This is the Message Centre for Raven

Rock bottom! Rock bottom!

Post 1

Crescent what do you think of Rocky returning? Until later....
BCNU - Crescent

Rock bottom! Rock bottom!

Post 2


Well I was happy to say the least, everything was just getting a bit old with the invasion not really going anywhere. With Austin, Booker T and DDP on the same side there weren't enough people for the fueds. Oh yeah and The Rock's the most electrifying man in sports entertainment! Plus he's damn funny!

Rock bottom! Rock bottom!

Post 3

TDiD - Student of Luck/Fate

Sadly, I'm one of the people who were shouting Rocky Sux before he was suspended. SOOOOO happy he's back!!! Maybe now his character will grow a bit more. You gotta admit he was getting stale.

Having said that, even a stale rock is better than Booker T. Lance Storm is the man though.


Rock bottom! Rock bottom!

Post 4


I agree there. The problem now with the WWF is that they have loads of talent. They've got some amazing athletes and performers but they either don't give them enough mike time or the people are just really boring (Booker T) and need someone who's good to make the promos interesting. Seeing as all they let Jericho do these days is insult Stephanie (well someone has to) I think it was time for Rocky to return. Hopwever I do think they should build some depth into his character. They should make him really angry at Austin, not takin the mick and calling him angry but intensely angry.


Rock bottom! Rock bottom!

Post 5


I heard a rumour the other day that WWF is fake. Is it true or just malicious gossip. (Admit, at least that the blood is fake)!!!

Rock bottom! Rock bottom!

Post 6


Dya know I think you might be right! Except not about the blood, it's sometimes fake but most often real. Especially with hardcore wrestlers like Mick Foley or those from ECW who don't even blade themselves but just get hit etc.


Rock bottom! Rock bottom!

Post 7

TDiD - Student of Luck/Fate

Jericho's a weird one. One of the most talented wrestlers on the roster, got the push he deserved and even managed to beat SCSA and HHH for the tag titles cleanly. No interference or anything!! Now he's reduced to a mid-card fued with Rhyno (another very pushable guy, last ECW champion!!) over Stephs honour. It don't make no sense. Also, why do the WWF insist on pushing people like The Big Show who have no talent, can't sell other peoples moves and then dissappear from the face of the earth? Angle for WWF champ!


(Sorry but I had to get out of my system!)

Rock bottom! Rock bottom!

Post 8


I reckon Jericho and Rhyno should be a good match though. Mind you I think they should have made it ECW rules because both of them are amazing hardcore wrestlers and we've already got a double main event. I agree about Big Show! I think there's a lot of people that need a push and aren't getting one, for instance the ECW contingent are, in my opinion, a bit better on the whole than the likes of K-Kwik, Albert (OK so he's big but apart from that?) and most of WCW! I quite like that guy, what's he called? Long red hair? Leather jacket? It'll come to me!


Rock bottom! Rock bottom!

Post 9

TDiD - Student of Luck/Fate

Ha Ha. Personally. In my unpaid opinion. I think the WWF need to scrap the "Hardcore championship" and turn it into the "ECW Championship". Same rules and style but using the cool ECW belt instead of the throwaway WWF one. Aparently, the belt is in safekeeping at Rhyno's brothers house!!!

Simply have RVD vs. Rhyno at Unforgiven for the Hardcore champ' and have RVD come out with the ECW title claiming it's the strap of his promotion. Then have Rhyno win it to keep the balance. It would make things so much better. I for one freaked when ECW invaded RAW before invasion! I'm just an ECW fan who misses 20 minute matches which are more than just big move after big move. Where's all the wrestling and work (grinding out a match) gone. The only guys in the WWF who can do it are Angle, Benoit and (occasionally) Jericho.

Bring back quality matches WITHOUT interference before a ppv. I want a winner and a loser, who somehow gets his own back. Matches don't have to end no contest purely to keep a wrestlers "Street Cred" intact!!!

(I could winge all day but I'm still much happier than I was when Vince Russo ran WCW!!!)


P.S. Who wouldn't like to see Steph naked? I'm well up for a bit of corporate nudity!!!!!!

Rock bottom! Rock bottom!

Post 10


I agree mainly. I think they need to keep a balance of everything. They can't just concentrate on what Stone Cold's doing at that point in time because not everyone cares. Plus the WWF's hardcore matches are becoming a bit boring and maybe bringing back the ECW title would be a great way of making them good again. I was really looking forward to Jeff Hardy vs RVD at Invasion but it just turned out to be Jeff falling off a ladder then a couple of chair-shots, all we've had since is people using chairs. With the talent the WWF has got for those type of matches you'd think they could do better. In my opinion the Streetfight between The Rock and Shane McMahon was better than the Hardcore matches we've had since Invasion!


P.S. I agree with your P.S. and I'd also like to add Lita to the wanted list!

Rock bottom! Rock bottom!

Post 11

TDiD - Student of Luck/Fate

Add Trish Stratus to our P.S. list and life is complete. I could die happy!! are my top 5 rights and top five wrongs.


