs and Nazguls!
Prideth - festive
Onwards and upwards!
Also Ran1-hope springs eternal Posted Dec 22, 2003
Greetings Prideth the mother of
One of the wonderful things about h2g2 is meeting the friends of others! And here I am. thanking you for having welcomed me into Zarquhon friendship group. I have so enjoyed reading your home page. You are a real fundi at the computer. My page looks so unutterably dull!!. Anyway, who knows erhaps in my next return I shall be able to be more imaginative!
I have printed out your home page because it really reads like a book on the environment. One thing that bothers me is
"What does one do about providing fuel for cooking for those unfortunate people who do not have any man man fuel available.?"
That is where one finds that trees are cut down and deforestation occurs. On the other hand how do they cook their food. Also
" What can one do about the deforestation caused by elephants?"
Well my new friend, I look forward to many hours of happy conversation and entertainment.
With affectionate salutations
I would include dophins, whales and the wonderfully graceful giraffe in my list of favourite animals.!! and of course s!!
Onwards and upwards!
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Dec 22, 2003
Hi Prideth and AR1
I'm just back from town, having seen Lord of the Rings and taking little to Hamleys toy shop (window shopping only).
LOTR was brilliant. I loved the line Gimli said when Legolas brought down the elephant thing - 'still only counts as one!'.
Shame they missed out the bit about the Houses of Healing and how Eowyn and Faramir get together.
Still, most of the ends tied nicely together.
Onwards and upwards!
Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike Posted Dec 23, 2003
Awwwh, nice to meet you too AR1 ! Thanks ever so muckle for your kind compliments about my user space, I'm chuffed to bits you liked it so much, . When I registered, and was asked to write something imaginative for others to read, I just kinda went daft, lol.
I might not be a in real life, (shh, don't tell anyone) but, I am an environmentalist/conservationist, and have ed all that Mother Nature has to offer since I was a hatchling/child.
>How does one provide fuel for cooking?<
Sustainable management of forests is the answer, rather than not using wood at all. Many native tribes use only what they need, which allows the forest to regenerate naturally. Unlike big logging companies.
Hephalumps/Elephants causing deforestation - not the case in rainforest environments, but, yes, it is true that the African Plains are managed, if you like, by elephants knocking down Accacias.
The thing with forests, if the loss isn't too great, is that there are always dormant seeds in the soil just waiting for the bigger trees to fall. This then allows the young seedlings to get enough sunlight to grow, and eventually fill the gaps that the old trees left behind. This is the wonder of the cycles in nature!
Oops! I do tend to get carried away somewhat on this subject, as I'm sure Z would tell you!
In my list of fav animals, I couldn't include them all. I'd be here till next Christmas trying to do that AR1 ! I your choices!
Well, my new friend, I too will look forward to many more chats with you. Have a Merry Christmas , and a of a New Year!
Prideth - festive
Onwards and upwards!
Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike Posted Dec 23, 2003
Hi Z
I loved that bit with Gimli too! The whole cinema caught their breaths at that bit because of the fabulous special effects, and then erupted in laughter when Gimli said it.
So glad you enjoyed it so much Z .
Prideth - festive
Onwards and upwards!
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Dec 23, 2003
Hi Prideth , Hi AR1
The sustainably managed forests is by far the best way to go. However, I understand that it's gone a bit too far for recovery in some areas, eg the Himalayas, where people have been taking trees for cooking purposes, and it has meant huge damage including washing away the soil, meaning it will be so much more difficult to recover from. But for the people doing it, they have little alternative.
Maybe one of the problems is that of overpopulation. People being pushed to the margins. It seems always to happen. In times of prosperity, instead of there being more for everyone, people have more children, or more people are attracted into the population that it means there is always a fringe of people that the prosperity can't sustain. Come to think of it, that happens in the animal world too: boom and crash cycles. We should know better, but we don't seem to.
I understand there's talk of a film being made of 'The Hobbit' now. I wonder if it will be?
Onwards and upwards!
Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike Posted Dec 24, 2003
Mornin' Z and AR1
Yes, that's the thing with deforestation - the fact that the trees aren't there in order to stop soil erosion. As you say, it then becomes much more difficult to replace the trees, especially in mountainous areas such as the Himalayas.
The boom and crash is called population dynamics, and is nature's way of controlling population numbers, therefore we too are affecting by it as a species. However, due to our (rich western/northern societies) ability to over-produce and store food and over-use other resources, we aren't just as susceptible to population dynamics as say the poorer countries. One could argue, of course, that this too is part of the 'survival of the fitest' theory. We are part of the animal kingdom after all, and shouldn't think that we are so superior that we can cheat Mother Nature's Laws completely. She will always find a way to control our numbers, eg. droughts, floods, etc.
Prideth - festive
'The Hobbit' into a film? Oh, I hope so!
Onwards and upwards!
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Dec 24, 2003
There's obviously a probette with this thread at the moment. I can't see past half of the next bit, and there's no reply button, so if I post this, let's see if I can get to see the new message.
Key: Complain about this post
Onwards and upwards!
- 21: Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike (Dec 10, 2003)
- 22: Zarquon's Singing Fish! (Dec 11, 2003)
- 23: Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike (Dec 12, 2003)
- 24: Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike (Dec 12, 2003)
- 25: Zarquon's Singing Fish! (Dec 13, 2003)
- 26: Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike (Dec 14, 2003)
- 27: Zarquon's Singing Fish! (Dec 14, 2003)
- 28: Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike (Dec 15, 2003)
- 29: Zarquon's Singing Fish! (Dec 15, 2003)
- 30: Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike (Dec 16, 2003)
- 31: Also Ran1-hope springs eternal (Dec 21, 2003)
- 32: Zarquon's Singing Fish! (Dec 21, 2003)
- 33: Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike (Dec 22, 2003)
- 34: Also Ran1-hope springs eternal (Dec 22, 2003)
- 35: Zarquon's Singing Fish! (Dec 22, 2003)
- 36: Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike (Dec 23, 2003)
- 37: Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike (Dec 23, 2003)
- 38: Zarquon's Singing Fish! (Dec 23, 2003)
- 39: Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike (Dec 24, 2003)
- 40: Zarquon's Singing Fish! (Dec 24, 2003)
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