Journal Entries


Well Good evening world! Finally the Raven has returned to society! I haven't completed my takeover yet but soon I will defeat this pitiful excuse for humanity! Now it is the era of darkness and Raven can once more take to his wings!

When paths cross in the dark no man can tell whose hand is gripping his throat! When Raven is around it is always dark and guessing is slightly less tricky!


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Latest reply: Aug 13, 2001

Inner Battle

Hi Sediment here. I have removed the news of my tremendously boring life to bring you news of the evil torment which has befallen me. I am currently involved in an inner battle and could soon be swallowed by my dark side! Known only as Raven I cannot control his actions and though I have held him at bay for a long time I am becoming progressively weaker and I am sure I will soon be taken over. All I can say is that I am sorry and will fight back and return as soon as I can, however I cannot promise anything as Raven is stronger than I. Who knows, I may never return.


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Latest reply: Aug 13, 2001


Okay so this is my first Journal entry! Wow! I actually did something today. I met one of my mates and we went to Manchester. I used to hate shopping but seeing as its suddenly started to be shopping for me I'm warming to it. We spent most of our time in Affleks Palace, which I personally think is a great place but some people don't like it or are intimidated by it. Anyway I love it. Thing is I don't usually buy anything. My mates and I just wander around looking because its fun. After Affleks I braved the crowds and headed onto Market Street to visit HMV. After much searching in one of the most confusing Music Shops in the world I found two of the three things I was looking for. Unfortunately I can't find Pinkerton By Weezer but I'll keep trying because they're great! I did find however American Hi-Fi by American Hi-Fi and Bleed American by Jimmy Eat world (who recently opened for Weezer when they visited England, even thought the gig I had tickets for was cancelled I'm still a fan!) Both these albums are really good and I would recommend them. After lunch at McDonalds and some more mooching I came home, I'm still here!

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Latest reply: Aug 10, 2001

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