1. Bringing Rock back...About bloody time.

2. Jericho vs. Rhyno...This could be a "Slobbernocker"!!

3. ECW ECW ECW (continue chant until happiness is achieved!!)

4. Turning Shane heel. The guy was the biggest face in the company for a while because his matches were so entertaining (I know I was impressed). Now he's a heeel he comands great reactions from the crowd but everyone still loves watching him trying to kill himself.

5. Tajiri and Kurt Angle. Finally, wrestling ability and entertainment has come the WWF.


1. Alberts push. He'd be good if he could wrestle, be decent on the mike and had any sort of charisma at all!

2. Tommy Dreamers non-entry. Where the hell is the guy?

3. Tazz getting a mudole stomped in him by SCSA. Tazz used to have the motto "Beat me if you can, survive if I let you!!!". He's a fan favourite so where's his push.

4. Angle not winning KOTR. If the WWF had looked ahead and realised that he'd be the no'1 face in the company, they'd of done better by making him the first 2 time winner!

5. The lack of impact players. If you were a ECW fan (Raven, you must be) then you remember the "Impact Players" (Lance Storm and Justin Credible). They were the single greatest tag-team on the planet and they've recently started teaming together again. They are guarenteed future tag-champs so why not give them their old name back so that they become the main faces (This means good-guy...sorry if I just insulted you by saying that but I thought I'd check) of ECW/WCW. Apart from Kidman, WCWECW really needs some more good guys.

Anyway, I await your reply.


Question of the day - What will HHH do when he returns?

Rock bottom! Rock bottom!

Post 12


Tazz is an oompaloompa smiley - winkeye
BCNU - Crescent

Rock bottom! Rock bottom!

Post 13


I have to say I totally agree! I can only think of one reason why there aren't any wcw/ecw faces. Because the wwf wants them to be seen as the bad guys so they can't have the fans liking any of them! Except we do! I think once they've got the initial invasion over and there's some competition inside the Alliance we'll see stuff like that! I can only think of one more wrong but it doesn't involve Invasion really:

They gave Kane his voice only to take it away as soon as he became hugely sucessful with Undertaker. Ok Taker's a good wrestler but Kane should be allowed to speak! He was finally getting good at promos, he was even getting funny, then suddenly it stopped!!!!! Also I'd like to see him be invulnerable again because their consistency is really bad! When he was Hardcore champ he took about 7 chairshots before going down, now it only takes 1 and he's out for 5 mins! Not fair!


Rock bottom! Rock bottom!

Post 14

TDiD - Student of Luck/Fate

The WWF are shooting themselves in both feet though. When WCW/ECW gets its own show, no one will want to watch it as they're the bad guys. He said he was going to make them equal, yeah right.

Kane, when he first debuted it took 3 tombstones before he could be pinned, now he'd be "lights out" by the time he'd been put on Takers shoulder. Kane needs to do some promos as well, can you remember when he sang to Tori? Genius, pure Genius.

It's a funny mix. Everybody loved ECW. Vince never tried to change this since it became a very useful promotion for trying new things on. This ment fans of the WWF had a certain respect for ECW. WCW on the other hand. Vince tried to teach all of his fans to HATE the WCW, so he can't just expect his fans to suddenly change their mind now that he owns it, I mean, the talents still all the same!

Read on a wrestle newsboard today that after their performance last week the WWF writers are considering bringing back the "impact Players". Tazz is getting a push as well. The WWF must read this conversation link. Now, about the nudity..........

TDiD (impact player)

Rock bottom! Rock bottom!

Post 15


There's going to be a huge problem getting the wcw over but I can't see it being too hard for ECW. Everybody seems to like them and all Vince really has to do is let them perform a bit and they're sold! RVD always gets a huge pop and so does the gore or anything really hardcore. I can see the Impact players coming in against Edge and Christian. Storm is already feuding with them so he needs a partner, Justin Credible would be a good idea because it'll also stop people associating him with X-Pac (please, no one should be associated with X-Pac). I think before long we'll see some decent ECW vs ECW matches but I don't know whats going to happen with WCW.

What do you think's going to happen at SummerSlam? This is what I think:

APA & Spike Vs Dudleys & Test- Dudleys & Test win, Molly or Spike maybe go through a table. Mainly because so far the WWF seem to think that they can put Spike over by making him lose and the APA are always being screwed out of things!

Rhyno vs Jericho- Jericho wins, it'd be nice to see the ref knocked out in this one, it's been happening a lot since Wrestlemania and they could get really brutal. There better be a decent finish though because loads of Jericho's really decent matches get spoiled by poor endings (remember the last man standing match against Kane?).

UT & Kane vs DDP & Kanyon- Unless there's a huge screw-job the brothers should win with lots of blood! BTW have you any idea where Taker's bike's gone?

Hardcore Championship- Jeff or, and this is what I really want to happen, another ECW member comes and takes the title to start some competition inside ECW and possibly result in the ECW title being brought back! What's a Hardcore Ladder match anyway? He used a ladder last time!

