
  Conversation Title Latest Post Latest Reply
song lyrics [16]No PostingFeb 22, 2020
Peer Review: A87952206 - Grit, by Horatio Alger: Ambition and Exploitation [14]No PostingFeb 21, 2020
Peer Review: A87950893 - St John's Beacon, Liverpool, UK [13]No PostingFeb 21, 2020
Sabisky, modafinil and dead kids [4]No PostingFeb 20, 2020
A87958886 - Probiotics - Knowing About the Possible Side-Effects  [1]No PostingFeb 20, 2020
Peer Review: A87958886 - Probiotics - Knowing About the Possible Side-Effects  [7]No PostingFeb 20, 2020
Peer Review: A87962043 - 10 Reasons to have a German Shepherd Dog as an ESA [5]No PostingFeb 20, 2020
Peer Review: A87946456 - The Mary Rose Museum, Portsmouth, UK [13]No PostingFeb 18, 2020
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A87956068 - The Ultimate Studio Ghibli Film Guide: 1984 - 1989 [2]No PostingFeb 17, 2020
Peer Review: A619463 - Gnomon: Trees in the JRR Tolkien's Middle-earth [21]No PostingFeb 14, 2020
Peer Review: A87919708 - 'Robin Hood' - An Indeterminate Number of Film Adaptations [26]No PostingFeb 7, 2020
Peer Review: A87953854 - The John Gardner James Bond Novels [2]No PostingFeb 7, 2020
Peer Review: A87930002 - Q [13]No PostingFeb 7, 2020
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A87956077 - The Ultimate Studio Ghibli Film Guide: 1991 - 1994 [1]No PostingFeb 6, 2020
If you could choose just one painting from the great galleries [100]No PostingFeb 5, 2020

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Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge")

Researcher U182089

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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