
  Conversation Title Latest Post Latest Reply
Peer Review: A87953854 - The John Gardner James Bond Novels [17]No PostingMar 20, 2020
Peer Review: A87957463 - A Guide to the Life and Times of Emmy Noether - Mathematician [10]No PostingMar 14, 2020
Peer Review: A87948643 - HMS Victory - First Rate Museum Ship [10]No PostingMar 13, 2020
Peer Review: A87862972 - The Elder Scrolls - the computer games series [11]No PostingMar 7, 2020
Peer Review: A87906379 - 'The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian' - the Film [15]No PostingMar 7, 2020
Peer Review: A87906388 - 'The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader' - the Film [23]No PostingMar 6, 2020
Peer Review: A87952305 - The Opposite of Horse Sense: Dick Fellows' Stagecoach Robbery Fails [11]No PostingMar 6, 2020
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A87911058 - 'Gotham' - the Television Series [1]No PostingMar 3, 2020
Do you have an internal monologue? [44]No PostingMar 3, 2020
Sabisky, black people and intelligence tests [27]No PostingMar 2, 2020
A19093999 - Classics and Ancient History [1]No PostingMar 2, 2020
Peer Review: A19093999 - Classics and Ancient History [34]No PostingFeb 28, 2020
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A87886156 - The Ultimate Blue Sky Studios Animated Film Guide: 2015-2019 [1]No PostingFeb 26, 2020
Flea Market: A87922623 - A House Full of Boring Insects, or How not to Have Your House Eaten (Again) [5]No PostingFeb 25, 2020
Do you ever clean your camera/other optics lenses? [29]No PostingFeb 23, 2020

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Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge")

Researcher U182089

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Work Edited by h2g2

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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