Booker T vs The Rock- If the Rock doesn't win then I'll be annoyed! Bokker T has very little talent to speak of and the Rock needs a title to challenge Austin with (if he keeps it!).

Kurt Angle Vs Austin- Austin by some form of cheating or another but I think Angle will stop a few interferences by himself.

Hmm? Long post that isn't it? What would you think to a club for Wrestling fans? There must be more than us (quick count in head) 3!

Oh yeah and if Austin says quote the Raven nevermore ever again in the same way he did on Raw I will go and personally shove one somewhere he really wouldn't want it!


Rock bottom! Rock bottom!

Post 16

TDiD - Student of Luck/Fate

I'm up for a wrestlers posting club!

Summerslam sucked. Wait, let me rephrase that. Summerslam sucked except for Jericho vs. Rhyno (needs a crazy push now) and RVD vs. Jeff Hardy (Always impresses although I hope they don't overuse the idea like TLC matches!)

Tazz - I like the way he's getting up SCSA nose. He's going to be the wrestler who crosses over in the swap for Test. Tazz rules, always has done, always will do.

RVD - Please, let him do some promos!!

Kane - Give him the WWF Title for a month and see what he can do with it!

Rock - (TRIVIA QUESTION) When was the last time rocky lost a match without there being outside interference or blatant cheating? (Answer next post)

Lance and Justin - The impact players are back, future Alliance tag team champions.

DDP - Got beaten by the Undertakers wife this week on RAW. Talk about being depushed!

Mick Foley - Please come back..The WWF/WCW/ECW need you now!


"Wreck hits and Mick Foley enters the ring as SmackDown begins live here from the sold out Feethams footbal ground here in Darlington. Mick begins by saying how great it is to be back in Darlington and tells the crowd he's going to be back on TV a lot now. More than they could ever imagine. Vince, Paul and Shane are all seen smiling in the back.

Couple of matches.

Paul Heyman enters the ring and says he's going to introduce the new commisioner of ECW....Cactus Jack!!! Foley returns wearing his cactus Jack gear and shouting "Bang Bang". Crowd are shocked as Foley tells them how ECW meant everything to him so he's going back to them. Shane and Vince seem shocked!

Couple of matches

Shane enters the ring and invites Paul Heyman out. Shane tells Paul there must be a mix up, and he introduces the new commisioner of WCW...DUDE LOVE!!! The Dude enters to his old theme music, strutting his funky stuff down the ramp. Foley tells the crowd that WCW has leadership now, and he wants to be part of that party!! Paul and Shane shake hands in the middle of the ring. They have one of the WWF's biggest stars on their side. Vince is aghast. How can anyone stop the alliance?

Couple of matches

Main event...
Kurt Angle vs. SCSA for his shot at the title at Unforgiven!

SCSA seems to have the match wrapped up when, from nowhere MANKIND appears and gives him the socko claw allowing Kurt to pick up the easy win. Kurt is going to Unforgiven. Vince enters the ring and tells the crowd to welcome the new commisioner of the WWF, MANKIND!! The 3 faces of Foley are the three commisioners of the feds!!!

Shane and Paul come out and argue with Vince over who has Mick Foley. Foley takes matters into his own hands. He eliminates Shane with MANKINDS socko claw, Paul with DUDE LOVE's sweet shin music and Vince with CACTUS's Diving elbow. Mick stands laughing in the middle of the ring as the EMT's stretcher out Paul, Vince and Shane.

Roll credits, Fade to black."


(What do you think?)

Rock bottom! Rock bottom!

Post 17


If that happened I'd probably collapse! We can but dream! I hope mick comes back on T.V. though, personally I miss his cheap pops! I can see your point about the Rock but I thought it wasn't a bad match considering he needed to win his first PPV back. I know he didn't win at Armageddon but that was Hell In The Cell. However I can't see him jobbing to Booker T because he's too good. Once HHH gets back he could lose to him and possible Angle/Benoit at some point.

I quite liked Taker and Kane at Summer Slam, it was a bit cruel to do that when they'd been pushing DDP but it was funny, well Kane was on the ringpost!Oh a question, why does JR still shout Tombstone Piledriver when they aren't allowed to do them?

Anyway I agree about Jeff-RVD and Rhyno-Jericho. All in all my predictions were fairly good! Cool! I only wanted Jeff to beat RVD by the way so that Raven would come down and take the title off Jeff, wishful thinking!


Rock bottom! Rock bottom!

Post 18

TDiD - Student of Luck/Fate

Watch SmackDown, You'll be in seventh heaven......Raven has a speaking part and everything.

Anyway, I won't be posting NEthing for a couple of days since I'm going camping.

Hear from you on Monday,


Rock bottom! Rock bottom!

Post 19


Phew, I've been really busy! Sorry I haven't posted for a bit! Well I enjoyed the Raven stuff but it was a bit short lived! I kind of like the new mental Austin (what?) and it looks like they're setting up for Rock vs Rhyno and Jericho vs RVD or something like that at Unforgiven. What do you think?


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